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bbPress 2.0 – Updates

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    @tooltrainer – Looks like it’s working okay to me. Tested on 3 different installations, incuding over at

    I did put quite a few changes through in the past 10 hours, so it’s not completely impossible that something changed and is causing this. Can you try the latest revision of the plugin and see if that fixes it?



    The plugin is looking fantastic and so far no issues.

    Is there a shortcode to display the author name of the topic. I have tried everything but cannot display the name. Ive managed to display the WordPress username (author/name) but not the bbPress username (user/name) as they both display two different pages.

    Thank you for all the hard work to everything working on this plugin.



    @miruru – Thanks for the kind words. Right now shortcodes are pretty limited to major template functions, like complete single forums, single topics, etc… I’m open to more shortcodes, but we should assemble and break them into template parts or functions as needed (to make overriding and customizing them easier.)



    @JJJ – that’s okay. The shortcode was to be used so that I could create a list of new forum topics that displays the following:

    [Topic Title] Posted in [name of forum] on [topic date] by [topic author]

    unless the bbPress topics/replies list can be modified to display the above info. I’m currently using the Query Posts plugins to do this as it allows me to display the page the topic is on etc, and when i used [entry-author], it displays the wordpress user (author/name), not the bbpress user (user/name).



    I am moving my forum over from a Drupal 6 install to a WordPress 3 install.

    Taking a look at this thread, it seems as if the bbpress plug-in is still being tested? Would you recommend this plug-in for a production site yet?



    Do forums map to WP categories? I’m trying to generate an RSS feed for a single forum and another for all forums. RSS feed for a forum would contain the topics. Just adding feed=rss2 to the url doesn’t seem to work.

    Is there any other way to “subscribe” to a forum so that you get notified of new topics created?

    thanks all.



    padams: No, forums are made using custom post types. bbPress will soon introduce its own feeds. :)



    @gautam: soon as in for 1.0? or a future release. thanks.



    padams: I think JJJ is thinking of getting them into the alpha or the first major release of the plugin.



    @padams – Feeds a must, but since we hijack the normal flow of custom post type archives, they aren’t as straight-forward easy as I wish they were. They most likely will not make it into the first round of beta testing, but will make it into the 2.0 release.



    Too bad you can’t piggyback on the category feeds. Maybe assign a category to a forum?



    @padams – Originally had talked about doing exactly that, but the problem will be keeping them in alignment with each other when one is trashed, deleted, private, etc…

    Ultimately we went with custom post types as forums because of a lack of meta tables to allow for customization of them, keeping accurate topic/reply counts for hierarchical forums, and other odds and ends that taxonomies aren’t equipped to handle.




    How will existing bbpress standalone forum plugins work with the new bbpress plugin? This is very important for my forum needs as there are obviously many helpful bbpress plugins currently available.





    As all bbPress entities are custom posts then these urls work great out of the box:

    // feed of forums

    // feed of topics

    // feed of replies

    // combined feed

    All based on this ticket in core:



    looks like the url of the combined feed got mangled (it striped the open and close bracket characters after each post_type param). see the core ticket for the proper syntax for the combined feed.



    @padams – That gives us a feed of all topics, and all replies, but not for both topics and replies together, and not for individual forums and individual topics, like bbPress currently provides. I’ll probably end up including a custom RSS xml template with custom loop parameters in it as a quick fix.



    Hey real quick, can anyone tell me if there’s a CSS class associated with stickies & super-stickies? I’d like to color them differently so they stand out. Anyone know?





    @tooltrainer – There are. They are .sticky and .super-sticky respectively. You can do something like tr.type-topic.super-sticky { stuff } too, depending on the strength of the override you’re trying to achieve.



    I would like to move from Drupal 6 also. Maybe I have to start to learn all new things for this new CMS.




    Awesome, passing that on to my designer now. Thanks so much, you rock



    Updating to latest trunk now, and so far my “can’t post new topics” problem appears to have gone away.



    OK here’s a weird one for you… trunk 3127, I’m getting an error that is displaying where one of my sidebar widgets would normally appear, but ONLY if not logged in:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/vanclute/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-forum-functions.php on line 799

    Trying to see if it’s something on my end but so far I don’t think it is…




    Is there any way to display the “Freshness” as a date format without having to change it in any of the core files? Maybe something to add into the theme functions to override the current settings?

    I’m using Trunk 3132 at the moment and so far it’s working fantastically.



    It appears that if either $private or $hidden come back empty, then the errors I was experiencing occur. We’re just going to check if they are empty to fix it.




    Bugs, YAY!

    I’m not sure if this had been brought up but the permalinks are wonky.

    When the custom structures option is not checked the forum index page uses archive.php and not page-front-forums.php

    As far as I could tell, all of the other pages are still working as they should be and using the correct custom page templates.

    – And –

    Lock post after editing doesn’t appear to be working. With my non-admin dummy users I’m still able to edit posts after the lock time has expired.

    – And –

    Allow Anonymous Posting doesn’t appear to be working either.



    CORRECTION to my previous post – it may have been a problem of type. My coder did this to solve:

    $forum_ids = array_merge( (array)$private, (array)$hidden );

    Also regarding my question about styling stickies, got this question from my designer:

    “bbP Team –

    With regards to adding the .sticky classes to important posts, (‘They are .sticky and .super-sticky respectively’), how would one then go about isolating a specific post? I am currently going through the loop-forums and loop-topics.php files, and while I see where the tables are being generated, the topics themselves are being generated seemingly dynmically through PHP.. so how would I go about selecting/isolating a specific topic/<tr> that I would like to apply the .sticky class to??”

    Any light you can shed on this JJJ or anyone else?



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