Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Mark all posts as read
No. But the user could log out and log back in. Err. I guess. That’d certainly work, otherwise it’ll take 5 minutes of inactivity (ie. not requesting any pages from the server).
It’s possible to implement this but it isn’t right now, sorry.
In the right place in front-page.php? It has to be inside the loops that go
foreach( $sumthin AS $topic ) { ... }
I’ve just tried it myself and it seems to work. Comment _in_ that line about the span colour so you can test if it’s working at all.
In reply to: Go to last post in topic<?php
Plugin Name: Page »
Description: Adds » to the end of topic titles, linking to latest post.
Author: fel64
Version: 0.7
if (!function_exists('is_tags')) {
function is_tags()
return is_tag();
if (is_front() || is_forum() || is_tags()) {
add_filter('topic_title', 'fel_addlatestlink', 101);
function fel_addlatestlink($title)
global $topic;
$felgtlpl = get_topic_last_post_link($topic->topic_id);
$title = $title . ' <a href="' . $felgtlpl . '"> » </a>';
return $title;
?>That’ll add a little double arrow to the name of each topic which goes to the latest.
In reply to: How about “# of Views” on threads?Err. No-one here’s obliged to look through threads. People often do, though, but there’s just no guarantee that someone will have the time and will to help people *and* that they then know what to do or have _anything_ useful to say. I’m sorry if you haven’t been helped.
There’s a plugin that adds a view count. It’s not in the core. Maybe it should be. Why don’t you request it on trac?
I think you add fields to the table by editing the template file. W3Schools has a good guide to table HTML, and you can use PHP to fill it with a template tag or whatever.
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?It’s not a plugin. Add this to the top of the file, after the <?php:
Plugin Name: Nerr
*/What do Tom and Jerry have to do with any of this?
So replace the code that adds the <span class=””> to this:
$topic->new = true;
Then when you want to find out if it’s a new topic, you do this:
if( $topic->new ) {
}Should work. Unless I misunderstood your wishes again.
That’s the
property of input fields.You can still edit the HTML, though, and submit your crazy username. A serverside check is best.
In reply to: Dashboard has incorrect menu addressesLike so?
I think $bb_path should be
and $bb_domain should behttp://
I don’t know who you have to sleep with to get _that_ plugin. It’s not me. I’m shying away from implementing it because I’m not sure what a good method is.
Do you know if it would be possible to modify the plugin to differentiate between a .no_new_topic and a .new_topic class, for use in CSS instead?
Yeah. Change the function
to this (note that I’m using classes ‘no-new-topic’ and ‘new-topic’ here):function fel_indicatenew($title)
global $topic, $bb_current_user;
if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() )
$feluser = bb_get_user($bb_current_user->ID);
if( ($topic->topic_time > $feluser->last_visit) && ( $topic->topic_last_poster != $feluser->ID ) )
$title = '<span class="new-topic">' . $title . '</span>';
} else {
$title = '<span class="no-new-topic">' . $title . '</span>';
}In reply to: super beginner :)I’m sorry, that was maybe a little bit strong.
(But I see _iframes_ and things just go red …
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadDownload the plugin again, substitute the old file for the new file.
Do you want it CSS-driven? It’s trivial to modify the Indicate New plugin. Just look for where it says
(near the bottom) and change that to<span class="new">
. You can then use content-before to add the NEW or do whatever else.What’s new and what isn’t isn’t yet implemented.
What would bb be looking up? It knows the link type and it already has
as well as$topic->topic_last_poster
.In reply to: bbSyncI did (I think) verify that the capabilities entry is being posted to wp_usermeta as a result of bbsync. If I disable the bbsync plug-in and post, a row with capabilities (without the bb_ prefix) is not added to wp_usermeta.
Yeah, I agree and you’re probably right. I think it’s an issue with bb being all confused when it’s loaded after wp, and not finding capabilities it assigns the defaults but with the wrong meta_key … or sumthin’?
Is the entry created every time you post? Is it only created if it doesn’t yet exist (or has been deleted)? Repeatability is where the problem is, since everyone seems to get different problems and I haven’t had that one.
