ardentfrost (@ardentfrost)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ardentfrost


    Where are you changing that? I assume you’re using my Private Messages plugin (hope you like it), and if you’re changing something in functions.php or template-functions.php you could have an adverse effect on plugins.

    I also don’t exactly understand why you would test if the current user has an ID. You might want to, instead, test if the current user can do something instead of having an ID.

    Plus, I don’t think you want to use || in that setup. You probably want to use && so that if the profile exists AND something else, then it’ll display it.

    Possibly all or none of the above :)



    One of the guys on my forums suggested disabling images (somehow) when using mobile bbpress.



    awesome dude, glad you figured all that stuff out!



    I updated this plugin again. You can now choose how many users you wish to show per page. I also fixed some weirdness with the page changing addition from .73a, and added the ability to sort by post count (you still have to uncomment that section to get to it though).

    Additionally, I setup my personal forums to list my plugins and allow people to comment on problems they’re having or additions they’d like to see (it’s a lot easier for me to see what people request from my plugins there than here). I’ll still monitor this thread for memberlist requests, but if you post a request here, then I’ll just copy and paste it over there so I remember. Feel free to go there and make requests yourself. Address is



    If neither of those work, you need to echo $bb_post->poster_id and see if you’re getting anything. If not, you gotta figure out wtf $bb_post contains.



    Try this

    echo bb_get_user($bb_post->poster_id)->user_login

    Or you can try to do it the way topics do it and just use this:


    That will also return the name as a link to their webpage.

    Worth a try I guess.



    You should be able to do this:


    Tell me if that doesn’t work.



    Not a bad idea. It doesn’t seem like it’d be too hard, and I think you could probably gank a lot of the post notification code someone else wrote to do it.





    The function topic_resolved() echo’s back whether the topic is resolved, not resolved, or not a support question. You can even change what it echo’s by passing strings to the function.

    Otherwise you want the function get_topic_resolved($id) which will return yes, no, or mu (for it is resolved, it’s not resolved, or it’s not a support question).

    But if you don’t like that method, you can always get it straight from the database… it’s just more work for the server that way.



    Trent discovered a dumb mistake I made with the WPMU integration. If you’ve downloaded it before now, please download again (only important if you’re integrated).



    naw, it’s ok. Spencer just gets the weirdest problems with stuff, but I still got it tested ;)



    Yes. It should be WPMU friendly. I had Spencer help me test it out.



    The problem is taking out the ability to enter an avatar location or signature, but the not be used. I could use S010’s admin mod to do it, but I was waiting on .74 to come out to integrate my plugins with that one.

    I dunno, I’ll think about it this evening.



    The thing is, they kinda F with each other. The way they’re implemented is they setup the profile keys seperately (via a filter). I need a way to figure out how to call the profile keys, return them and ADD one to it.

    Anyone know how to do that? S010 maybe? :)



    your query doesn’t make sense. How can you be calling the result $pforum_id AND be using pforum_id in the query… also, how do you expect it to know what pforum_id is without the $ to tell it that it’s a variable?



    How should I implement this? Are people going to want just one AND both? ie. am I going to have to make 3 plugins here just to do 2 tasks?



    Sorry, had to update the files, if you got it before right now, redownload.



    Anyone who is having trouble with the server please do this:

    -open a command line and type tracert

    -Copy the resulting text and email it to

    -If it starts timing out over and over, just press CTRL-C to stop the process, copy and send it on.

    Due to spammers, sometimes a lot of the countries in the far east get blocked. Sending that tracert text will allow us make sure legitimate users are allowed through the firewalls.




    You still have to put the call in the correct section. I say how in the readme (it’s step 2)

    In reply to: Plugin – Member List



    Trent: I’ll be updating memberlist soon to add a couple features, but I need to talk to you about fixes for wp integration (I think there are 2 that need to be applied, but I need your input and testing). IM me when you read this.



    Alright veb, it’s updated… so make your change ;)

    Although it MIGHT mess you up a little because I think your plugin will have to be added into mine when Avatar is used (open the new bb-avatar.php file and you’ll see why). Plus, with the new release of Avatar, if people do Signature the way you describe, it won’t work.

    I don’t know, what do you think? Maybe we should just combine the two, or have multiple releases. I don’t know how people are going to want to implement.



    Since I don’t use wpmu integration, there have been a few bugs Trent and I have found and worked on. My next release will be more integration friendly, but that doesn’t explain the table creation problem you’re having nekketsu… Trent uses integration and his table creation worked. Can you tell me the errors it is giving you? Just copy and paste them straight to here.

    And as for people in other countries not being able to access my site, I’ll look into it. The only country I think we block is China. You guys can’t reach any of rayd? Can you ping Does the ping request even resolve the name? Let me know.

    In reply to: Plugin: Warn users



    veb, I don’t mind hosting your plugins until something on bbpress is made. Just let me know (feel free to go to my forums at and send me a pm about it)



    Glad you used my code as a base :) I will be updating my Avatar code very soon so that functions.php no longer has to be changed. I’ll expect you to update this when I finish ;)

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