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Re: Don’t you think wordpress and bbpress projects are starting to overlap?



Right now, development on bbPress is for a standalone version of bbPress that can be expanded with plugins. There have already been many discussions in the bbdevlist about integration with wordpress. Mdawaffe (head developer) started out with a couple of plugins to integrate the logins of the 2 programs and anything else that is developed to integrate the 2 programs are also going to be plugins.

Answering your question about the functions, the framework is there to have the 2 integrated, but no plans of yet to release a joint copy. Believe it or not, most people that use bbPress (200,000 or so) do not integrate with wordpress. It is a functionality that is growing in popularity though.

You have some good points on the subject, but I would imagine that if bbPress is released as something that works out of the box with WordPress, it will happen through plugins or through someone ‘forking’ bbPress development towards the integrated solution.

I am not a developer here, so I these are just my opinions and things that I have read. I think that you should join the bbdevlist and put your opinions in! The developers read that more than these forums! Here is the link to join if you haven’t already!



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