@johnjames good luck with your presentation at wordcamp NYC. I wish you had been at wordcamp SF.
I may be missing something but I can’t raise a Trac ticket against the 1.2 branch.
Just try creating a simple ticket, milestone can be changed later too. – Though that really shouldn’t be happening.
@citizenkeith – you need to copy the bbp-twentyten directory to your themes directory, or it doesn’t work correctly.
I did this, but still no luck. I tried both the bbpress plugin theme directory and the wordpress theme directory.
where did you download the plugin?
download from: https://trac.bbpress.org/browser/branches/plugin
which has a zip archive link at the bottom.
@citizenkeith – silly question, but did you activate the child theme?
Apparently it is supposed to work without needing to be moved, but I had to move it or it didn’t add the templates to edit forum correctly.
@citizenkeith – silly question, but did you activate the child theme?
Doh! (Insert head smack smilie here).
I’d like to contribute, how can I?
Just tried to activate the plugin on the sub-blog on the wordpress ms site . Works quite well although there are a few things confusing. Understandably, the plugin has not been released. I will patiently wait.
How do we convert bbpress to the bbpress plugin?
bbpress wordpress plugin delayed??
no, whatever gave you that impression:
download from: https://trac.bbpress.org/browser/branches/plugin
which has a zip archive link at the bottom.
it’s in early stages of testing.
bbpress wordpress plugin delayed??
I don’t think anybody has ever said the plugin would be released on October 15 (formerly September 15). We’re looking at a soft release of an early testable version (there’s probably a better word for that, maybe pre-alpha? I don’t know, I’m not a coder).
EDIT: JJJ said this in the original thread:
Quick update – Aiming for October 15 for the aforementioned super-pre-alpha.
So, super-pre-alpha it is!
We won’t see a usable version for some time. But the community can start testing and reporting bugs now.
JJJ on page 1 of this thread: “Looking more like October 17 now, to be exact.” – in response to when “a version for alpha testing” could be ready. Presumably something including the features mentioned in the very first post of this thread.
I think everybody is looking forward to a version that includes some rudimentary front-end templates, so people can roughly see how it might work and look, and many people were expecting this to be ready around the 15th, or “to be exact”, on the 17th.
that version is already there, have you followed the link I provided to download : https://trac.bbpress.org/browser/branches/plugin ?
Yes – it was version (or “changeset”) 2564 when I posted the above. Now it’s 2571.
Wow, looking good. Just started testing – thanks a mil JJJ, and everyone else!
Will be trying to hammer out the topic/reply counts this week, as well as a very basic front end New Topic/New Reply form.
That’s all it needs to be functioning in a skeletal capacity for initial proof of concept testing and iteration.
I didn’t write a single line of code during WordCamp NYC; spent most of the time supporting BuddyPress questions with our two new core committers, Paul Gibbs and Boone Gorges.
I leave again this Friday through Monday for the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit, so this week is a short dev week.
Any interest in doing a development chat in IRC next week?
Please confirm the date rather than saying next week 
I’d be interested in it.
Wednesdays @ 2100 GMT
I just committed a first pass at New Topic and Reply forms. They need escaping and a security sweep, but appear to work well enough so far.
I’ve also opened a few tickets for a few things that I haven’t started, for those that are interested in getting involved and dirty with some code.
I’m gona follow up the updates on this (subscribed!)
Keep up the good job guys 
Will be about for that chat… might not be able to do much code wise sadly, but I’ll see how things go.
Further down the line, are you planning the structure the urls?