Gautam Gupta (@gautamgupta)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @gautamgupta


    It is fixed in trunk, you can copy the changes to your install from here –

    In reply to: logout variable



    You have to edit logged-in.php, that would contain the logout link. login_form functions includes that file if the user is logged in, otherwise login-form.php.



    We’re trying to get 1.1 release out, can’t say much about it. There are only 7 tickets pending.

    In reply to: Trac Updates for 1.1



    Okay, I have bumped Kakumei ticket to 1.5 (maybe we could have that in 1.2 itself) but I think the tags ticket can get in 1.1…



    *Obviously* bbPress is about working with WordPress, so those complaining about it becoming a plugin really need to get over yourselves. bbPress wasn’t made to cater whatever bizarre whim you wanted it to, it was made to provide a forum that functions with WordPress. A plugin works great for that.

    You’re totally wrong. Integrating with WordPress was an after-thought. At the beginning, it was made as a standalone software.



    Try the exit points method suggested by ck..



    Are those headers necessary? Also ensure that wp-load is in the place you specified.



    For the custom post type fork, check here –

    I think he had done it again after his computer crash (not sure, but saw it somewhere).







    Once a milestone is deleted, its tickets are shifted to another milestone and I think there is no way to see the pending tickets on that particular milestone. But, I think there were no tickets for milestone, there were only for 1.0.3 and if the bugs applied to 0.9 branch too, then they were also fixed there. You can view the latest version of 0.9 here –

    Also don’t you think that (again) this whole thing would be handled better if we’d been told about it either before hand or at the time?

    Yup, I agree with you on this.



    Any email response from Matt yet?

    He didn’t reply to me, but you can also check here –

    For one thing, a bunch of plugin coders have repeatedly requested access to updating their old plugin files and better access to maintaining their plugin’s “page” or information.

    Any plugin author can update his/her plugin. That problem didn’t arise.. where did you hear/read that from?

    the point of an open source community is that everyone is communicating and sharing developments regularly and publicly

    That is what Trac is about, anyone can see the developments, communicate and contribute.

    Also, if bbpress is 90% becoming a WP plugin, why hasn’t this process been decided on or initiated yet? Will it be initiated after the 1.0.3 release?

    In an IRC meetup, Matt said that bbPress will start becoming a WP plugin near 1.2 or so. (and that IRC meetup is also posted on the blog)

    @citizenkeith, thanks for providing another example of bored whiny bbpress trolls. If only we could get rid of users like you, we might have more progress around here.

    citizenkeith is a valuable member to the community and has been here for long, so please.




    The code has not been deleted and it wont be deleted, only the milestone is deleted. You can still download the 0.9 branch from Trac which contains a few bug fixes from

    Also, 1.0.3 is same as 1.1 (except that it wont contain new features if it is released), nor there are any database changes in it till now. If any user upgrades to 1.1, he/she can easily downgrade to 1.0.2 any time.




    In reply to: Theming the ajax



    Every string is that is shown on the screen is parsed for translation (talking about bbPress). If you want custom strings, it would be the same process as you create a translation for any other language. For eg. I could have “voices” as “participants”, “favorites” as “likes” etc.

    In reply to: Theming the ajax



    Create a new language file.



    1) When is 1.0.3 coming out. Seriously. What day? (when I check the “bbpress company blog” I seem to only see hacked up IRC chat logs from 5 months back… so much for “official sounding” posts, huh!)

    I had sent a mail to Matt a few hours back, lets wait for sometime.

    2) Who (names?) has editing rights to

    Chris (I am not sure), matt, mdawaffe.

    3) Is bbpress definitely becoming a WP plugin?

    There are 90% chances for this.

    4) If bbpress becomes a WP plugin, will it also remain standalone?

    5) How will bbpress plugins be integrated into a proposed WP plugin?

    As bbPress is not in the plugin phase, there is no roadmap for this (for the time being). Also check

    6) What exactly is backpress, and what is it’s status?

