bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
Ryan Gannon:
- The category page should contain the list of sub-forums, which are in it.
- You need to shift all the pages, stats, etc. above the forum page too (i.e. change their parent to no parent).
Is there any way to customize the topic URLs to be based off of topic ids (ex: /forums/topic/1) instead of using the topic titles in the URL?
@lykketrollet – Your opinion matches the consensus, and it may not happen just as a result of time constraints. It seems wasteful to abandon all that time and effort though.
Hi all… I hope this is the right place for this and that there are some resources you can share.
I’ve just discovered bbP, and ever better the bbP plugin, and am absolutely thrilled with how well it works. Seriously, AWESOME job to all involved!!
My issue now is that I’m building my site around a sophisticated theme called Profits Theme ( for a bare-bones live demo of it). Of course this theme doesn’t know about bbP at all.
I dropped a copy of the theme into the bbP themes directory and lo & behold, it does in fact see it! But of course the various hooks are missing to actually make bbP appear inside the theme.
So in short (too late
I’m looking for information on how to incorporate bbP inside an existing theme. I’m considering doing a diff on stock twenty-ten vs. bbp-twenty-ten to try and figure it out on my own but I’m hoping there are some good resources on what’s needed to make bbP work in a theme. Googling hasn’t turned up a whole lot, mostly just stuff about standalone bbP and I’m not sure how well that applies to bbP the plugin.
Thanks all!
Hi Jonathan,
The bbPress plugin is still in development, and as such there isn’t a lot of documentation out in the world yet. This is partly due to some architectural changes made mid-way through development, and partly due to more time being spent in the code and not enough time spent on the site. That will eventually shift, and we’ll be sure to put up documentation that bbPress has needed all along.
Regarding Profits Theme, you have a few options. I think the safest will be to make a copy of your Profits Theme that you can modify yourself, without fear of any changes being lost in the event the theme is updated. (You’ll want to edit the style.css and rename your copy, so it doesn’t conflict with the original.) Then, copy the “/bbpress” folder from bbp-twentyten, and drop it in your theme. Next, copy the files prefixed with “page-” and “single-” and drop those into your theme as well. That should fix most of the missing file issues, and get you started so things are ‘functioning.’ The last thing will be for you to start hacking at your CSS to make things look the part.
Most themes should already come with a decent amount of table styling, which is what the bbp-twentyten theme uses (for the sake of being easy and that the layout of data is indeed tabular in nature.) To fill in the CSS blanks, you’l want to experiment with “/bbp-twentyten/css/bbpress.css” and see what you’re missing and what fits.
Cheers, and thanks for the kudos
LOL I beat you to it.
Decided to try one file at a time and see what would happen.. and waddya know it started working! Then I just dropped EVERY file from the bbp 2010 theme, that didn’t already exist in Profits Theme, into the PT theme folder and voila – my forum is back & working beautifully.
I am absolutely shocked it was this easy!
Thanks for the insanely fast response, and keep up the great work… I’m a huge fan of the bbP plugin already and will definitely help spread the word about it however I can!
hank you. I will check the links.
As Kasparas said at the top of the page. What’s in, what is fixed, what may be broken, and what new features are there for 1.0.3. I’m going to wait a bit, but I just want to get a gist of what the news with 1.0.3 is.
I personally hope that support for existing plugins will be a possibility, if not upon its release, fairly early on. I have a good BB forum running right now with enough plugins that the idea of not having them (or figuring out how to re-write them with the new needs of the bb-plugin) is making my head hurt.
A little problem with theme integration.
As you can see in this page :
If there is not enough text, then the forum will not be wide. Here’s another example :
how to make everything wide to fill all the space of the page ?
For what it’s worth all, I’m using a variety of plugins in my WP site and they seem to work fine with bbP. Haven’t run into any particularly nasty issues so far… they’ve just worked. Stuff like private messaging, capability manager, “first time visit message” plugins, breadcrumbs, etc.
