Hi Stephan, that’s great to hear! Any idea when you plan to release? I’m just doing demo runs right now; I’ll be officially moving my phpbb3-based community over to this bbpress install next month.
I have already been doing a lot of user pruning and forum configuration on the live phpbb forum to make it as close to what I want the bbpress to look like.
I guess I will need to figure out how to mass move topics from a regular forum into a group designated forum. I tried mucking with the database by changing the “post_parent” field to match up with the new group forum, however it didn’t work… the front end looked a little wonky. Tips?
Excellent, the BBCode cleanup bits are the main changes that will ship with bbPress 2.3, I think I have most of them sorted now.
Moving topics is a manual task at the moment, it is planned for a future release. (#1838 & #1721)
Are you able to configure your old phpBB forums (or a copy of them) and set these forums the way you want them to exist in bbPress and then do the import?
(Essentially use the phpBB mod tools to get the setup you want before importing into bbPress)
Stephan, I ended up with a fresh install again and did the import from scratch. This time, it looks like it worked!
Has there been any resources for cleaning up bbcode? it looks like a bunch of random characters are in place around the brackets where bbcode once was.
Also, I am using sitewide forums over the buddypress forums. However, I wanted to migrate topics from one of the imported forums into the group forum that was created … however, I see no option to mass move topics? I did some searching and found a reference to it if I were to “delete” a forum, however trashing it, simply just puts it in the trash bin! Can you please shed some light onthis?
Thank you so much for your continued support! I’ve been a hardcore phpbb user for a long time but the painful customization of it finally turned me!
There are a couple of minor updates for the importer with bbPress 2.3 but these do not relate to mismatched topics and replies. How many are we talking? 1 or 2? 10 or 20? 5,000? What percentage?
Don’t worry about user passwords, they are stored in usermeta until the user logs in for the first time.
Thanks Stephan – I’m an idiot! That worked.
However, I’m noticing not all replies are matching up with their parent topic. Is this a known issue? User passwords are blank in the database too so they can’t log in… any help would be much appreciated!
Make sure you check the option ‘Import Users’
Your phpBB database is NOT erased, you can reset bbPress and import from phpBB as many times as you want.
It is still advisable to make backups of everything still.
okay, sorry! After mucking around, REPAIRING the counts worked!
Now, I just need to figure out this users issue…
Hi there,
I used the import tool to suck all the users, forums, and topics from a phpbb forum database. It seems to import fine. In the admin area, I am able to see all the forums and all the topics. However, when I look at the front end, I just see the entire list of forums that were imported in, but they show as 0 topics or 0 replies. Also, all users appear as “Anonymous” and there aren’t any users added in the user management area :/
Any ideas why this may be?
Thank you much!
Last Thing :
When i import a forum, is there my database in phpbb3 is erased ? Or i can do the transfert many times i want ?
You can also get the correct settings from your phpBB config file via FTP to your site or via your web host file manager for your phpBB install. /public_html/phpbbv3/config.php
`// phpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file
// Do not change anything in this file!
$dbms = ‘mysqli’;
$dbhost = ”;
$dbport = ”;
$dbname = ‘my_phpbb_database_name’;
$dbuser = ‘my_database_user_name’;
$dbpasswd = ‘mypassword’;
$table_prefix = ‘phpbb_’;
$acm_type = ‘file’;
$load_extensions = ”;
@define(‘PHPBB_INSTALLED’, true);
// @define(‘DEBUG’, true);
// @define(‘DEBUG_EXTRA’, true);
Copy the $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpasswd & $table_prefix values from this file into the bbPress import settings
From a Google cache of your phpBB site as your site is offline at the moment
Mensajes totales 34077 | Temas totales 6981
The 34077 is total posts and this includes topics AND replies so:
34077 – 6981 = 27093
Topics = 6981
Replies = 27093
(These numbers will be inaccurate as they are from Google cache)
In Fact, this Name BDD, Name user and passe for a wordpress installation and my phpbb forum.
Result :
Bbpress import 6,159 topic but phpbb3 have 6,312 = 97% recovery
bbpress import (27,670) replies but phpbb3 have 33,868 = 81% recovery
bbpress import 80 forums but phpbb3 have 90 = 88% recovery
over all 88% recovery
so can any one help me at least 95% data import from phpbb3 to bbpress ?
