bbPress plugin September 15?
I spotted this blogpost from in my RSS-feed today.
“bbPress 1.2 (the plugin) is said to be stable enough to start testing as soon as September 15 and the full release will most likely coincide with that of BuddyPress 1.3.”
Is there any chance that will happen?
You may like to see the official announcement by jjj on BuddyPress blog –
Who knows, its not like we get told anything, we just give up our time trying to help and answer support requests – and every 6 months Matt turns up and tells us we should have known everything all along ( usually, by Magic or telepathy, i guess we’re meant to know which ;-] ).
Thanks for the link Gautam. I’m really looking forward to the plugin.
I would however appreciate some more info on THIS site. It feels a bit strange that we don’t hear information like that on
Aw, you’re all so afflicted.
A few of the more vocal people in the BuddyPress forums raised concerns about me dual wielding projects, so it made more sense to address it there than here. Plus there’s a bigger audience over there, and since both blogs feed into the WP dashboard you’re all going to see it regardless.
It’s easy to assume that no one is thinking of you guys, I am, I was, and I did.
And yes, I’d like to have /something/ usable in a month or so, like I said in that post “give or take a missing feature or two.”
So, buck up.
Looking forward to it JJJ.
Thanks Rich! Me too!
Bro, there is zero doubt in my mind that you were always thinking of us, and your plug-in will please a great many people.
since both blogs feed into the WP dashboard you’re all going to see it regardless
But is it ok to suggest that not everyone who uses bbPress, also checks a WordPress install’s Dashboard that regularly? Especially as your post was bumped off that list in under 24 hours (it only shows the last 5 posts pulled in from entire 31 feeds it aggregates).
We’re not afflicted matey, thankfully many of us are in good health, but it’s hard sometimes to not find it difficult when we’re treated with presumptions.
Having to log into a WordPress install once every 24 hours ad infinitum just to check if someone’s posting bbPress news on another website, just seems a little daft.
Maybe when you make posts about bbPress on other websites, especially ones that have more info than has been posted here, you could do us a favour and make a little 2 line forum post on this website too. All that’s needed is “hello folks, FYI, link”.
Kevin, let’s be positive.
Couldn’t you have even posted a blog post here or a forum post here just with a link “hey folks, wanted to make sure you saw this
” ?
If bbPress users don’t use WordPress, then 99.999% they would also not be coming to bbPress blog each day to check for updates. And if they were subscribed to feeds, most of them would also have subscribed to BuddyPress feeds or they would be using WordPress (so they may get to know about it from the dashboard). And even if anyone would have missed, he/she would have got to know about it via other blogs like wpmu (I am talking of the people who like to be up to date with bbPress happenings).
Yo Gatuam,
I’m in a real positive mood mate, it’s a glorious day here in Edinburgh (ha, that don’t happen that often) during the largest Arts festival in the world, at a time when we have 8 festivals overlapping in 6 weeks. I am like a pig in the proverbial
And if they were subscribed to feeds, most of them would also have subscribed to BuddyPress feeds
That’s a massive presumption matey
All i’m saying is, hasn’t 20 years of the internet as we know it shown us not to presume about users?
or they would be using WordPress (so they may get to know about it from the dashboard)
If they happened to log in on the 20-24 hours it was on the dashboard
Which gets harder depending on timezones and y’know life. If it was up there for a week, well yeah, I think you’d be closer to being right
All i’m saying is this JJJ: Maybe when you make posts about bbPress on other websites, you could do us a favour and make a little 2 line forum post on this website too. All that’s needed is “hello folks, FYI, link”.
From my point of view, this covers 100% of bbPress users, where are not doing it covers less than 100%. To me, in a really positive sense, taking 1 minute to post “FYI, link,
” and make sure no-one feels lift out is really positive
bbPress users have a history of hearing things 3rd/4th/5th hand, and rarely do those things turn out positive. I believe that JJJ’s plug-in will be positive to countless people, and i’m positive he’s the man for the job. Lets communicate about something positive, in a positive way, to all users
As opposed to posting about software X, on software Y’s website, and hoping people use software Z to read the news about it for the 24 hours it showed it. That’s just comical – haha actually I wonder if there’s already a dilbert comic that covers such convoluted messaging…
Have a great day folks, i’m off to see my 3rd favourite comic ever tonight
Maybe when you make posts about bbPress on other websites, you could do us a favour and make a little 2 line forum post on this website too
I agree: after all, isn’t this supposed to be the main bbPress website?
Didn’t Matt agree to call it
instead of1.2
as a compromise to try to somewhat reduce the massive confusion that is going to happen?This forum is about to become a complete jumble of 1.2 vs 1.1 vs 1.0 vs 0.9
Since 100% of the plugins are now useless, can some kind of header be put on the plugin section to warn people not to try to install any of them?