I need some help with the CSS… I can’t seem to figure out what I need to change in the CSS so that it does not completely mess up my layout.
I’m just using the BBPress.css at the moment.
I just want to fit the forums into my normal post/page area
Uh oh… I think I just ran into a nasty issue that has taken me very much by surprise.
I have my forum set up and plan for it to be private, for members only. No problem, I just set the status of each forum to “private” and all is good right?
Well the trouble is, the forums are private but the individual TOPICS themselves are not! Anyone would be able to bookmark or otherwise share any post made in the forum, bypassing the hierarchy of Forum -> Sub-forum -> Topic
So, how do I go about making the actual topics themselves also private?
Well… maybe not the “proper” answer but by hacking together the bits of single-reply that check to see if you’re logged in, with single-topic.php, I was able to get it to do a login check on the actual topics themselves too. So everything appears to be fine. If anyone knows of any nasty surprises I could encounter by this approach, please do let me know.
Ah, of course. Thanks Gautam.
Is there a way of setting bbp_show_lead_topic without editing the code?
Is it possible to make specific posts (or even entire forums?) read-only? I have a “rules of this forum” sticky post and I’d like it to be read only. I can close the topic but then it disappears and can no longer be seen, which struck me as very odd.
It appears that this ability is in the standalone bbP but not sure about the plugin…?
On thinking this through I don’t think it’s possible to know if a post has been read or not, it doesn’t look like the plugin even keeps track of that at all, does it? Since every forum topic is really just a post internally, I don’t think it’s even *possible* to track read/unread in the current state. Would require some sort of lookup table to match each user to the read state of each forum topic… bleh.
I’ve put so much work into integrating the bbP plugin into my site, I really don’t want to switch gears now. If anyone has any suggestions on the best way to tackle this, please speak up!
Sorry for being absent the past few days; was away at a team event and did not have much time to reply.
I have the hidden topic/reply issue resolved, but will need to test it before committing.
@tooltrainer – You can “close” forums without making them hidden, which should act the way you need. Regarding marking topics as ‘read,’ bbPress has never kept track of previously read topics, but it could be done either with cookies, or the last_activity of the user. Thinking this might make a better plugin than a core feature, but we’ll see how the next few weeks looks. In the meantime, feel free to create a ticket at and mark it as an ‘enhancement’ and I’ll research it.
I’ve try now latest plugin release and seems to works very good
Why don’t start with a beta convert from standalone?
Hey John, welcome back.
Re: unread posts, I actually had it created as a plugin and the basics work very nicely, just writing to wp_usermeta to keep track of what posts each user has read. Don’t know if that’s the best approach but it’s what myself and Pippin over at came up with. He did the heavy lifting and gave me quite an education on WP plugin development!
On to another question however… I see that bbP has options for “Allow users to mark topics as favorites?” as well as “Allow users to subscribe to topics” but they don’t appear to do anything. I hard-edited loop-topics.php to force those options to display and sure enouogh there are buttons for those things, but they never show up. Why is that? I’ve currently got two different plugins to try to achieve this functionality and it would be WAY better if it’s already built in, as it seems to be! Any insight on how to enable them?
Thanks for what is definitely an awesome forum platform!
Oh also John, forgot to mention one thing… with regards to making a topic that cannot be replied to, I can’t use the “close” approach because it actually causes the topic to disappear visually, and nobody can see it. Not sure why, maybe it’s just a bug… but it’s certainly strange.
Any idea how to fix it?
@JJJ: In first post list, (maybe already asked) why don’t put also signature and search in forum/category?
How many years left until BBpress gets its second 1.0 release?
@tooltrainer – Closed topic issue is now fixed. Favorites and subscriptions should be viewable in your profile, and subscriptions trigger email messages on new replies. If these aren’t working for you, are normal WP emails working?
@yutt – If you want it out sooner, lend us a hand. – Signature could possibly have room in bbPress core, since it’s an often requested feature and popular plugin. Will consider it.
- The topic ‘bbPress 2.0 – Updates’ is closed to new replies.