Adam (@adam_wordpress)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @adam_wordpress


    can we hope for it in the next version that will probably be released in 5 years LOL

    In reply to: Adding more html tags?



    How is this done?



    thank you



    Sorry for the bumping, i can no longer edit my previous post. you should really set the time to like 9999 or something to allow for infinite editing.

    Any ways:

    The following:

    if my site (I activated it so you can take a look and maybe poke around the css…Or at least get a better understanding of what I am talking about)

    So how did I get here?

    I followed: step number 3 bullet 2. To a “T” what did you change? Nothing, well thats a lie, I removed side bar and the h1 title tag for the forum or topic you are in.

    I then boiled it down to a theme issue. Something in my current theme is prevening the b tag, paragraphs and the blockquote tag from working.

    Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.






    The only modifications I made was following your instructions in terms of copying everything from the bbpress default theme over to the WordPress theme folder. Then all I was editing was the css…

    Where in the css would be the paragraph tags for users reply box?

    Also the HTML Tags that users can use don’t function either >_>



    create a login/register form for users who go to site 2. I dont want them using wp-admin as that takes them to the admin dash board when they sign in and unlike on a single (non multi site) installation of wordpress I dont know how to change the user settings when a user logs in or signs up as we discussed in:

    So I need something like buddy press where they sign in and are taken back to the forums and never see the admin pannel.

    in a single (non multi site)install of wordpress I can go to settings and say any user who signs up is signed up as a forum participant and when they sign in using wp-admin all they see is dash board, forums and topics. which is ideally what I want…..

    I really hope that made sense…..



    I just posted there at: and everything works.

    So We can officially say that the plugins I am using are causing the edit, delete, mod keys to not work. How ever on local host all I have is the bbpress installation going. I integrated it with my theme following your steps in your sticky. So I can’t tell if its a theme issue or not. How ever could a theme cause the whole paragraph thing and html tags to epically fail?

    so can we explain why the paragraph and html tags dont work?



    thats what I have as well. Is “post any html” lets test this jazz.

    My login information which works here does not work there…..>_> I thought this login stuff was global across buddypress, wordpress (which it doesnt work there either) and here?



    omg….Im sorry I meant BBPRESS…I was developing all day in buddypress hence why I said buddy press. any ways:

    Site -> multisite:

    site 1 = blog, regular wp-admin

    site 2 = buddypress, buddypress sign in

    site 3 = bbpress = no login?

    i am wondering, as when i copied all the theme files like your sticky sais to for making bbpress integrate with your current wordpress theme, i saw some login, registration, forgot password and so on .php files. How can I use these to allow users to login on site 3, or to construct a form for signing up and logging in?



    Hmm lets see:

    – we can rule out theme (for all but this paragraph and code issue, code being what tags can be used in the forum). I never though to check plugin in relation to the moderation buttons. I fear it may be the buddypress moderation plugin. tests will be done >_> (which they should have been)

    -The install is on a multi site activated on one site instead of a network activate.

    Where are the html tags located in the .php files that i can add or remove tags to? these tags don’t work on local host or live….unfortently. except for em….

    also paragraph formatting doesn’t work on localhost or live.

    Localhost has two plugins but only one is activated, bbpress. the other is buddypress 1.5 rc1 and its deactivated.

    any other ideas or suggestions?



    there is no “default role” under “network settings” Where do you see this default role? there is also nothing under users in the network admin pannel to change anything. and there is no way to change the user roles on individual sites unless you do it manually for each user




    In reply to: Theme issue



    awesome that fixed it. now i an continue fixing my forum and designing it.

    In reply to: Forums not displaying?



    No I said I managed to get it to work. How ever when visiting the page with the topic or forum its a WordPress page. When NOT using that code snippit i got the 404 page

    I don’t understand your sticky post on how to make a theme (I am assuming WordPress themes can be created into) compatibility with bbpress.

    for what I understand of that sticky since I am the author of my theme I go into the bbpress default theme and copy all the files out of there and paste them into my theme. This would over ride things like my css, functions and possibly other files. what would you suggest to do to get around this (instead of creating a child theme).

    So here is what I did – as I read the sticky like 10 times:

    I copied all the files, except for the style and the functions.php and pasted them into my theme. these are the files from the from the bbpress default theme and pasted into my current wordpress theme. I then added the php code snipit to my functions.php like the sticky states. I then activated it (the theme) and went to where the forums should be. I am now getting 404 errors.


    In reply to: Forums not displaying?



    I was confused by the sticky hence why I asked. Also so since I didnt do that and this is a wordpress theme how would I make it so that bbpress seamlessly integrates with it? if possibly? because with out this line I get 404 pages when going to the forum section…

    In reply to: Forum Order…



    use order. if your in bbpress use order.

    In reply to: bbpress is broken?



    I may have found out what the issue is, if you set up forums for buddypress what happens is it asks you to do a new installation of bbpress and because of that i dont think this plugin will work….

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    Do you plan to update this for bbpress 2.0?

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    Do you plan to update this for bbpress 2.0?

    In reply to: Forum Order…



    in buddy press you cannot change the order of things its all depends on the most active group.



    So I installed the new plugin to test it out on a local host. How do you set up the “This forum is for this site on multi site feature? and Why do you have the option to allow anonymous people to create threads and topics?

    Would it also be possible to do something like:


    Where multisite is a blog and a series of forums? when this is tried on a local host site I get a white page when visiting multisite1 and only by disabling the plugin do I get multisite 1 and its contents back.



    I suppose. I just think forums should be open and transparent.



    What you could do is write a plugin or some kind of extension that would integrate with akismet to chek for spam by a user and if said user is spamming mark that user and all posts as spam. Or you could have them enter something before hitting post.



    I would do the codex as Jquery did their documentation IMO, wordpress pages/posts. Easy to set up, easy to edit and change, and allows for people to comment saying what changed, how to use or provide feed back.

    Gets the community involved. Thats how I do documentation for ruby based projects.

    Any ways,

    can you explain (since I am not testing this plugin till its 2.0) finished, how we will set it up for multi site to only use with ONE site? will it be done via the dash board?

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