I don’t even know what to say right now.
I want you all to know I’m reading everything, but I’m speechless.
@_ck_ I think that’s a good idea. Anything to minimize confusion.
I appreciate that, and there is no crisis, but it would be great if you could keep us updated on this site going forward
Yo _ck_,
We also have a history of major changes in 0.1 releases. We might indulge in a little bit of inflation with a 2.0.
Matt didn’t give anything firm, or if he did , its in another discussion
Any updates?
Sept 15 is only 2 days away.
Actually 1.2’s milestone says:
Due in 4 months (12/31/10)
bbPress 1.2 (the plugin) should be stable enough to start testing as soon as September 15 (give or take a few days and/or missing features) with a full release due around the same time as BuddyPress 1.3.
that is why people are asking.
Yes, I read that, but since there are still a couple of tickets left I supposed the September 15th date was quite unrealistic right now…
From a user prespective
@kevinjohngallagher and _CK_
i agree with you two, specially the parts where you say users and mods are updated on bbpress stuff through other sites, relying on wordpress dashboard to spread the news sounds like a last minute attempt to minimize damages, but hey…nobody is perfect)
A lot of bbpress sucess is due to pluggin developers and i think its “out of order” to post bbpress news on buddypress blog, there are moderators here that are pluggin developers that feel “betrayed and hopless” because they spend countless hours and days and nobody tells them nothing… how would you feel JJJ if it was you? i’m aware nobody is perfect but you did talk about bbpress there and even linked to so why not say something here first? “i feel” your pain mods…
about the name change… i aalso agree it should be called bbpress 2.0 but i think that alone wont stop all the confusion around different versions… i agree with you (_CK_) but newcomers will still be confused wether its 2.0 or 1.2 because the real confusion its not the name but the several different versions.
All in all i think the next version is what a lot of users wanted (pluggin integration, no more backpress etc), thing is a lot of the sucess is due to pluggin authors that spent countless hours making sure their pluggins/themes work across several versions, now they have (or not) to start over.
2 last questions:
can we install the next version on its own? where can we download the alpha/beta of it? where is it? i would like to test even if its not fully functional like we do for wordpress, i can only find reference to the pluggin version at:
not enough communication around… Good luck and thanks to everyone that works on bbpress wether coding/theming/pluggins or here maintaining the forum.
Can someone please give an update on whether or not bbpress as a plugin will be available for testing this week and let us know where we need to go for updates? I check and, but neither has been updated in a while.
is it this? tried to activated and it brought wordpress down on my local wampserver, had to delete plugin to get wordpress back again.
I have contacted JJJ and pointed him at this thread. My guess is though that he has been busy elsewhere. But hopefully he’ll be along shortly with an update…
Y’all don’t seem to notice that JJJ is mostly rewriting bbPress so it will work better with buddyPress specifically.
So bbPress 1.2 (please call it 2.0) being reinvented is tied directly to buddyPress 1.3
If you want clues, I’d be looking at buddyPress 1.3 release dates, not any specific commitments to bbPress itself.
Unless they are going to sweep a great deal of tickets under the rug (which happens often with WordPress so it’s not impossible with BP either) you’ve got a bit of a wait.
The key to understanding what is happening is that buddyPress is his pet project and bbPress is used as the internal engine for buddyPress groups. So if he rewrites one, has has to rewrite the other.
I didn’t completely realize this until I recently started studying what had changed in buddypress to understand why JJJ wanted to hijack bbPress. buddypress right now is essentially bloatpress and what he is doing to bbpress is specifically for his own ends to reduce BP bloat, not for the general good of bbpress users.
There are about 1000 (active) sites using bbpress inside of buddypress, so bbpress standalone is essentially being waylaid for those sites.
@ _ck_
I don’t understand. I thought bbPress was to become a WP plugin, not apart of buddyPress (as it is in 1.0).
I’m so confused. Is this a good summary below?
– bbPress 0.x was a standalone forum product not dependent on anything else
– bbPress 1.0/1.1 is a standalone forum product but dependent upon buddyPress
– bbPress 1.2 (aka 2.0) will be a complete rewrite. no longer standalone forum software but instead, a WP plugin but NOT dependent on buddyPress. Just a WP plugin much like SimplePress (which is also a WP forum plugin).
Is that a correct summary above?
No that’s wrong.
bbPress as a plugin for WordPress as a standalone plugin is being developed.
bbpress as a standalone still exists as this time.
bbpress does not rely on buddyPress.
buddyPress (as far as I am aware, but I could be wrong) uses an older version of bbPress.
As JJJ maintains buddyPress which uses bbPress it is only natural for him to ensure the 2 work together.
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