Forum Replies Created
In reply to: add 'viewed/read' css class to topic list
There is a long thread about this topic already. This isn’t something that can easily be built to scale, since it involves keeping some kind of record for each user * each topic’s freshness +/- replies, but I’d like to see some experimentation happen anyways.
In reply to: Tabbing the bbPress options pageThe WordPress core tab UI is built into the header area of the settings page, and consequentially does not have an API to go along with it. The other issue with using tabs instead of new settings pages, the navigation doesn’t appear anywhere else and requires more clicks to get to secondary tabs.
I’m not a fan of nesting options inside so many tabs. bbPress core settings aren’t the place to put theme options. You can use the WordPress settings API if you want to add additional settings that fit side-by-side with bbPress core features. Anything else probably deserves it’s own unique UI and page.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme CompatibilityDocumentation is vital, but it’s not a job for the only developer on the project to do at the same time. It’s an opportunity for someone to step up, take something over, and contribute to the project.
In reply to: How do I use the users name inline in a URL?Wrong website for support. Try over at and ask in the Welcome Pack group forum.
In reply to: Database question and also…Regarding setting bbPress up and changing the “Forums” title to “Discussion” simply make a page in WordPress titled Discussion with the slug as ‘discussion’ and make sure your forum index is set to ‘discussion’ in your forum settings. Done.
In reply to: Database question and also…bbPress 2.0 uses the same database and tables as your WordPress blog. Do not scale to plan, plan to scale. I.E. don’t worry about how big you think your forums will be, worry about how big they need to be. 1gig is plenty huge for a DB, and will be difficult to manage without a dedicated sysadmin. At which point, it’s no longer your issue to labor over.
In reply to: bbPress No Full Page IntegrationNegatively criticizing the development team isn’t the way to get help with things that are specific to your opinions and forum needs. bbPress has historically never been a “full width” forum, and since most WordPress themes aren’t, why would it?
I understand that you are striving for a particular look. If you’d rather spend your time writing content, there are an infinite number of developers in the WordPress community that could probably save you time and headaches. In almost any theme under your control, it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to make a full width forum.
In reply to: Multisite displaying forum listDon’t modify the core function. Makes a plugin and make your own Shortcodes instead. You’ll need to look into how switch_to_blog works. You’ll also need to see how my Switch Site Rewrite plugin reloads the permalinks for each switch. The reason this isn’t in core is its a labor intensive set of requests for the server to pull off, particularly across multiple servers or data centers in large installations.
In reply to: Why is there a list of pages in my forum???My guess is you were running an out of date install or insecure plugin or theme. You’ll want to go through your site’s code and find what was exploited.
In reply to: Comment Box under Reply BoxSomething in your theme is causing the $post local to be reset, which makes it default to comments being turned on. bbPress forces this off for most themes, but with a custom theme that does its own global manipulations, bbPress can’t guarantee anything.
You’ll want to figure out where your theme reloads the $post global, and either unset it, or force comments off. Start by looking in bbp-includes/bbp-core-compatibility.php fir how bbPress does it first.
In reply to: Catchable fatal error at daily templetProblem appears to be the theme not respecting post types without categories. Contact the theme author for a fix.
Use the WordPress one. It’s just posts and taxonomies.
In reply to: Not getting reply notificationsWorks for me. Did something change in your install, or do you have any other plugins running?
In reply to: Error saving forum settingsTested this on 3 different installs and cannot duplicate. Something else must be conflicting somewhere.
Need more information to try to duplicate. The topics/replies in private/hidden forums are explicitly hidden from every query bbPress runs, unless the current user has the ability to see them.
In reply to: bbPress Language Files@highexistnence – What version of bbPress are you using? If using 2.0, put your WordPress translation files in:
your bbPress translation files in:
and then:
define('WPLANG', 'es_ES');
in your wp-config.php, replacing es_ES with your language code.
If you’re language is English, then you don’t need to do anything.
In reply to: Error saving forum settingsWhy would you want 0 replies per page?
In reply to: bbPress Language FilesHaving language files for bbPress 2.0 isn’t enough. The proper translation files need to exist for WordPress also.
In reply to: disabling breadcrumbs@binarymoon – nicely done! PayPal okay?
In reply to: No instructions = waste of timeYou create the navigation on your site the same way you always do, whatever that is for you. Either make the page, use the nav menus, etc… bbPress doesn’t turn your existing site into something new, it compliments it by adding forums in place. You do the rest.
In reply to: BackPress, what's that?If you plan on integrating bbPress with WordPress, you’ll have much better luck using 2.0. While its very possible to do in 1.0/1.1, you’re going to have a hard time finding anyone to help you with how.
In reply to: disabling breadcrumbsThere is. $1 to the person that looks for the function and finds out how.
In reply to: class="reply" added to bodyProbably not used for anything important. Might be some small style tweaks you’d need to compensate for.
Are you able to see your forums in wp-admin? If so, is your bbPress 1.0 install in a subfolder of your WordPress install?
In reply to: bbpress is broken?