Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    @David Dean

    That’s a pretty neat plugin you built there.

    In reply to: Hosting



    If your board is that active, then I would definitely go with a dedicated server. You will quickly find that most data centers don’t really provide much in the form of supporting the server, so you need to learn a bit yourself, or hire a good sysadmin.

    As to where to host, well for me I chose the best data center I could find within driving distance. I personally got really lucky and found a new company opening within my city. I was the 3rd customer they had which was cool as I had virtually unlimited bandwidth on the rack.

    Now they are at full capacity and continue to grow. I can say that I have not had a single second of downtime due to the datacenter, not one second! They have redundancy in every area one could conceive of, so even when they are doing major work, everything is on backups.

    The pricing is ‘decent’, but I would trade saving a few dollars a month for the rock solid support that I receive from them. You will quickly find that the cost is not the biggest factor in choosing a good home for your site.

    If it matters, I use

    *you will not find any pricing on the site. Everything is custom. After all, this ain’t crappy godaddy hosting

    In reply to: WYSIWYG-Editor?



    I just read that WordPress is working on a full blown editor api for the 3.3 release. If that is the case, then I expect to see some new toys really soon thereafter.



    I’d be really careful about changing core files as you loose changes on every update. Depending upon what you did, you may be best off copying the code to your theme functions file, renaming the functions, and storing it there so you don’t loose the changes.

    In reply to: bbpress capacity



    I have not done any ‘true’ stress testing as of yet. I’m actually waiting for a stress test plugin to be built to see real stats. (Not my area of expertise)

    What I can say is that my server load is staying under 2, which is where it was with vb.



    Just like with MyBB, let us finish up testing on the first systems and we’ll see about adding it later.



    Not tested:

    In the file loop-single-reply.php change the following line:

    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '<br />' ) ); ?>


    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '<br />', 'size' => 100 ) ); ?>

    change 100 to whatever size you prefer.



    I would try is_bbpress() from the bbp-common-template.php functions file.



    I put the recent topics below my forum lists by modifying the archive-forum.php template file as follows:

    <div class="entry-content">

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-forum' ); ?>
    <h3>Recent Topics:</h3>
    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-topic' ); ?>


    Notice the second function which grabs the topics. Flip the functions around and you’ll get what you are after.

    *I am assuming you added all the bbpress template files to your own theme so that you have full control over editing everything. If not, you will end up loosing your changes every time you update.



    Yeah, the breadcrumbs don’t yet function correctly on the users page. JJ is aware of the problem and has it on the todo list.



    Just a guess, but I would refresh the sites permalinks in the admin, and then refresh the forums links in the admin to see if it helps. Basically just go to each page and click save… beyond that not sure



    Yes, changing that will make it full width. It should function just fine.

    Using shortcodes with full width template pages works as well.

    I believe that there is a thread here somewhere with a link to attachments that works with 2.0. Seem to remember reading it somewhere.



    glad you got it figured out.



    MyBB was not on the original list, but I’ll see about getting it added in after we run the first version through a bunch of testing.



    If it were me, I’d ask Ormon to write a quick function for your theme to switch the body class to


    for post_type forums/topics/replies/users/.

    *Basically run that last in the chain as to override the default setting only for the forums.

    That would probably be the quickest and best approach to take for this particular theme.

    That will give you full width forums. There are lots of ways to approach this and he may even have better ideas.



    NO, not bothered at all, was just saying that I didn’t understand what you were asking is all.

    If I understand you basically want to take the code from the topics widget and use it as a standalone loop instead of a widget?

    Keep in mind I’m not a great coder: If it were me, I would simply copy the code from the bbp-core-widget.php file that I needed for the topics widget. I would then strip out the widget portion of the code and hard code in the default arguments.

    This basically would give me the same loop used by the widget.

    // Query defaults
    $topics_query = array(
    'author' => 0,
    'post_parent' => any,
    'posts_per_page' => 10,
    'show_stickies' => false,
    'order' => 'DESC',

    Probably better ways out there, but that’s how I would try it




    Yeah I have been finding tons of hidden gems in the plugin.

    I suck at documentation. I’m hoping that someone will come along and help out with that part someday. JJ is crazy busy and I find it hard to spend more than an hr a day here. There are some great support people here, and I believe that now the plugin is released that more people will jump in and help out.



    If you only want the avatar then ‘type’ => avatar will only output the avatar with no name below it. ‘type’ => name, does the name.

    I honestly don’t understand why it is not working for you. I use the exact function throughout, and have changed the size in all templates. Maybe when JJ gets back next week he will have an idea?



    We are wrapping up final beta testing on a brand new plugin which will allow you to migrate your old forums to BBPress 2x. And yes, it does PHPBB3.

    We hope to launch the plugin early next week and will notify the forums here when it is ready.

    In reply to: bbpress capacity



    As a forum Vbulletin is miles ahead of BBPress at the moment. There is no comparing the two systems due to the shear number of plugins and addons available right now for vb.

    However, BBPress has built everything around true WordPress standards which I am intimately familiar with. This makes building a custom forum solution much easier for me than what vb offers.

    I was running a custom bridge setup to ‘hook’ together WordPress and Vbulletin. While this works great syncing users registration/login/etc there is no deep integration with the data side and frankly I didn’t feel like writing it.

    Because BBPress stores everything in the WP db and standard formats, it makes it much easier to pull forum data into other templates than it is with vb.

    (say I want a user profile page showing all users posts/topics/replies/custom post-types/etc.. very easy with BBPress)

    Given enough time and energy, I don’t believe there is anything that vb does which wp can’t do better.



    So far I have only installed bbpress on a subdomain install. I have not had that particular issue you are mentioning but then again I am not using sub-directories.

    If you can replicate this in the default theme setup, then I would create a trac ticket for JJ to confirm.



    Because there are so many possibilities when importing bbpress into all themes, there is currently to ‘automated’ way of removing the sidebar in the theme. (really we can’t control that part)

    What you can do however, is follow #3 in the thread:

    That will get all the bbpress theme files into your theme where you can then modify them.

    At that point you could remove the call to the sidebar in all the templates for bbpress and your good to go.



    We are doing final testing of a brand new importer, which we hope to have released early next week. It takes care of all the conversion including users that is needed.

    So far we can import from




    BBPress 1x


    Once final testing is complete we will make an announcement post with instructions for download and use.

    In reply to: Seperate Forums



    Now I got ya.

    Ok, no, bbpress does not currently output the forums like that as you have found out.

    There may be a filter for the forum output to accomplish this (display grandchild forums), but I have not yet checked.

    In reply to: Remove Headers?



    I’m going to guess that you are following the directions at

    The steps where you copied all the plugin theme files over to your currently active theme and activated bbpsupport.

    *If you don’t do it that way, and make changes to the actual plugin files, then you will loose the changes every time bbpress updates

    **No – the function above is found throughout the bbpress theme files themselves. The ones I am guessing you copied over to your theme

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