Forum Replies Created
In reply to: i need wysiwyg editor
The anarchy plugin has been discussed here as a solution to this, but AFAIK it has not been implemented at all.
In reply to: No Login with IE61. I would suggest starting a new topic to get more attention.
2. It’s something in the CSS – if you disable the CSS, you can type in those input boxes fine with IE6 and IE7. Maybe it’s the z-index. Also, it appears that the CSS for that login form appears in the style.css twice? Not sure what effect that has, but it’s unnecessary. I suspect the z-index, but I did not look at it long enough to be sure.
In reply to: New Release: bbPress 0.8.1diff is your friend to find the differences. You might want to diff the original and your modified version, then once you see what you changed, diff the .8.1 files with the originals and see what changed there. Then you’ll need to reconcile all the changes.
This is the sort of thing that prompted me to ask about using svn to take care of the changes.
In reply to: User Registration time +8 hours (GMT)?I think it’s probably an issue with the memberlist plugin then, more than anything else. Maybe try contacting the plugin author:
In reply to: Sub-Categories?/forums/ is a 404
In reply to: Problems with postingDo you have a URL where this can be seen in action? Sounds like the posts are being caught as spam or the users are being marked as bozos. I haven’t heard of this specific problem, although this might be close:
There was a plugin created recently that dealt with the bozo issue:
Not a patch, not a new release, a plugin. You need to drop it into a my-plugins folder, which you might need to create first if you do not already have one. It goes in your forum root and you just create a folder called my-plugins, then put this plugin into that folder.
In reply to: User Registration time +8 hours (GMT)?I haven’t looked at the code, but my guess is that since the dates are stored in the DB as GMT, and the time functions display times as “time elapsed since” that this is expected. Where are you seeing the actual times displayed?
I just registered a new user. I get “Member since: March 5, 2007 (7 minutes)” and “user [profile] registered 7 minutes ago” in the profile page and the admin page respectively. The memberlist plugin shows the time as the time on the server: 03/05/07 at 02:52:44 AM (when it was actually 1:52 AM where I am.) In the database, it’s stored as 2007-03-05 07:52:44
Where are you seeing the GMT and what functions does it affect?
Also, I am using .80 with WP integration (for users anyway) and not using any plugins for the user timezone or anything like that. How about you?
In reply to: bbpress v. other forum softwaremaker, you are correct (I believe) that there is no plugin to upload images although there are plugins to allow images in posts.
Latest bbPress posts in WordPress
Have fun.
In reply to: SVN procedure for checking out bbPress?You can have two developers (macwise and bbPress core team) working on the same code in different places. I think svn is smart enough to figure it out when you commit and svn up.
In reply to: Themes in Firefox?!?This is a problem with the path to the CSS, check the source:
/ vindicationdurotan.combbpress/bb-templates/kakumei/style.css
That backslash should not be there. There have been a couple threads about this lately:
IE can deal with the backslash but FF cannot. Once you correct that slash problem, things will look fine in FF.
In reply to: Character Encoding ProblemHow about the server version (or is that the server version)?
This thread talked about collation in the database, maybe that’s related?
In reply to: Character Encoding ProblemSounds like a database issue. What version database are you using?
Good point – it’s too late at that point. Maybe state it on the previous page then, BEFORE they hit submit?
In reply to: local computer installationYes
In reply to: I cannot install bbpWhy is this not ‘http://localhost’ in your config?
$bb->domain = ‘’;
Seems like it would be looking for a subdomain of is you use that in your config. In this screenshot, the browser status bar shows that it is looking for (look at the status on the bottom left, why is that there?)
Does that URL also appear in the source of the rendered page, which you took a screenshot of? So, if you right click in the browser window, and select “view source” does that URL appear (the one)?
I created a trac ticket:
That fix removes the function that emails the username and password, and displays it on screen instead. If you look at the patches, the lines with a – in front are removed, and the lines with the + are added.
In reply to: “/” Escaping issue within my postsThis sounds suspiciously like:
I think it was narrowed down to integration with WP by member: baptiste.
I don’t know if it was solved yet or why it happens, but it seems like we’ve talked about it before.
In reply to: file attachments….Here is a comparison of lots of different forum software:
The “image attachment” column in some cases applies to other files types. Maybe you can find something you like there that includes file attachments?
Good luck.
In reply to: Trouble postingCan you turn off pretty permalinks in the config.php and remove the .htaccess to see if those things are the source of the problem? Also, a URL to experience the problem would help also.
In reply to: WordPress + BBpress vs. WordPress + VanillaFlatworm, yes, they should use the same database if you want integration.
And I thought we covered the graphics not working, which is likely due to a path issue on localhost, in your other thread.
Regarding “debugged”: it is debugged, but as I stated before, all software has bugs, and you also need to accept the fact that you are using beta software.
Also, I have offered to help you off list but I have not heard from you…
In reply to: post or reply by emailThis works better for a blog you own, to create new posts/articles, rather than a forum where anyone can post at any time. AFAIK, it does not exist for comments in WordPress, just posting. Maybe there’s a plugin for doing it with comments in WP, but I think that would be silly.
In reply to: file attachments….I have not seen any plugins yet for that.
This thread is related:
Looks like 3 days ago member:pravin was trying to see if this would work with .81. Maybe you can post in that thread or contact that member?
In reply to: Updated to Desmond But Theme Not WorkingKirkk: that is what the plugin is supposed to do, I think: turn the slashes around. When you pasted the code into that file, did it have line numbers? You should use the plain text version here:
Is the my-plugins directory readable (0755 permissions) and the file is readable by the webserver (0644 permissions at least)?
Also, I don’t know the answer to this question, but should it have the .2. in the file name, or should the file be named path-to-url.php? I don’t know if the filename matters at all. I know there was a version one without the 2 in the filename.
Keep plugging away. You’ll get it.