Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed



    I’ll do my best to try and find some time this weekend to install the plugin and report back what I find. I did read through the code, but have not yet done anything with it.

    Sorry, no idea about devs, everyone I know is absolutely slammed right now. Will keep an ear out though.

    *I’ve got my hands absolutely full with the new importer and building the supporting site for it. After that, projects are still lined up…



    Definitely use the v2 plugin. It is very stable, and while there are not a lot of plugins available for it at the moment, there will be.

    In reply to: installation



    We would need a whole lot more information about what the problem is in order to help you out.

    Be very descriptive of all the steps you are taking and what errors you are seeing.

    Knowing what vs. you are installing as well as what theme you are using would also help

    In reply to: wpmu



    Can’t speak about 1x vs. as I have never used it, but the plugin works perfectly. Each site can have its own forum just fine.




    Wow, very nice addon there!

    thnx for the release




    thnx for info

    No I am using the new plugin.

    I do realize that I am going to have to work with some functions to intercept and change the permalinks as well as htaccess work.

    Mostly I was just checking to see if any other gurus here had tackled this task yet.




    thnx for the suggestion. I am more after a simple function that I can apply to the theme and modify to my hearts desire. At the moment I have little experience with rewrites :( sad….




    I understand the problem. I only posted the snippet to show you that you can make the changes via simple css.

    Given enough time it would not be that difficult to use css in order to make all the changes you are after.

    I would suggest reading up on css a bit as it will really empower you to make the changes you are after. It’s actually rather easy to learn and quite fun to play around with.

    I wish you luck



    I would create a child theme of twenty-ten if that is what you are working from. I would then add in all the bbpress template files into your new child theme and modify everything from there.

    That is kind of the concept of child themes, where you can modify to your hearts delight without fear of upgrading the primary themes and loosing your changes.

    There are hundreds of great articles online dealing with child-themes.



    I didn’t play with it much, and can’t confirm that this works across all browsers, but from a quick test it only took me one line of css in order to achieve what you were after.

    .bbp-forums { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 2px 50px; float: left; width: 100%; }

    **This is going to be much easier when working with a theme that does not use tables, as you can’t apply margins to table cells like you would expect with normal divs.



    It is currently possible with the default theme and does not really require any php knowledge. You will spend 90% of your time simply modifying the css in order to get the results you are asking for.

    There are a few functions to move around in order to get the exact layout, but that is simply a matter of moving functions around the templates and not writing new functions.

    *Now in order to get the full ‘functionality’ of the forums you are talking about, then yeah, that would take a considerable amount of coding work to write all the needed functionality. I fully expect to see many of those features coming in the form of plugins though.



    very nice solution there. I like how when you are on an ipad that when you click the top level button it shows dropdown properly. Click it again and it takes you to the top level page. Had not thought about that approach before.




    I’ve worked a lot with responsive themes and after going to the demo, I noticed you are fighting the same problem I have been for some time now.

    Specifically the navigation when in ‘mobile’ view.

    When in ‘full view’ mode, under the ‘about skeleton’ tab, there are dropdown links. However when switching to the mobile view mode, you are loosing those links.

    I’ve been fighting myself with trying to come up with a nice way of displaying dropdown links when in a ‘mobile’ viewport.

    By any chance have you guys been working on a way of combating this problem as well?

    In reply to: Private Messaging



    bbpress plugin is still in RC status. I’m sure as it gets more widely adopted that there will be tons of plugins released. I know that I have a few up my sleeve already as do many others.






    This one is rather unique.

    *If you know your way around it really isn’t to difficult to modify any theme to work properly with bbpress.

    check out:



    cool, didn’t know you could set a default forum… where is that setting located?

    I can test and report back if it works for me



    td.bbp-topic-title a { color: green; }

    works for me



    Why not hook into the ‘forums’ admin panel itself and simply append the options there? That is kind of what the entire point of having the forums admin tab is for right?

