Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Plugin – Avatar *UPDATE*
yes, since the plugin does not contain an uploader (I hope to do that later) the plugins must be linked either offsite or whatever. Very large images won’t slow down your server though, since it’s being pulled from another server.
In reply to: Plugin – Member Listsince I use the function
to build the link, I have no clue why it would be showing up as /forums instead of /bbpress for you. I assume it’s correct in your config.php file?In reply to: Plugin HelpYou’ll have to either include an adjusted header or, more likely, just put the lines that need to be added in a readme zipped with your plugin. Since header.php is a template file, it can be changed easily by normal users. Since I have extra stuff in my header, I would have to figure out what lines you added to yours and add them to mine instead of just using the one you provide.
In reply to: Request: Posts since last visitYou should be able to do request 1 similarly to how I do it with the private message plugin. You fill the string separately, then just call it to be displayed. I haven’t looked at your code yet, but you should be able to have a function that does the if/else for you, then just call it from where you want the link placed.
In reply to: Plugin – Member ListOn my server I have a subdirectory called “forums” and the my- folders went into that directory. That’s the same directory I unzipped the bbpress files to. Other folders in that directory are bb-admin, bb-cache, bb-images, etc…
I put my link in the file front-page.php in my-templates (it’s initial home is bb-templates, you have to copy it over into my-templates and change it). I just stuck it under the “Views” section (you can see the result on but you have to login) or you can do what Spencer did and put it in your header so the link can be seen on every page (you can see that on and you don’t even have to login). The only thing about putting it in the header is you need to surround it with div tags and using css to place it.
In reply to: Request: Posts since last visitI haven’t, I was just researching it for future work on the plugin. There are still a few others I want to do first (if I can ever get the time to sit down and start programming again).
Let us know how it goes.
In reply to: post_form’s _wponce, what is it?S010 – i think the _wpnonce is a security mechanism that checks for the posting source.
That’s what I was thinking the other day when looking for an answer to this question, but it wasn’t fully clear to me, so I didn’t bother responding
In reply to: Request: Posts since last visitUltimately the plugin should have the choice of cookies or database… or just two separate plugins that do it, one using cookies and one using the database. For small to medium size forums, the database method will be fine, but once you get to the point where you have thousands of people accessing the site, the database driven method will bog down the server.
The cookies method shouldn’t be too difficult… I was researching it a couple weeks ago and php has good cookie handling.
If you end up doing it using the database method, I might still do it using the cookie method. Please don’t fully integrate it into your online list so that people can have a choice…. make it an additional plugin that uses your online list (if that’s how you’re doing it)
In reply to: Plugin – Avatar *UPDATE*If you follow the instructions then it won’t ruin your layout. The way I suggest doing it is to set the constraints in css and if they make a pic that is too large, it’ll just be cut off.
Feel free to try it out on my forums at
In reply to: Request: Posts since last visitif you’re going to work on that thomas, you might as well add the ability to determine if a thread has posts you haven’t seen. This was something I was going to work on at some point (I think it’s prioritized 3rd or 4th for me).
I was thinking about doing it with cookies, but I could see your plugin being used to do it in the database.
In reply to: usually forums would have…Hopefully I’ll have more time soon to knock out a few more plugins. I plan on updating Private Messaging first so that it works out of the box for integrated people. I started working on a User Search feature, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish it (maybe if I stopped trying to be cool by using AJAX). After that there’s a few things I want to start working on including Spencer’s forum category thing
I do have my personal forums setup to add feature requests for my plugins. And although I can’t promise results from requesting an entire new plugin, feel free to post them there. (at )
In reply to: Plugins and Templates SiteLooks good. Don’t forget this one (you had all my other ones up there)
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesWhy are my plugins getting hit by spammers? >.<
In reply to: PROFILE – user specified fieldsI think he means he wants the ability to add new ones or take away some on his own, possibly through a nice interface. It’s not a bad idea.
