chrishajer (@chrishajer)

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  • @chrishajer


    I don’t think the advice from alexmilovx is very good. A directory without a execute permission won’t be able to be traversed by the software. Normally a directory, like forum, should be 0755 drwxr-xr-x, and php files are normally fine with read and write for the owner and read only for everyone else 0644 -rw-r–r–.

    I’m not sure how the advice was relevant to solving this problem, but I don’t think the advice was helpful or accurate in any case.



    I think it’s possible. You’d have to include bbPress in your other pages and then use bbPress functions to see if the user is logged in and has permission to view the page. I think it’s outside the scope of the help you will find at this forum, but it’s certainly possible.



    I agree that the “relax” statement wasn’t comforting. It didn’t change anything for me either way. Sometimes Matt has a calming effect on the conversation:

    sometimes not (here.) It’s not a big enough worry for me to be concerned yet. I still think it will turn out fine.



    Try adding this to your bb-config.php:

    $bb->uri = '';

    or wherever your forum is located. If that does not work there is a config setting stored in the database that you will have to change. This *should* override that though.



    But, what if it is? Who are we to judge? They *have* done this before.



    Never seen it before.

    Are you using any plugins that might do it? Something with permissions or pagination or something?



    You might have more success asking at the or support forums, depending on how you’re hosted.

    In reply to: Plugin for forum



    Sounds like you should be asking at the phpBB forums?

    In reply to: empty background



    Sounds like you need some local help to get you through these issues.

    Or, can you go back to an installation without integration, without requiring that WordPress file?



    I think these are the best instructions thus far for integration:

    There’s nothing specific to 2.9.1 that would make the integration any different from 2.9 or 2.8.6, 2.8.5, etc. There was a change around 2.5 and again around 2.7 (I think) that caused all sorts of problems, but that’s resolved now and since then the 1.0.x version of bbPress should integrate with the latest WordPress.



    I registered. The forum registration was forced through WordPress. I logged in at WordPress. I appear logged in at the forum. When I try page two, I got the login box from WordPress as you experienced.

    When I tried I tried loggin in at bb-login.php with the password that was mailed out by WordPress, it said “incorrect password.”

    So, I’d say it has something to do with the integration.

    Has it ever worked before and this is new, or since installation it’s always been like this?



    Adding that to bb-config.php just allows you to use WordPress functions in bbPress. What did you want to happen?

    In reply to: empty background



    This is correct assuming the file is actually there, (not the http style):




    What sort of functionality would you need that’s not built in? There are more plugins available for the 0.9 release than the 1.0 release. That might help you make a decision. 1.0 was a radical change from 0.9 and 1.0 is not necessarily *better* than 1.0.




    I posted the last couple weeks of IRC logs. No one stepped up to do the Dec 30 one, and PeteMall was going to post the first January one, but got stuck on something, so I finished that post. I posted yesterday’s about an hour after the meetup was done. The logs are always available here, even if they’re not posted to the blog. We’re just reposting, verbatim, information available elsewhere:

    As a participant in a couple of the recent meetups, I will share my observations.

    I disagreed that anonymous posting and email notifications were at all important. I think email notifications happened because the work was largely done (from somewhere) and it was easy for Matt to add. And filosofo had an anonymous post plugin largely done, so that was added.

    From the beginning, I’ve argued that bugs need to be fixed first (see number 5 here from Joel,) things that are built in but just plain not working. I think it’s important to fix bugs before adding new features. At yesterday’s meetup, I think I got that point across.

    And with regard to your observation, which I agree with, that the 3 most used tags are WordPress, Integration and plugin: the decision has been made to make bbPress a WordPress plugin. That takes care of the first two: WordPress and Integration. Plugin as a tag here never meant “make bbPress a WordPress plugin” it meant one of these things:

    • you can do what you want with a plugin (i.e. don’t hack the core)
    • there is a plugin available already, here’s the link
    • I’m having a problem with *this* plugin

    Until the structure of bbPress stabilizes a little bit, I think there is going to be a problem getting people involved in creating plugins for bbPress, a moving target. It happened with the move from 0.9 to 1.0. Things changed radically enough under the hood that many plugins broke. I wouldn’t waste any time developing plugins for a platform that I know is going to change in the near future, possibly breaking my plugins again.

    My gut feeling on the whole thing is:

    • fix bugs in existing functionality
    • ignore anything to do with integration of either themes or logins right now
    • when the 1.x release is less bug ridden, focus on integrating more tightly with WordPress, theme integration, function integration, login integration.
    • focus on plugins that are needed at that point

    That’s my take on it, from the outside.

    I also think that the development will gel a little bit after the initial flurry of talk, if not activity. Right now I think it’s important to get people involved, show people something is happening, maybe drum up some additional volunteers, and after that the direction can be set more clearly.

    The beginnings of projects like this always remind me of the top part of this graph:

    At the beginning you’re not very focused, swinging wildly from side to side, but eventually you narrow your scope and direct everyone’s efforts toward a single point.



    Can you test that SMTP connection with something other than the bbPress plugin? Maybe an email client like Thunderbird or something? The password, before I edited it, had your domain name in it, which didn’t really look like a normal SMTP password. Try the connection with the settings you’re using for the plugin in some other email client to see if it works, then try the plugin.



    It’s easiest to just use the same database that you use for WordPress. It makes things easier when you go to integrate the two. Just be certain the table prefixes are unique for bbPress and WordPress. WordPress uses wp_ and bbPress uses bb_ by default, so if you don’t change them you will be fine. You do NOT want to install bbPress using a wp_ table prefix. Bad things will happen.



    What do you want to track about users posts? What sort of tracking?

    And what type of content do you want users to be able to upload? I know of ways to embed video, embed images (both those are hosted somewhere else) and then there is bb Attachments to allow people to actually upload content onto your server. it was incompatible with 1.0 (the latest version) but I think that’s been fixed now.



    It goes in bb-config.php, not wp-config.php, but I’d put it right at the top, after the opening <?php:


    The path/to/wp-blog-header.php it not to be typed literally. It will be a filesystem path, something that is dependent on where WordPress is installed on your server. Be sure you change the path to the correct value for your installation.



    Check the source for that page and find the link to the stylesheet. My guess is that it’s wrong and if so, we can probably figure out what’s wrong with it.



    From what I understand, bbPress is basically already included in BuddyPress.

    From here:

    [13:55] <jjj> junsuijin is right again. Frankly apeatling has already made bbPress a plugin, it’s just part of BuddyPress that includes all of the extra social things that forums have; profiles, pms, friends, etc…

    [13:56] <apeatling> If the integration code is extracted from BuddyPress and moved into bbPress then we could get it integrating with one click tomorrow.

    [13:56] <apeatling> it’s not a lot of code

    So maybe it’s not really truly inside BuddyPress already, but parts of it are. I don’t use BuddyPress so I can’t comment first hand, just repeat what I’ve seen elsewhere.

    In reply to: Link back to main site



    For question two there is a plugin for that:

    Also, subscribe to topic is coming. It’s already in the latest development release.

    In reply to: Link back to main site



    You can edit header.php in your theme file, and just put the link wherever you want in there.

    More reading:



    I just grepped through all the files looking for bb_topic_voices. If you’re familiar with grep it’s not too hard. If you have a Linux system, I can tell you exactly how I did it.



    If you only want it on the front page, then frontpage.php is fine. You can put it in a separate file and include it in frontpage.php too, if you might want to use it on other pages. But there’s no harm in adding it there. Go for it.

    More reading:

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