    Check There were also some developments in it about 2 weeks back.

    7) Who (names?) is in charge of updates/commits/releases for bbpress at this moment?

    Matt, mdawaffe, filosofo (inactive), chrishajer. Don’t know about anyone else.

    8) How can plugin devs update their bbpress plugins and stay in touch with higher ups?

    What do you mean by “higher ups”?



    @Guatam, oh. LOL. I thought there was a new due date, but I guess I should have realized you were referring to the April 2010 date, which only serves to once again prove that nothing about bbpress TRAC is reliable.

    I just said that is was set and at that time there were no open tickets for 1.0.3 as far as I remember (and it was new then). Also, it is Gautam.

    I love your work here, and I’m sorry to upset you with my bluntness, but even the “devs” who “check trac” are ignored by matt 90% of the time, so, just want to put that out there as gently as possible. They say dictatorships are efficient, and maybe that’s true, but only when the dictator is awake and involved. When the dictator is on constant “out of office” status, then all you have is a bunch of peasants (?) working hard for the king (for free) who foolishly think he is paying attention to their efforts and words.

    That really doesn’t matter to me.

    @Kevin, p.s. no offense (actually yes, offense), but please stop trolling if you have nothing new to say (especially since you are obnoxiously hypocritical). You waste *precious* thread space by trying to nitpick others’ verbiage with whiny condescending comments.

    Atleast, what he says, is true.



    Regarding edit privileges, AGAIN… who the hell has them? another example of matt not being clear, or at least proof that whoever HAS edit privileges (maybe the few you mentioned) don’t give a rat’s arse about listening to feedback.

    I think chris atleast has the power to make blog posts, but I think he shouldn’t as blog posts are taken as official announcements which should be made only by the people of the company of the project.

    Also. IM SICK of people saying “look at TRAC… look at TRAC” … who the hell looks at TRAC? And who the hell actually listens to and implements what is said on TRAC (re: bbpress)? Nobody and barely anybody with power, respectively! TRAC is mostly time wasted back and forth and tickets eventually being rejected or closed by matt or others, or shoved off into the big, vague, undefined world of “backpress.”

    Developers look at trac! Just look at log and see how many commits chrishajer has made in the recent weeks to fix bugs. This para is 100% insane and totally wrong!

    THERE IS NO POINT to contribute to trac when matt IGNORES EVERYTHING and nothing has gotten anywhere for 2 friggin years. Why funnel feedback to the top of the chain when only one person, who doesn’t care or listen anyway, is the only person able to activate them?

    You haven’t been in the community for long (as you said in one of your previous replies) or not keeping a tab on the developments, so I prefer you to keep your mouth closed. :|

    @Gautam, what due date was set for 1.0.3 cuz I have never come across one, and I know about 20,000 users who would love to know as well.

    Check it yourself (don’t be so lazy) –



    I’m still not sure if its support will be continued or not, I just inferred that from the deletion of milestone.

    And thanks for the appreciation!



    Also check

    This means that 0.9 branch would no longer be supported.

    1.0.3’s due date was also set.

    In reply to: Custom Theme



    Please chmod your my-templates folder (and also sub-folders and files) to 755. That would fix the problem.



    Just go to Trac and see how active developers are (or were, if you are saying that sambauers wasn’t communicating), discussing issues, fixing bugs etc.

    You know, I even received a mail from Matt on May 19 asking if I tested the commit done by mdawaffe (following my reply on this ticket – ).

    There’s no point in blaming matt, or anyone or talking about a lead developer/manager. Just contribute to trac, there are a few tickets pending for 1.0.3 milestone, contribute patches, I would test them, chris would commit them and when everything’s fixed, I’ll fire a mail to matt/mdawaffe to get it released.

    And if you want me to jump on anyone of the sides (to support Automattic people or to contribute to bbPress), then I wont.

    Please close this topic now!



    Thanks! westi can commit it there. I think even mdawaffe can (seeing the Trac log).



    Well, about the code prob, here’s the patch –

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