Hi, I enable both full visual and text editors in my forum using bbp Style Pack. I found that the colour picker for text doesn’t work for every post I tested.
To better describe the issue, pls see screenshots below:
Before submission:
After submission:
It seems that the html code for text colour is not sent after submission.
We’re getting strange PHP Error messages relating to forum posts that don’t exist like this one. Should we be concerned?
Many thanks
WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘8702-67865’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO ggx_gdbbx_tracker
, topic_id
, forum_id
, reply_id
, latest
) VALUES (8702, ‘67865’, ‘11504’, ‘72638’, ‘2024-05-15 06:40:25’) made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), apply_filters(‘template_include’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bbp_template_include, apply_filters(‘bbp_template_include’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bbp_template_include_theme_compat, BBP_Shortcodes->display_topic, bbp_get_template_part, bbp_locate_template, load_template, require(‘/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/content-single-topic.php’), do_action(‘bbp_template_after_single_topic’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Dev4Press\Plugin\GDBBX\Features\ActivityTracking->latest_users_topic, Dev4Press\Plugin\GDBBX\Database\Main->track_topic_visit, Dev4Press\v47\Core\Plugins\DBLite->__call, call_user_func_array
The bbp_get_all_child_ids()
function in bbpress/includes/common/functions.php
is returning Trashed posts, which should objectively not be the case. There’s no world in which trashed posts should appear unless someone is intentionally digging in the trash.
Line 1997 is currently this:
$not_in = array( 'draft', 'future' );
It should be this instead:
$not_in = array( 'draft', 'future', 'trash' );
I have tested that as a manual change, but obviously, this needs to be bbpress’ default behavior, not my locally-hacked override.
Alternatively, you could add a third argument for overrides, but I think this is just an oversight.
Thank you.
I have not tested it with that plugin, so cannot say
Thanks–I already had bbp style pack installed.
Did some more testing and ended up also installing “bbPress Notify (No Spam)”.
When I had the bbPress Notify plugin override the subscription to forums & replies settings, the emails are now sending as expected.
Appreciate the help!
I just sent a test email from Check & log email and successfully received it
that line of code is related to the replies widget – as a test try disabling that widget and see if it makes a difference
so does sending a test email from Check & log email (nothing logged in tests) work?
I’m having the same issue with notifications of replies and new topics not being sent by email.
Plugins installed:
Simple WordPress Membership
bbp style pack (notifications enabled)
bbPress Members Only (forum set to members only with all other pages visible)
bbPress Notify (No Spam)
Check & log email (nothing logged in tests)
Code Snippets (original code above added)
Easy WP SMTP (confirmed that other emails are sending successfully, eg notification of new member registrations via Simple Membership)
WP Notification Bell (new replies ARE showing up here)
I’ve run tests with replies and new topics for a test user subscribed to everything (and directly to the topic used to test replies), and am still not getting any emails. Have, of course, checked the spam folder.
I’d appreciate any suggestions for troubleshooting.
Thank you!
Just to let you know that I did not see any change:
I configured point 6.
[Academia Astrologia Avanzada MB]{forum_name}
and I got the following notificaton email
Academia Astrologia Avanzada MB New Topic Alert: test 8
The forum name is missing
We actually have solved this issue now.
It turns out that the affected Forum was set to only have Keymaster in “Ultimate Member” Permissions!
So we’ve now rectified that and everything is working as it should do.
However the only discrepancy is that when we created test participant accounts that did not have the “Keymaster” permissions, we were able to reply, as could another end user account that had only “participant” permissions.
So in short, we’ve solved the issue but there appears to be a bit of strange grey area here where some users can still reply despite not having the permissions to.
Ok, so because we’ve not been able to replicate the issue with test accounts et al. We think that if we delete the end user’s account and then remake the account this will rectify the issue. As we’re aware that the user may already have content that they’ve created under their account we want to migrate that to a dummy account while we’re putting in place the deletion so we can then migrate it back to their “new” account and thus cause little to no disruption for them. We just wanted to check that if bbpress content is in this equation, that this content type does also get re-allocated like any other WP content types.
you rock, I’ll test it some more as time goes on, unless you think I’m good? Does this BBPress try to login in any other BBPress pages?
We have not been able to replicate the error so it appears to be only for this one topic, and only these users.
Users have provided us with screenshots showing that the text box to reply and submit button are not present.
This has happened for two separate users on different machines and they have tested other browsers, clear caches and in standard browser modes and incognito / private browsing modes.
