John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

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  • John James Jacoby


    BuddyPress acts as a wrapper for bbPress to get it to work seamlessly inside of WordPress, so using this built in method you won’t have access to the bbPress administration area to play with bbPress plugins.

    John James Jacoby


    BuddyPress acts as a wrapper for bbPress to get it to work seamlessly inside of WordPress, so using this built in method you won’t have access to the bbPress administration area to play with bbPress plugins.

    John James Jacoby


    If bbpress plugin use wordpress custom post types, is that mean that plugin how work on wordpress will work also with bbpress (like subscripte to comment for wordpress, similar topic plugin for wordpress …etc) ?

    Things that bbPress can already do won’t disappear, but will rely on WordPress core functionality to replace them where possible.

    Can you give us an idea how theme’ing will work when it is a plugin? Will it base itself around the current WordPress theme and kind of insert itself inside a blog post like other forum plugins do?

    Like Kevin said, out of the box you could use the WordPress post type templates and easily make files to fit any theme. I’d also like to have a format similar to WordPress and BuddyPress, where maybe you can stash all of your bbPress template files in a subdirectory so they don’t get intermingled with your existing template files.

    Matt and I have shared a similar dream for allowing blog posts to either act as or create their own dedicated forums, allowing for dedicated topics and branched discussions about those blog posts. Linear comment rivers often end up with hundreds of comments with no way to tell what is relavent to what you’re looking for. Allowing subscribed users to create topics around blog posts inside one installation could change things up in a really neat way. But, you can see how theming that could get complicated…

    Honestly themes and plugins are really hard right now because there are a lot of dependency issues to try to work around, and I don’t have a 100% fool-proof plan yet. Once it’s time to start thinking about integrating bbPress into existing themes, we’ll probably huddle up with the WP core devs and talk about what everyone thinks makes the most sense.

    John James Jacoby


    @qprints That is the plan. Anything that might add any extra bloat should be modular, so you can turn each component on or off as needed. A good example would be that there’s no need to load up bbPress User Profile code if BuddyPress is there to handle things.

    @Jyri No promises about a SimplePress importer at launch, but in the spirit of owning your own data it would make sense to have that too.

    John James Jacoby


    Update: Just emptied out and moved everything to No sense in having two development blogs. The prior should eventually be deleted.

    Re: Legacy plugins – It’s low on the list, but I think it’s important there be /some/ level of support. Would really be a shame to lose 100% of that time and effort.

    @tonicarr – Nothing will be changing soon, so no worry there. Eventually the goal is to give bbPress users the option of migrating their existing installations into something more tightly integrated with WordPress as a plugin, instead of as a bridged (deeply integrated) stand-alone installation.

    John James Jacoby


    A few thoughts.

    If you’re going to fork it, call it something new and fork it. Sever the ties so that discussion can start someplace else and these forums can continue to be used for bbPress. It’s in bad taste to rally the troops on this website for something that will only further fragment the already small community we have.

    If you’d like to continue to support or contribute to your favorite existing branch of bbPress, that doesn’t require a fork; it requires ownership and dedication like _ck_ has for 0.9.

    John James Jacoby


    Quick update – Aiming for October 15 for the aforementioned super-pre-alpha. Pete Mall is waiting on me to commit a few local additions that need to be fixed up before he jumps back into the fray. Glad to have him back aboard.

    John James Jacoby


    @erlend – Understandable. Will try to do better.

    @mbiernat – Thanks for the pat on the back. Definitely helps to have some support :)

    John James Jacoby


    I’ve been side tracked with BuddyPress bugs and paying work, so don’t expect anything official for a week or two. I have a few projects coming up fast that will need this working so while I’m missing my soft Sept 15 deadline, I don’t think it will be /too/ far off.

    Sorry to disappoint, it’s no fun… and thanks for your patience with me and it.

    For the record, I love bbPress. I have a few commits going into 1.1, and I have every intention of making bbPress be the best it can be as a WordPress plugin.

    Regarding my motivation and priority, it’s to make great forum software that fits inside WordPress; nothing more and nothing less.

    Regarding why I was able to step into this role, it’s because our peers believe I am capable, and I am willing to dedicate time and effort towards it getting it done.