    No offense, but 4 sep sub-plugins is just plain stupid. And yeah, I read the rational for it, just disagree and hope NO ONE else takes this approach. I can see the day when I open up my admin panel and have 300 sub-plugins in there to manage…. LOL

    *I still have the horrible memories of an ‘unnamed’ buddypress plugin that went this route. By the time I turned on all the needed features, my admin panel was displaying dozens of plugins… arghhhh




    Check #2

    I have no personal experience using shortcodes as I prefer having total control. What I can say is that after adding all the bbpress templates to your own theme folder and adding in the theme support function, then you have absolute total control over how you want everything to appear.



    Which do you prefer as the default? Users can access all forums, or users can only access forums for which they have a role on that specific site?

    I would prefer that users can only access a forum for which they have a role on a specific site.

    Here is my argument for this:

    1. It is easy enough to programmatically add a user to another site either upon registration or after the fact.

    2. buddypress finally has ‘mu’ capability. Many of us have asked for years to have separated installs of bp with an ‘mu’ network. Having users added to all forums can confuse this operation. (besides if you are using buddypress, there is already a plugin to add all users to all groups/forums)

    Should forum results appear in your existing blog search? Should they be separated?

    I’d rather have all results show up in a users search in a single search box.

    Here is my argument:

    1. Forum posts are data just like a post is data. I simply use forums in order to present the data in a different layout than blogs as it can be more appropriate.

    2. A user comes to a website to find information. Who am I to tell a user that the million+ posts in my forum are less relevant to what they are looking for than a blog post? It gives the impression to a user who uses search and does not see the forum results that there is less relevant information on the site than there actually is.

    How I would solve the template problem.

    1. Include all results in the search output and simply separate out the design within the template for each type of data output.

    `if (get_query_var(‘post_type’) == “post”){

    get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘post’ );

    } elseif (get_query_var(‘post_type’) == “topic”){

    get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘topic’ );

    } else …..’

    2. This can lead to one really annoying issue. The results are output in the order of ‘post-date’, so the results are jumbled together. Meaning you could end up with post – topic – topic – post – reply…

    To solve this issue I would attack this with the ‘groupby’ function. I would show 10x ‘posts’ then 10x ‘topics’ then 10x ‘replies’ etc, with a ‘MORE’ button underneath each of the 10. That way a user could say I want to see ‘MORE’ search results for just ‘posts’, or just ‘topics’ etc..

    To go even fancier, you could apply some ajax loading to the MORE button.

    Another option would be to allow the user to filter their search results either pre or post search utilizing check boxes. A user could select what types they want to search for. Then have the search function itself only include the selected post-types in the initial query.

    *All of this is currently possible and I am about 70% there already, although not for search specifically. I ran into this issue when a user goes to a tax term page where the tax term is shared by multiple post-types. When I finish, I’ll pass the code along, although I’m sure you can probably do better than I can anyway.

    Should we break the one page up into a few, or leave it as 1 page with all options?

    I had to laugh when I read that you thought the page was already out of control. Have you ever seen the admin page for vbulletin?

    If it were me, I would use a multi-tabbed admin page much like many of the premium theme companies use.

    I absolutely love the flexibility that the vbulletin admin panel gives me. I can control every aspect imaginable and can’t imagine running a large forum without it.

    Frankly if an admin doesn’t want to take the time to learn and operate the admin panel they should just bugger off and install any one of the crappy basic forums already available. I’d rather see bbpress turn into a full blown commercial level forum setup for wp.



    Just tested this on Wp 3.2.1 and had no problems either editing or replying to posts on the front end.



    You can use the beta is it is now. Upgrading will be just about the same as updating any other plugin.



    Nice little plugin there..

    couple of suggestions.

    1. only enqueue the js on forum pages

    2. Don’t auto insert the bar, or at least give us the option to place it manually into our theme where we want it to show up.



    I use the SEO plugin via Yoast which also supports sitemaps for custom post-types.

    This is one of those MUST HAVE plugins on every site :)

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