Tried downloading the latest from Trac but I got the “invalid header” error. I don’t think I’m gonna bother asking for support about these things, so I’d rather wait for an official alpha release that’s got the bare basics put together. Great job though
hi everybody!
I downloaded the pre-alpha bbPress plugin and it doesn’t work 
I added some codes to bbpres-functions to make it work:
function flushRules(){
global $wp_rewrite;
and then I realized that the plugin is useless at this stage
You just need to go to Permalinks page after activating the plugin to flush the rewrite rules.
@Gautam yeap, I like to see a Month and name permalink instead of the Default, by Default it’s ok but if I choose other, without the code I mentioned in the previous message it doesn’t work.
@Gautam @alexvorn2 Yup. I just changed the permalinks to /%postname%/ and still giving me a 404 error.
@quicoto did you add the code
function flushRules(){
global $wp_rewrite;
in the bbp-functions.php ?
@alexvorn2 No but like @Gautam said I thought was not necesary
Ok, you need to actually go to the Permalinks page and press the Save Changes button to flush the rewrite rules.
@Gautam: right. So weird… If you have the default Permalinks and you change them it doesn’t work. But if you save again it does 
I guess the plugin will flush it itself in the future, right?
There shouldn’t be any permalink issues out of the box with it. At least I haven’t experienced any so far. There are filters and preload constants to allow you to change the slugs, and an interface will probably make its way into the Permalinks page too.
I am sorry if this is documented somewhere but where are the settings for the forum other then for Forums, Topics, and Replies?
I specifically am looking for where I can turn off anonymous posting to the forum. I selected “Users must be registered and logged in to comment ” under Settings > Discussion in WordPress but this only seems to apply to posts.
Am I missing something?
I tried this now
Not Found
Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.
If I reset and go to default permalink, no problem.
Using 2580
@intmenz – I had the same issue and actually had the same issue and had to hot the refresh button in my browser to get it to work. For whatever reason clicking a link to the page would not work.
created forum name general and then topics
replied to topics and check main page
posts = 0 voices = 1
replied to same topic two more times, same results
@dsmasters change permalinks couple times and back to custom seem to work. reported bug.
posts = 0 voices = 1
That one has already been reported in Trac.
Can anyone tell me how to disable anonymous posting to the forum?
Hi dsmasters,
it seems that there is no feature in the backend from WordPress to disable the anonymous postings. Maybe it’s possible to disable to post-form via conditional tags?
<?php if ( $user_ID ) { ?>
<?php } ?>
Remember also that bbPress plugin is still in its infancy and some features have yet to be added.
Additionally not all features will be in the core plugin, and some of them will be left to plugin/theme developers.
Thanks for the replies, I know now I wasn’t overlooking anything. I will try the suggestion above.
Hi guys,
Is there any date on which you think the plugin will be fully functional? I tried it today and it seems that it still needs much more development.
Thank you very much for your work and hopefully we can enjoy it soon.
wildkyo: Is there any date on which you think the plugin will be fully functional? I tried it today and it seems that it still needs much more development.
Still in the early stages yes, I agree, but the barebones of the plugin is actually there (or pretty much there) in my opinion. I have it running locally, and it works a treat, you can post a new topic from the frontend … for some that’d be all they wanted and needed!
I got the impression (somewhere) that JJJ wanted the final release out by the end of the year if I’m not wrong, but please don’t go and quote me on that, I’m very likely wrong!
testing the plug-in. laughing… I’ve got this crazy sharedaddy plugin on my site, and it is putting facebook and twitter icons on each topic and each reply!!
otherwise it is much smoother and cleaner than I anticipated. will continue to follow changes.
Iit should be possible to disable it for the custom post types of bbPress.