    Regarding any possible benefit BuddyPress might see, is a welcome bonus but not a priority. BuddyPress/bbPress processing times should decrease with BuddyPress 1.2.6, as a few tweaks have been made and a bug or two have been patched in that regard. Even still, nothing compares to the blazing fast speed of bbPress by itself, even in the slower 1.x branch.

    Regarding everything else, I’m just here to write the best code I can, help make bbPress a great WordPress plugin, and have fun doing it all. So far, so good on my end. :)

    John James Jacoby


    I don’t even know what to say right now.

    I want you all to know I’m reading everything, but I’m speechless.

    @_ck_ I think that’s a good idea. Anything to minimize confusion.

    John James Jacoby


    Thanks Rich! Me too! :)

    John James Jacoby


    Aw, you’re all so afflicted. :)

    A few of the more vocal people in the BuddyPress forums raised concerns about me dual wielding projects, so it made more sense to address it there than here. Plus there’s a bigger audience over there, and since both blogs feed into the WP dashboard you’re all going to see it regardless.

    It’s easy to assume that no one is thinking of you guys, I am, I was, and I did.

    And yes, I’d like to have /something/ usable in a month or so, like I said in that post “give or take a missing feature or two.”

    So, buck up. :D

    John James Jacoby


    johnhiler, part of us using WordPress’s built in API and architecture means we’re actually leaving turned off a lot of functionality that could easily be turned on, filtered, changed, or added to with actions.

    Without it being too over the top, we’re trying to plan ahead and put actions and filters where I think I would use them myself. Since most of what we do for clients is develop custom plugins to change the way WordPress functions, we should be able to apply that experience to bbPress.

    One of the things we’ve struggled on with BuddyPress, is how to make plugins, for plugins. Since plugins don’t have an internal dependency like there is on CSS or JS, we’ve had to filter and action our way into a workable solution.

    So while bbPress itself is a plugin, the plan is for other plugins to be able to sneak in and change bbPress behavior before it loads, or be able to ‘plug in’ the same as always. So bbPress will be its own core, but also modular and pluggable.

    All this, while striving to be as light as possible. Our work is cut out for us. :)

    John James Jacoby


    I think if there was such a thing as optimism police, they would live in these forums. :)

    I also think, the people we will win over, are everyone that thinks this is the worst thing ever to happen since burnt bread. :)

    John James Jacoby


    I think bbPress as a plugin is going to win a lot of people once it’s ready and out in the wild. :D

    Erlend, will try my darnedest to deliver :)

    John James Jacoby


    johnhiler, if you like plugin-centric development, you should love the bbPress plugin so far (hopefully) :) Hopefully it’s able to walk the line and offer the best to both.

    What is a plugin and what is core is always one of those topics that tends to change and drift with the times. 6 years ago having properly formatted links to someones blogroll was considered important enough for WordPress core, but chances are people are using that functionality less and less as time goes on and people are able to connect to people more quickly and organically.

    kevinjohn, we haven’t tackled it in the plugin version yet, but the difference between a ‘category’ and a ‘forum’ will be fairly distinct once we get it going. My experience working with the Categories Hierarchy project back in my phpBB days taught me the importance of handling the way those types of data behave.

    John James Jacoby


    Pete and I talked about this in #bbpress last night a little bit. Using WP post types lets us inherit all this neat stuff, but much of it isn’t really /needed/…

    Like Forum/Topic/Reply revisions, comments, thumbnails, excerpts, etc… Sure there’s lots of neat ways those things could be used, but they don’t help keep things trim and tidy.

    Would love to get some good feedback on this!

    John James Jacoby


    Thinking part of the JS minify issue may have been not emptying the cache after changing the settings. Before I wasn’t automatically uploading the changes to the CDN.

    Seems to be fine now, and can’t duplicate it when I want to see it. :)

    If you really want it minified, I’m happy to get the plugin author involved in testing, to see if it’s a w3tc or bbPress issue.

    John James Jacoby


    Spent the past week or so testing a few larger BuddyPress/bbPress installations with W3TC, and I can say that it works a treat with the bundled version of bbPress we tuck in there too.

    Experienced the same JS minify on the inline JS also actually. Wonder if it’s a bug. I’ll see what I can dig up.

