_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    It’s possible that you downloaded it before the plugin browser updated it. It’s updated now, but look in your local copy and make sure the word ‘action’ is in there. If not, download again.

    In reply to: Error on logging out



    Yeah same problem.



    In addition, I’d suggest it’s better to report bugs about specific plugins on the topic for the plugin itself in the EXTEND section. Creating brand new topics in the general plugin forum section might get missed by the plugin author.

    In reply to: Error on logging out



    This happens because there was a bug in early bbPress 1.0 alpha where it does not handle a blank query OR your HTACCESS file is missing a way to handle empty topics names.

    Edit your .htaccess file and add these two rules to the bottom of the rule list (before </ifmodule>)

    RewriteRule ^topic(|/)$ /forums/ [R=302,L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forum(|/)$ /forums/ [R=302,L,QSA]

    Note that you have to change /forums/ to the base of your forum path, whatever it might be if it’s not forums. ie. /discussions/


    whatever, etc.



    Actually, on second thought that’s not the best way.

    Try downloading 0.0.4 again.

    I think I fixed it, it’s a minor oversight during admin edits. If you have multiple [H]’s on a forum already you’ll have to edit them out, but once saved it should “stick”.



    update below



    Which version of bbPress and what theme are you using?

    It’s possible this is a bug introduced in the newest plugin release. Don’t delete the forum, it won’t solve anything.

    In reply to: Beernews.org Forums



    Looks good. I like the little beer logos next to the threads.

    This gal isn’t paid by Automattic and works solely on donations which sadly have been non-existent over the past few months. So if the plugins help your beer sales, feel free to donate.



    I dare say it’s one of the most SEO friendly forums out of the box (with a few options turned on). Doesn’t do meta keyword and descriptions but I guess most search engines don’t even look at that stuff anymore – would be easy to make a plugin for it though. There’s also a site map plugin available.

    In reply to: Hiding subforums



    You mean not list them in the main list?

    (not actually completely hide them)

    The same approach should work in 1.0 as 0.9

    I showed the exact code to do it in a topic around here somewhere.

    Hiding subforms on your home page


    In reply to: Mass user delete



    If you are integrated with wordpress, I believe you can mass edit users on that side (either natively or via plugin). With 1.0 using backpress, they will hopefully port over some of the user functions into the admin panel – ie. create new user and mass edit.

    Keep in mind bbPress (and I don’t even thing WordPress) actually deletes users entirely from the db, it just disables them.

    If you find a WP plugin that does what you want, it should be fairly straightforward to port to bbPress.

    In reply to: Second Page Gone!



    Ah you have the exact situation I had made a note of in the back of my mind but had not made a fix for yet because I didn’t think it would be common – bb-attachments is like a page access for every image load because it loads bbPress. You have so many images, it’s trigging the “too fast” feature.

    I haven’t addresses that yet. You can turn off the ban feature by setting these to zero:

    $mini_track_options['ban_speed'] = 0;
    $mini_track_options['ban_pages'] = 0;

    In reply to: Second Page Gone!



    The 503 is the auto-ban feature if they download too many pages too quickly. Shouldn’t happen until you pass 20+ pages and then only if you read more than 50 pages in a minute (which is crazy fast).

    But it can be disabled or increased as desired. And yes, it does block by session so another browser open on the same computer would not be banned (it’s a feature).

    In reply to: Page 63 of 1



    This sounds vaguely related to the Topics Per Page bug that somone else reported under alpha 2.

    I wonder if something with topic counts has changed under 1.0a2

    I wouldn’t recommend using that Move-It plugin.

    In reply to: Problem deleting posts



    Actually bbPress should handle a one-post topic delete as the full topic delete, I think that bug was addressed awhile ago but may have been reintroduced. A foreach won’t fail on one item, as long it’s still an array. Zero items is a problem though.



    I’ve just added an an experimental “cloud view” for the Top 1000 forums so you can spot patterns in words and trends.


    (requires free registration to use)

    I’m still tweaking some of it’s visual layout and abilities but it’s fun to play with.

    In reply to: stripping down bbPress



    There is a set of templates called bbpress-raw that is probably what you are looking for.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion



    bbxf if the work in progress – it’s in it’s infancy however and you’ll have to look at previous work by others on the phpbb2 convertor. There is no 1 minute way, it’s going to take some time and effort.



    You are much better off following this tag:




    I think they mean the horrible bb_die page?

    I’ve complained about that to Sam and Mike for over a year now, good luck getting them to change it.

    It should be hookable with an action so it doesn’t crash you into an un-themed page.

    Oh wait, I just got an idea…



    Heh, you know I had started to comment about the xmlrpc stuff but checked myself. Personally I’ll be using the delete option. Those hackers tend to find the bugs far faster than we do and the #1 security vulnerability on WordPress for years was the xmlrpc.php

    Still, it will be interesting to see how people use it in the real world as it’s a powerful feature. I believe bbPress can now claim it’s the first forum to have such functionality.

    Just in time for bbPress’s 2nd birthday too…



    Congrats and thanks for all the hard work Sam.

    In reply to: Plugin suggestions



    WP-Syntax should take all of 10 minutes to port to bbPress:


    I have a “Syntax-Lite” plugin in development that is less than 1k and uses PHP’s built-in (high speed) highlighter but only works with PHP code of course. It also won’t be available for quite awhile as I don’t have time for bbPress projects these days.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    There have been so many new features added in the past few weeks in the trunk that there’s no way it’s ever going to be stable this month (October).

    Even if they release another alpha (or beta but that would be crazy), that doesn’t mean it’s stable, it means it needs to be tested and debugged, thoroughly. Sam only has a limited environment to test things. Problems with PHP4 or Windows come up constantly and other things he can’t easily test. There’s also a good chance plugins will become broken (again/still).

    Do NOT use the alpha on a live, active site. Period. Seriously. Not kidding. It’s not a trick. Alphas are for testing purposes only. Objects may be closer than they appear.

    If you ignore this warning, you are on your own.



    D’oh I gotta stop asking for these things!



    Apparently they’ve tampered with bb_location for the alpha and the edit-page is no longer a topic-page but a topic-edit-page.

    Look for 0.0.4 soon.

    Why not post these kinds of requests on the topic for the plugin itself? I don’t monitor the main forum on a regular basis.

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