Has it been 3 weeks for sure? I’d like to be able to go back and see when that problem was introduced. It seems to me it just started on new posts, but do you know if it happens when you pull up an old post that has code in it?
I think it happened because of the KSES changes in BackPress (it wasn’t happening before that) – and that’s about 2 weeks.
Makes sense. I got that error about 15 times when I made a test post at http://bbpress.chrishajer.com/trunk
The post still went through, and the code is all messed up.
This was the bbPress ticket:
Closed it and made a BackPress ticket:
Just a quick reminder, that we’ve now reached 6 months without a blog post on bbPress (13th Jan to 13th Jun).
And we haven’t been able to type code on the forum for the last 3 weeks, and 30% of the pages in the new theme haven’t actually been ported over; and basic links in the header and footer are no longer working.
Geez… this makes me damn the day I chose bbPress as forum software for my company…
Ah BackPress.
Like Marrying my high school sweetheart it was a wonderful idea at the time, that somehow comes back to bite me on the behind every damned day ever since ;-]
(here’s hoping she doesn’t google me!!)
Mr Pelle,
I truly believe that bbPress is a grand little product, it’s so flexible and extendable that it’s potential in unbridaled. if your forum doesn’t requite alot of moderation, then I can’t think of anything better than bbPress.
It’s just hampered by no management and no communication, which I feel only exasperate/exagerate it’s problems. And this comes from the the moany SoB who points them out 
bbpress 1.0.3/1.1 (cos we’ve no-one in charge to make the decision to release anything) contains a great number of bug fixes that have plagued bbPress for too long. All small, all annoying and great to get them out of the road. Even if you don’t need the 2 new** features, it will be a good thing when this comes out and you upgrade.
I’m all for pointing out mistakes, and keepingon top of this to geet things released, and maybe get some answers out of someone at some time (Seriously, 6 months per blog post – crazy from the company behind WordPress blogging platform) and then we’ll take stock and see what happens then.
** they’re not new, we’d had them for years as plugins. God himself only knows why we couldn’t have a bug fix release instead, then work on new features. But that requires stakeholders to be consulted and decisions to be made…
I like the patch. I wish I could commit to BackPress. Maybe J^3 can? (anyone remember him from here?) I will try to ring him.
I will apply this to my trunk installation and see if it fixes the problem.
Nice job Gautam. I will hit up JohnJamesJacoby and see if he can commit this. I know he’s involved with BuddyPress, but maybe he knows who can do it for BackPress?
J*3 = John James?
I see him every now and then over at BuddyPress, not that I head over often.
Gautam, great catch. & Good hunting Chris!
Thanks! westi can commit it there. I think even mdawaffe can (seeing the Trac log).
I contacted JJJ – let’s see what happens there.