    John James Jacoby


    Always loved this idea personally. As a 2004 phpBB2.x graduate, I was constantly trying to make my forum software do stuff it wasn’t intended to do. This brings me back to those days. :D

    John James Jacoby


    I think the way it would make the most sense is for it to work kind of how the Blogs component does now. If you don’t have multi-site turned on, the Blogs component is kind of dormant.

    I imagine we would pull bbPress out of the, and instead have BuddyPress be more ‘bbPress aware’ so to speak. It would see if it’s already installed and if it’s active, then BuddyPress Forums lights up and is available for fun adventures.

    This way we’ll be able to separate the need for forums to be linked to groups, which has been an area of debate since we went that way. Forums could really be used for almost anything now!

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born

    John James Jacoby


    @gswaim If it comes down to name calling or aggression, that’s always an option, but usually the last one if we can all help it. Fortunately the moderation team over here is fantastic, so no worries there. :D

    The decision to allow Pete and myself the opportunity to do the bbPress plugin conversion wasn’t only Matt’s to make, and was agreed on by a committee of all of our peers running the initiatives, in #wordpress-dev on freenode, and on the WordPress development blog.

    The reason it’s bbPress 1.2 rather than bbPress 2.0 (at least as it stands today) is because part of the coding standards we adhere to is not inflating version numbers. Could always see if everyone agrees to inflate based on the amount of new code going in, but I don’t think that’s my decision to make, and I would wager that it’s unlikely to happen? Been wrong before though.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born

    John James Jacoby


    _ck_… you’d rather let bbPress die than let it be reborn and successful as a plugin?

    I didn’t expect that from one of bbPress’s most vocal supporters and longest standing contributing members.

    That being said, I very much appreciate your volunteering to continue to maintain the 0.9 branch; I appreciate everyone that’s worked hard on the 1.1 branch; and I very much look forward to the success of the 1.2 branch.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born

    John James Jacoby


    Again, just too many of the same points to repeat myself, but bbPress standalone isn’t going to be “unsupported”, it just isn’t going to see any additional features, which is exactly what I think most of you want. Correct me if I’m wrong here?

    If I wasn’t on my iPad I’d quote myself volunteering personally to commit any bug fixes to the 1.1x branch of code if anything comes up, but again, that went totally unresponded to.

    All of the things I’ve offered to do, to help continue the 1.1x branch of standalone code in addition to creating the 1.2 plugin, have gone totally unacknowledged. If you want to be able to do it yourself, you’ll need to have the experience to understand that the code you write is responsible for powering millions of sites around the world, and that you can easily create global chaos with one click of a button. Call me melodramatic, but in environments like, it’s very true. My experience over the past year has had me much more close to that kind of environment, particulalrly with BuddyPress.

    A year ago I felt keeping bbPress as a standalone made sense because a year ago I didn’t comprehend what was coming in WordPress, particularly 3.0 where custom post types have made much more possible. I also had less experience with BackPress, and don’t get me wrong; BackPress is awesome, but bbPress won’t reach its full potential until it’s a plugin for 25 million other websites.

    Kevinjohn, I’m sorry but you’ve got a knack for twisting words around and quoting things totally out of context. That’s not really fair, and I wouldn’t do it to you or anyone else so I’d appreciate the same.

    I don’t get what you all want bbPress to do differently that would even require a new standalone version. I’ve asked that before, and there’s no answer; just frustration.

    bbPress has always been an Automattic endorsed project, and considering without Matt it wouldn’t exist, or have a trac, an svn, or core developers thus far, it seems like he’s the one who’s earned the ability to make decisions on the future of the project. If you call me believing that to be true drinking that Kool Aid, I’m happy to do it because I believe Matt and Automattic and bbPress has earned that from me. If Matt wanted to abandon bbPress completely and close up shop, he could, and someone could graciously keep it alive by forking it. None of that stuff, should make anyone this upset.

    My employment status or relationship with Automattic aside, I’m happy, blessed, and consider it a great privilege to have the trust of Automattic and the surrounding community to take this on, even if some of you don’t understand why it’s me, or why now, or why a plugin.

