Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress 1.0.1 bug-fix released
That works too, @buddha trance
There’s no ‘upgrade’ with 1.0.1 so you’re not missing anything.
In reply to: bbPress 1.0.1 bug-fix releasedYep, still works.
In reply to: how to disable registration ?Simon, thanks! That’s perfect for me (since everyone signs up via WordPress on my sites).
In reply to: Better Gravatar directions INSIDE bbPressActually, it’d almost be nice to be able to tie Gravatar into your board so that when someone goes to change their avatar, it backends the whole deal to Gravatar. Imagine: Changing your gravatar from any enabled site, without having to login. And being able to pick which gravatar for which site…
Of course there’s a raft of security crap with that, but it’s an amusing thought.
In reply to: Update bbPress Wikipedia page!I slapped something up there to, at the least, get it pointed that 1.0 is out.
You have to put them all in (and this is mentioned during the install and integration)
define('BB_AUTH_KEY', 'xxx');
define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'xxx');
define('BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'xxx');
define('BB_NONCE_KEY', 'xxx');
define('BB_AUTH_SALT', 'xxx');
define('BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'xxx');
define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'xxx');AUTH_COOKIE, SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE, and LOGGED_IN_COOKIE are all done in the bb-config,php file, same as it’s in the wp-config.php file. The only catch is you name them with BB_ in front, so its:
The rest I don’t think you need to define.
In reply to: bbPress 1.0 releasedFYI – Installing WordPressMU + BuddyPress + bbPress was a snap! Integration FTW!
In reply to: Support for 0.9 – how long?Ending things at a year end is much more tidy than the middle when many more people are away.
Except I feel that more people are off on Winter vacation in December
But I’m not all that hung up on summer v. winter showdowns. I suspect the same volume of people will be away in December as July, so why not pull a GeoCities and shut down Oct 26th
The only real reason I can see for stopping 0.9 support is that it’s time consuming in a direction that’s no longer being followed (see _ck_’s explanation). And that’s fair, y’know
0.9 IS stable. It’s more tested than 1.0. But I agree with johnhiler, in that this doesn’t need to be a WarGames, zero-sum thing. There are always reasons to stay a couple revs back. Anyone who runs a server knows that. You want to upgrade to get new things, but you also end up holding off because it works as it, and you don’t want to mess with what works. But. There’s a point where holding off will cause you more pain when you have to upgrade.
Thankfully, we’re not there yet!
Sez Sam:
As long as bbPress 0.9 is maintained some time will have to be spent maintaining the 0.9 branch, mostly with regards to security fixes. I don’t see this as particularly burdensome, but I don’t want to be doing it forever.
12 to 18 months is long enough, IMO, for that. Pick one, carry on. A set in stone date is good so people can’t say they weren’t warned
In reply to: punbb 1.2 –>> bbpress converter?
No idea if it works, but there’s a good start.
In reply to: Support for 0.9 – how long?All I am saying is if a security problem is found with 0.9 it should be addressed until the end of 2010. Based on WP and bbPress history that will probably happen once or twice a year. Otherwise feel free to let 0.9 gather dust.
Given the development speed of bbPress (slow) this is not unreasonable. We seem to be fairly split between 6 and 18 months, and I’d split the diff at 12 months, if it comes down too it.
In reply to: List of Plugins that work on RC1/RC2Answer – Yes they work, kinda. Allow-Images doesn’t work right, but it’s messed up in a lot of ways
In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released*blinkblink* WOW. Yeah, don’t move yet! Make a test forum and test out all those on there. There’s a list of plugins that work on RC1/RC2 that will give you a starting point for what ones should work…
Allow-Images is messed up and doesn’t work anymore.
In reply to: where i must install db tables ?Either one works. And you can integrate with a separate database as well, if you’re so inclined. There’s no data overlap until you integrate, and even then it’s replication, so you may as well do it in one DB if you have the inkling you might want to integrate users later
In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released@Michael3185 FWIW, your theme shouldn’t break moving from 0.9 to 1.0, but depending on which plugins you use, waiting may not be a bad call there. Which ones are you using?
In reply to: Better Gravatar directions INSIDE bbPressI bet you could even write a quick ‘If email has gravatar, then show nothing, if NOT, directions…’ PHP query. But I too find most posters are happy with the Identicon
In reply to: bbPress 1.0 releasedDump your browser cache. That should have been fixed a couple trunks ago, and it’s fine on my site. That WAS how it was uglified mid-process
In reply to: Putting a border on imagesRock on
If you specify it my way (or
I imagine), it won’t affect images outside of a post.In reply to: Putting a border on imagesPut it in your CSS?
.threadpost img
Your CSS Here
}In reply to: bbPress 1.0 releasedThis is NOT an attempt to knock _ck_ (any more than she meant to diss on Sam), as her points are totally valid and, in fact, I’m a member of ‘If it ain’t broke…’ If you’re ON .9 and everything works and you’re happy, then STAY. If you have needs that can no longer be met by .9, however, you may need to start looking into 1.0. There’s a reason that some people are still on WP 1.5ish releases. It works and they’re happy. There’s nothing wrong with it.
My reasons to use 1.0
1. You haven’t installed bbPress yet, so you don’t have an existing stable site.
2. You don’t actually use a lot of plugins anyway.
3. You can integrate with WP 2.8 and WPMU without having to hack the bbPress cookies (thanks to WP changing things all over the dang place…)
4. The Admin area ‘matches’ WP and, lets face it, pretty is better
5. If you’re going to write new plugins for bb, you may as well write them for the release version since that’s the way it’s going to be.
6. While it is slower, we’re not talking ‘it now takes 3 minutes to load a page’ like some bbs out there. And it’s still faster than WP.
7. Given the speed of servers these days, you may not ever notice the DB queries.
8. No matter how long you spend debugging, you’re never going to find all the bugs until something’s used for real by hundreds of users, so months vs years really doesn’t mean as much as you might think. Now DAYS versus months… Still, until a lot of people get out there and try to use it for weird ways, 1.0 won’t be as well tested as 0.9, but that’s true of any new release of software.
9. RC seems rushed, with a lot of slapped up fixes, but that’s because a group of us were out there breaking things for the rest of you. The major kinks are fixed.
10. Once you bite the bullet, the small upgrade to 1.0.1 (which is inevitable and we all know it) will seem like nothing.
11. You really want to see that download counter MOVE!
Okay, so some of mine are for the amusing side.
I’ve been on the 1.0 train since I started, since at the time you couldn’t do 2.7 WP and 0.9 BB. I’ve never had a major OMG! show stopper problem and I think bbPress is far far better than the old systems I’ve used. Small, simple, easy.
Thanks to Sam and also SO many thanks to _ck_ for her patience with stupid questions
In reply to: User profile link in post – replacement linkY’know, most of my users never realize they can change that so it’s never come up before. That’s a good point! You used to be able to use
, but that stopped working in the 1.0 series.In reply to: PerformanceCan you share those results? I’m curious, since I found it to run faster than phpBB and IPB (though anything runs faster than IPB…)
In reply to: PerformanceWhat are your server specs and how big is your forum?
In reply to: Navigation Bar in BBPressTheming is not coding. Well, it’s HTMLing, which isn’t really coding.
All you have to really do with your new theme is a style.css (in which all you have to do is specify the name of your theme etc) and the header.php (where all you need is to add the header you want). The rest of the files will be pulled from bbPress’ default theme, Kakumei.
In reply to: Navigation Bar in BBPressThat’s just adding in the link in your theme.
You can edit your header.php to have this, no plugins needed.