In reply to: paragraph breaks bust looseThat’s because you have these seriously weird rules:
* > .box p {style.css (line 683)
}You have them twice, too. Looks like you copied the same code from somewhere twice. Right at the end of the file.
I recommend that you make a _single_ change, test, repeat. Then you know what’s responsible when stuff breaks.
[Edit] Yeah. Get rid of the hack. That will fix it.
Ardentfrost recommended this alternative hack a while back.
In reply to: bbSyncSorry Crowspeak, I’m not immediately sure what the problem could be. I’ll mull it over and go through the code again sometime. Hopefully it’s not too much of a problem for you.
In reply to: Plugin: Show Top PostersDownload something like TortoiseSVN. For Tortoise, right-click on a folder, select TortoiseSVN > Repo-browser, enter the URL you want to add to and use the interface provided.
In reply to: css helpLooks fine to me, FF 2, IE 7.
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadHere’s a hacked workaround, though I am not sure it’s a good idea to tap into the user_cache directly. I’d otherwise suggest nicely using bb_get_user() as it checks the cache first but the problem with that is it fetches ALL the data if not in the cache which is overkill. Too bad there isn’t a bb_get_user_meta($id,’metaname’) but oh well – for now replace this top section of code:
The user _must_ be in the cache at this point if his details are being displayed next to the post, right? Implying that bb_get_user would never need to use a single query.
There _is_ a bb_get_usermeta() already: It’s in the latest.
In reply to: super beginner :)Yeah. So, pick a theme close to what you like and edit it. What else did you want to know?
Open the theme file for the page you want to edit. Look for the bits you want to change. Change them. For example, to get rid of the tags you go to front-page.php and take out the entire div for hot tags. To put the forums above the latest, look for the block of HTML that’s there for the forums and move it above the block there for the latest. For the header you play around with the CSS.
I can’t see that you need a little help. I don’t know what help you need at all. Do you have any specific problems? It’s rather annoying that you’re asking for other people to spend their time explaining how to do these things when you don’t seem to have even tried.
In reply to: bbSyncWhat happens if you use the forum name instead of ID?
Ah, so that capabilities thing _is_ related. Not that I know why.
Was there any change when it started posting to the forum?
In reply to: bbSyncThat’s pretty weird. I don’t know about this but do you also have to enable database errors seperately?
Try using the error logs thing and see if anything turns up.
In reply to: blockquote?verbatim in my bb-admin/style.css file does no good
because there are no blockquotes in bb-Admin. Apply them to your theme, which should be in my-templates/themename/style.css. I agree, kakumei needs default blockquote support. I’ll add a trac ticket or sumthin’.
In reply to: let’s build a poll plugin!Do you realise the irony in that if this thread had a poll, we could more easily evaluate how many people are interested in a poll feature. LOL. Also evaluate in other threads how much interest there is in wp+bb integration.
Gotta remember it’s pretty much just people with problems and plugin devs here. No poll is going to fix the completely skewed demographic. It’s easy to get the wrong world view here.
In reply to: Adding a new User TypeIt’s pretty simple, but you need a plugin to do it. Here’s how it probably goes.
Plugin Name: Add lusers
Description: adds the luser role
Author: fel64
add_filter('get_roles', 'addlusers');
function addlusers( $roles ) {
$roles['luser'] = $roles['member']; //duplicate member capabilities
$roles['luser'] =& $luser; //convenience
$luser['name'] = __('Luser');
$lusercaps = array('be_sucky', 'be_awesome', 'see_secrets');
foreach( $lusercaps AS $cap ) {
$luser['capabilities'][$cap] = true;
return $roles;
?>I hope that’s not too complex, I took some shortcuts. Basically all you have to do is put that in an empty text file, save as
(or whatever), upload to your server and activate. You just need to customise a few lines: change all the instances of luser to whatever you want, and customise the extra capabilities you want them to have if any. These capabilities will be on top of the ones normal members have. (Poo, I just realised the $bb_roles->add_role() function makes it all much easier. Ah well, at least this way you can use themember
as your base.)Then go to the members’ profiles and make them all lusers. Or whatever.