    Regarding TalkPress, the main reason it’s named differently is to avoid the confusion people have with and bbPress is the opensource forum software of choice for WordPress users. If any of you want to help the plugin work on top of backpress, patches welcome and I’m open to the idea. Otherwise, I’d wager 60% or more of the support questions regarding bbPress are incorporating it with WordPress. It’s been said in this topic already, but making it a plugin alleviates those issues, and still allows everyone to keep loving bbPress.

    In all honesty, all this back and forth is tiring, and all it’s doing is taking the team of people that are here to help keep bbPress alive, and make us the enemy to the people that are just happy to see life again. That, and it’s taken our ability to communicate news to the bbPress community away from us, and instead forced us to try and put out this fire for the past 4 days.

    Quite frankly, it all kinda sucks.

    I get that the reality (for some of you) of switching bbPress to rely on WordPress instead of BackPress doesn’t sit well or even make sense, but I promise you it does. I might even have a trick that will help make the admin area a little more familiar. But 1.2 isn’t going to use BackPress anymore. Instead it’s going to use WordPress. bbPress itself is getting lighter, and we inherit all the eyes and updates that WordPress has had that BackPress hasn’t. That alone, if you ask me, is more than enough reason to be thankful for this move. If you need it super optimized, we’ll inherit all the caching plugins for WordPress. If you need bells and whistles, we get WP plugins. There is too much to gain, to not have bbPress be a WP plugin.

    The existing standalone committers, are doing a great job already. There are very few trac tickets to work through in terms of bug fixes, and most of the enhancements would naturally get fixed by making it a plugin.

    So… I want to say again, your passion and enthusiasm is something I want, and appreciate. If any of you are going to WordCamp Savannah, I’ll gladly discuss this over drinks and dinner. Whatever you need, I want to make it happen for you, but the name isn’t changing, Myself and the team are going to support the standalone with security updates as needed. Since I have commit access, I’m happy to commit fixes as needed because I’ve been trusted with that ability and I want everyone happy with a safe and functional piece of software, plugin or standalone.

    I also, typed this out entirely on my iPad over the course of an hours worth of “leisure time.” if that doesn’t say you have my attention and commitment, I dunno what does. :)

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born

    John James Jacoby


    Too much to address, but I’ll pick some points.

    WordPress + BuddyPress + W3 Total Cache = less than 10 queries on a complete social network. If optimization is your cup of tea, there’s lots of ways you can achieve that. Core issues with WP should be directed over to those folks.

    If you have a method to make it better, submit a patch. Then you can work your way up to being one of ‘those people’ that are making the decisions that you don’t agree with.

    Pete’s status, isn’t any different than the way you all feel about things. If you can vent your frustrations, so can he.

    Help me understand why we’re upset again.

    1. bbPress 1.1 (standalone) – Still in active development

    2. bbPress 1.2 (plugin) – Months before anyone should consider it stable, but you’re welcome to jump on the bandwagon early and help make it exactly the way you want it, side by side with Pete and myself, and anyone else that’s along for the ride.

    Regarding # 1, what MORE do you want your lightweight standalone software to do? If you want it to be more efficient, spend some time walking through queries and making it that way. If you want something in the UI changed, do it; patch it; make it go, and I will review it, and commit it.

    Regarding # 2, our goal is to have this usable ASAP as part of the initiatives, but I wouldn’t want anyone outside of that initiative using it for production until it’s released. I know we all like to live on the bleeding edge (I’ve always been that guy too) so now’s your time to start helping us weld things in from the very get-go. If you think the way we’ve doing it now is completely wrong, let us know and provide us a better way; I am happy to listen and make it right, because I want what you want; the best bbPress possible.

    I think all this talk about Matt, and Automattic, should be redirected back towards Automattic the company, and not bbPress the open source software. I understand the two are perceived to be tightly integrated because mixing money and open source is mixing business with pleasure, and it’s always hard to explain or understand the difference.

    I think the general negativism has taken its toll already, and it’s time to try to look at this glass as half full going forward. Please? Kindly? :D

    Not trying to be a jerk here, but man… there is no end in sight here, and it just isn’t productive or helpful anymore. We need to tighten this ship up before it sinks itself. I say this, not from a “looking down” perspective, but from a “‘we’re in this together so let’s make the best of it” perspective.

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