Sure let me try to phpBB importer , do you have any link for download the phpBB importer file (php file )? because i feel the phpbb importer file in bbpress have some issue thats why its not fetch all data from phpbb3 forum ,
Stop using the SimplePress importer and start using the phpBB importer.
If you import using the phpBB importer your users can login to WordPress/bbPress using their existing username and password.
The only known issues with importing from phpBB are listed here (they are all very minor issues)
If you have issues with the phpBB import then tell us what they are so we can fix them.
Hey Good Morning , well i am using importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress because its fetch almost 99% data from phpbb3 thats why i am using this way , and if i use import phpBB directly into bbPress then i loss lots of topics , forms & replies from phpbb, thats is main reason to use importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress,
& try to bump the value you asked i did try more then 10 times but same issue its stop some time @ 299 or @ 499 and last night i was stop @ 3499 dont know how to solve this issue 🙁 help me plz ,
Wordpress site: http://wikifaunia.com/foro_animales/
Phpbb3: foroanimales.org
Try the steps I outlined above:
If it does continuously stop in the same position open phpMyAdmin and open the wp_options table and bump the value stored in _bbp_converter_start by 1 and click start again, if it fails again bump this value again.
If it hangs for 10 minutes, click ‘stop’, then click ‘start’ again it it should resume.
… phpbb3 data in simplepress and try to import it from bbpress
Why are you importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress?
Why not just import phpBB directly into bbPress?
Now its Converting topics (356 – 357) and “O” wait circle still revolving from 10 min its stop here 🙁 plz help how to fix that , 2 days before i did import every thing but the problem was UTF-8 , then i again i import the phpbb3 data in simplepress and try to import it from bbpress its give me hard time form that day to today ,
Hey all, great to hear people are working with the theme more and more, I will work on an updated version for you all to get stuck in. Hopefully I will get more of the issues resolved and sort out some of the profile pages too.
Generally the main forum page is the only one that is done to give you a good start, but I have changed a lot on teamoverpowered.com/forums so I will try and bring that across into a better starter theme, hold tight!
Cool, I’ll add this back in `‘from_expression’ => ‘WHERE User.Deleted = 0′`.
I removed it as if there is a `‘from_expression’` in the template it takes precedence and ignores any `‘join_’` expressions. So I need to dig around `converter.php` and find why it is ignoring the `’join_’` expressions when converting the users.
The `callback_savepass` & `authenticate_pass` is where we add any extra password algorithms if needed for non WordPress passwords (phpBB.php importer is a good example)
I deleted my Facebook account a couple of years ago so I won’t be doing any FB stuff 😉
I already solved my problems. You can view the new forum here http://grow-together.de/forum/.
@reverendgeneral What kind of line do you need? Maybe you add an tag manually. For better styling options I divided the “loop-forums.php” in two parts.
– Name BDD : The name in my wp-config (i use the same base for forum and a wordpress installation)
– Name user BDD : The user in my wp-config
– Pass : The Pass in my wp-config
These are your WordPress settings, you need to use your phpBB database name, database user & database user password.
I tried to import Phpbb forum to bbpress, with the import tool :
I disable Forums and start the process, and i have this :
“Repair any missing information: Continue
Conversion Complete
No replies to convert
No tags to convert
No topics to convert
No forum parents to convert
No forums to convert
No passwords to clear
No users to convert
Starting Conversion
My informations :
– phpBB
– Port : 3306
– Name BDD : The name in my wp-config (i use the same base for forum and a wordpress installation)
– Name user BDD : The user in my wp-config
– Pass : The Pass in my wp-config
– Prefix : PhpBB3
and Start.
I show all the informations many times and they are all right… I don’t understand where is the problem.
Thanks for your responses
I’m having a style problem with this as well. The forumhome only is taking 1/3 of the space counting sidebar, 1/2 the space it should. I tried editing the css but no luck. Any idea what class or id I should be editing?
View post on imgur.com
All other pages are the proper width, just now the forum home. Thoughts? thanks!