For now, though, if you want to change it, make a file in your my-plugins directory and put this in it:
function get_profile_info_keys_personal() {
return array('user_email' => array(1, __('Email')), 'user_url' => array(0, __('Website')), 'from' => array(0, __('Location')), 'occ' => array(0, __('Occupation')), 'interest' => array(0, __('Interests')));
add_filter('get_profile_info_keys', 'get_profile_info_keys_personal');
Then you can add or take away whatever you want.
However, you will need to know a little more about how other plugins work. For instance if you use my avatar plugin, you would need to add into that file
'avatar_loc' => array(0,__('Avatar URL'))
(into that long line) and comment out part of my plugin.A plugin to do all of that automatically wouldn’t be hard, but would need to be done in such a way so that people can write plugins to interface it (so, for instance, I could interface it from my avatar plugin to make sure that the part I need is inserted into the line).
I only mention that so that if anyone decides to tackle the plugin before I do, they’re sure to account for that
In reply to: My forums template :)Signature isn’t working most likely because you have the latest version of Avatar. The change you made in functions.php for signature need to be made in bb-avatar.php instead (in your my-plugins directory). Check out Line 34… that’s where you need to make the adjustement.
In reply to: My modification of the default themebtw, you’re using memberlist .73c, not .73a
In reply to: My modification of the default themeVery nice looking. Glad you’re using a few of my plugins
Theming bbpress isn’t so easy yet, but it’s doable and you certainly did a good job.
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Ok, so I just looked at the pretty permalinks tutorial on… I had no idea that the forums generated it automatically. I’ll change the wording to make sure people know to change “forums” to whatever
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Yeah, how did you know how to make the rewrite rules for bbpress? How was their directions worded? I’ll word it like that.
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Ok, it’s updated. You should download version .73c (for a small change) then add this in your .htaccess file if you need to have the rewrite rules in that location:
RewriteRule ^mlist/ /forums/mlist.php? [L,QSA]
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Ok, spencer and I might have figured something out. I’ll be adding instructions on , into the file, and on here. We’re still working out the specifics, but for those of you who have servers that does not support MultiViews (therefore copy and paste stuff from rewrite-rules.php) will have to add stuff into your .htaccess file. I hope to have it all worked out here shortly
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*.73b is on my download page ( )
And I never said you were attacking my skill. If you don’t like the error message that you should never see, then change it. Again, it is open source. Just open mlist.php that you put in your root directory; it’s at the end of the file.
And it sounds like you are having a similar problem as spencer. He turns on permalinks and it works for everything except my plugins, whereas my plugins work fine for myself and others who have permalinks on.
If the problem persists, you can either turn off pretty permalinks until I figure out what the problem is, or you can change the function on line 100 in bb-memberlist.php in your my-pluins directory to this:
function bb_get_memberlist_link( $tag = '' ) {
global $bb;
if ( $bb->mod_rewrite )
$r = bb_get_option('uri') . "mlist.php" . ( '' != $tag ? "?$tag" : '' );
$r = bb_get_option('uri') . "mlist.php" . ( '' != $tag ? "?$tag" : '' );
return apply_filters( 'get_memberlist_link', $r );
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Also, I assume you have version .73b, right?
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*What makes you think I’m a professional programmer? I do this for free, you don’t have to use it. Plus, it’s open source, you’re more than welcome to change the error message.
That message should only be shown if it can’t find memberlist.php in your my-templates directory. Also, if you don’t have pretty permalinks turned on, it is supposed to see that and add the .php to the end of mlist.
Could you tell me your server information? (version of php most notably) Do you have pretty permalinks turned on? If you don’t know your server info, are you on dreamhost or something?
This has been tested on multiple server configurations and works on them, but there’s no way to test on every server config. But I’ll try to make it more compatible if possible.
In reply to: Plugin – Private Messagesare you integrated? I think I might need to update some stuff so that it works out of the box when integrated.