A temporary solve was managed by changing their permissions from subscriber (whitelisted) to keymaster and they were able to reply to the thread. However in our testing we haven’t been able to establish the reason why these particular users were not able to reply as all test accounts were able to reply with subscriber (whitelisted) permissions.
We aren’t able to log in and test the end user accounts as they are public sector organisations using SSO.
We have 2 isolated instances of users being unable to reply to a forum topic when their permissions show that replies are enabled.
The topic shows on the users screen but the text box and submit buttons are not displayed.
We have done extensive testing with test accounts and we cannot replicate the issue.
Any suggestions welcom
You keep repeating the issue – I fully understand the issue.
1. I am not paid to do any of this – I try and spend around hour a day helping others as people have helped me over the years, but I have a full time job.
2. I have bbpress and 6 other plugins that I try to help.
3. I receive 30-40 emails a day on many things, and I do not keep old emails.
4. If I had access to your site a. I would have deleted any details b. It is not up to me to get you site working, if I ask you for details I do not expect to have to look them up myself.
so if you are running both my plugin and adding snippets you are very unlikely to get to any solution. Consider my plugin to be blue paint, and you snippet to be red paint. If you run both, the room you want to paint might end up red because that is the only color that got painted, or red because it was pained blue first and then painted red. Only by having one bit of code running do you get a true test.
so to fix your site.
1. do not have any other attempts at solutions
2. use the auto login in my style pack
3. tell me if it works in staging – ie it goes to login and then to the topic
4. tell me if it works in live – – ie it goes to login and then to the topic
5. tell me the settings you have in
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>plugin information>subscription emails
copy/paste here or send to me by email
for both live and staging
If you do not understand what this means, the use google to translate or find someone who can understand this.
Ok Robin, it’s quite simple to resume.
– connected subscribers access a new topic or reply by clicking on the link contained in the notification email.
– subscribers who are not logged in are redirected to the login page by clicking on the link in the notification email, but after login are not redirected to the topic.
I’m a bit surprised that you’re asking me how bbp style pack is configured because you’ve had access to the admin of my test site.If you ask information about my configuration I’ll tell you as long as I understand the question.
I’m very grateful to you because, contrary to what you say, you spend time solving other people’s problems.
ok you doing the equivalent of sending me an image of your car engine and expecting me to tell you what the noise it is making is caused by. 🙂 🙂
I would suspect it is theme related, and menus and scroll are theme related.
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
I have just installed bbPress, configured the settings, and created some categories/forums, but when I go to the link where the forum should have been, I only see a blank page.
I have tested with the shortcode, and added that to a blank page. That works, but links to posts and categories open up as blank pages
Hi all,
I’m having white pages issue while I setup a very simple forum on that testing sub-domain:
My current configuration
– WordPress: 6.5.2 – multi-site
– PHP/MySQL: 7.4.30 / 5.5.5
– Theme: TwentyTwentyFour Child
– Enabled extensions: bbPress (2.6.9), WordPress Importer (0.8.2)
– Enabled network extensions: Comet Cache (170220), Error Log Monitor (1.7.7), Fixed Widget (6.2.3), Forum_wordpress_fr (4.2), Solid Security Basic (9.3.2), WP-Sweep (1.1.8), WP Dashboard Notes (1.0.11)
I’ve read several topics including that one (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/blank-topic-pages-on-bbpress-while-using-twenty-twenty-two-theme/) I’ve put the code in my functions.php child, but it didn’t get any better. (I removed it)
But, I’m not too good at geek things, so I’ll appreciate any advices, clues if you read that topic, so I can enjoy testing bbPress extension.
I have not seen this before, one potential is that a pending reply is causing the issue, although apart from posting lots of test replies to see if he problem moves to page 2, I’m not sure how you would prove that.
I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.
The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.
My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.
bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. In essence it is a WordPress product, written by the founder of Wordress, and taken into a plugin by sponsorship from WordPress. There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.
I currently have my test site running WordPress 6.4.x and php 8.2 with no issues.
The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.
However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this
bbp style pack
as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.
All plugins are subject to the authors commitment, and bbpress is no different.
The main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.
I am guessing that you are being told by Wordfence, which is telling you based on the fact that the plugin has not been updated, rather than any actual security risk.
But with open software you make your choices….
5.9.O is working too, I can see that on production site… I don’t know why but automatic update keep me 5.8.9 on my test site…
thanks again dear…