Forum Replies Created
In reply to: How to force bbpress to use certain page template?
There is documentation, at It’s a wiki, so you’re free to teach yourself how bbPress works, and contribute your knowledge upstream so others can learn from you.
That said, what you want to do is as easy as making a bbpress.php template in the root of your theme. It will act as the wrapper for all bbPress content.
In reply to: How is the user profile page being generated?Files in the /extras/ folder are not actually used by bbPress’s theme compatibility, and are only there as extra root level templates for people that want to make their own themes.
Most likely it’s using your page.php as a wrapper, and pulling in the template parts in /bbp-theme-compat/bbpress/user-…
In reply to: Should bbPress work 'out of the box' with my theme?That’s annoying. Replace that call with bbp_get_forum_parent_id().
In reply to: Edit Forums Error – "Cheatin’ uh?"Deactivate bbPress, and activate it again. It sounds like something is preventing roles and capabilities from working correctly. Are you using some kind of plugin to privatize your site?
In reply to: Voices and Freshness problemsThinking long-term, I’d like for there to be a ‘Use bbPress topics for comments’ option also, and that plugin is doing something along those lines. Thanks for sharing your site, and happy that it’s working out for you so far.
In reply to: Single Reply Freshness instead of Exact Post DateMost likely directly in a custom theme’s template file, where ever it’s appropriate.
In reply to: Voices and Freshness problemsThat’s, odd. Categories do have some specific handling in them, so it’s possible this is a bug.
Voices do not look for email addresses or names, only unique user ID’s. As such, they only count registered users. This prevents long topics with thousands of replies from needing to do literal string comparisons on meta data that is not readily available in the cache or users tables.
There are no plans to look into counting non-registered users in the future.
If the count is off, and all of your users are registered, you can visit Tools > Forums and do a recount on the voices.
In reply to: Private messagesBuddyPress is pretty much your best option right now. Though it’s setup and theme’ing is not currently as elegant as bbPress is.
A few things. First, this won’t work in bbPress 2. It’s already done for you, and the function names are different. Also, it’s a bad idea to trust any global value to be output directly to the screen, as any plugin can manipulate them directly. You’ll want to wrap that output in an esc_url() call. Lastly, this post is almost 4 years old; bumping it with a simple ‘thanks’ type reeks of being spam.
Closing this so it doesn’t get bumped again, and anyone that finds this should take heed using that code in bbPress or WordPress going forward, as there are more elegant solutions.
In reply to: bbPress threaded repliesThis plugin currently only comes with templates for the bbp-twentyten theme with is a table-based layout. Otherwise, it’s a really good plugin and works really well.
In reply to: How to display @username in bbPress?Because bbp_reply_author_id() does not return, it echo’s.
Use bbp_get_reply_author_id() instead. It will return a value.
get functions always return, their counterparts always echo. 🙂
In reply to: How to display @username in bbPress?Something similar to:
$user = get_userdata( $user_id ); if ( !empty( $user->user_nicename ) ) { $user_nicename = $user->user_nicename; }
…should do it. You’ll need to sort out the context of how to get the $user_id though.
In reply to: Problem with anonymous postingNot a bug, though it’s something you may wish to be concerned about in your own site. Anonymous posting is just that, so this is by design.
In reply to: HTML tags in topics postsOnce you get it right, I’ll delete your other posts.
In reply to: Forum not displayingCheck your error logs. Looks like something in your theme is halting page output, or is overly aggressively filtering the content area.
In reply to: Create New Forum Error – Invalid post typeCan’t think of a reason this would happen, unless a plugin is actively stopping other post types from being registered correctly.
In reply to: Conditional enqueue in headerSince those actions happen inside of the BBP_Admin class, you’ll need to hook a function on to the ‘bbp_theme_compat_actions’ action, and remove them from there.
function jjj_blah( $admin ) { remove_action( 'bbp_enqueue_scripts', array( $admin, 'enqueue_styles' ) ); remove_action( 'bbp_enqueue_scripts', array( $admin, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); } add_action( 'bbp_theme_compat_actions', 'jjj_blah' );
Possibly a bug. Possibly a plugin conflict. Any more information you can provide?
In reply to: front page text pluginThis is not for bbPress 2.1 and above. You can use normal WordPress pages for this.
In reply to: Conditional enqueue in headerThere are a few tags you could use, but the normal bbPress CSS isn’t written to be broken up and conditionally loaded; you’ll need to do that yourself. They are conveniently called is functions:
In reply to: User pages and error-404What version of bbPress and what theme you’re using are always helpful. bbPress takes measures to prevent incorrect 404 notices, so it’s likely a theme is resetting those flags afterwards, or it’s a bug.
In reply to: ERROR: Your forum must have a parent ?I noticed this yesterday. Looks like a bug. Working on a fix.
In reply to: Empty topic title – all text is gone from bodyShouldn’t be. If it is, it’s a bug. Are you using the fancy editor, or normal textarea?
In reply to: WordPress + BBpress plugin PermalinksNot sure I understand the problem. Spaces aren’t valid in URLs unless they are encoded.
You have enough conflicting slugs where I suspect only you can configure your way out of them. – Broken – Broken – Works – Works fine if I navigate to it directlyCould be something with your theme, could be other plugins, or it could be a bug. You’re a bit on your own to narrow things down. I’d start with checking error logs and looking into why the page output stops on the broken links above.