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  • #138871

    In reply to: phpbb import hanging?

    Stephen Edgar

    At what point do I give up and start again. Should it take over four hours?

    You should see it start and offer you some sort of notice that it has within seconds.

    Via FTP or your web host cPanel admin etc, open your phpBB config file /public_html/phpbbv3/config.php and make sure these are the values you are using on the bbPress importer screen.

    // phpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file
    // Do not change anything in this file!
    $dbms = 'mysqli';
    $dbhost = 'localhost';
    $dbport = '3306';
    $dbname = 'my_phpbb_database';
    $dbuser = 'my_user_name';
    $dbpasswd = 'abcdefgh';
    $table_prefix = 'phpbb_';

    (The $dbhost & $dbport may be blank as thats the default so use the settings I list above which are the default on the bbPress importer anyway)

    Stephen Edgar

    Everything is still going fine, I ran some phpBB imports yesterday whilst implementing a few minor updates.

    Details are here

    Feel free to download the latest from here:

    Halo Diehard

    First up, make sure you have run the phpBB recount tools which ‘should’ make sure phpB database is in good shape before you get started.

    I’m also having a problem importing from phpbb, can you please tell me where I find the phpbb recount tools?


    You should find it on the first page of your phpBB ACP, scroll down a little.

    phpBB3 has had some updates in the last year, I wonder if those updates are making the bbPress importer not be able to do it’s job? Maybe different coding now?


    In reply to: phpbb import hanging?

    Robin W

    It depends on the size of your old bb, but should take less than 30 minutes for any install.


    I am having no luck importing from phpbb (latest version 3.0.12) The importer just seems to hang for hours and hours on “Starting Conversion”

    At what point do I give up and start again. Should it take over four hours?


    First up, make sure you have run the phpBB recount tools which ‘should’ make sure phpB database is in good shape before you get started.

    I’m also having a problem importing from phpbb, can you please tell me where I find the phpbb recount tools?



    Stephen, no luck so far. It seems the problem is with the usermeta data.

    Not sure why phpbb to bbpress has issues with passwords. I am able to login to phpbb board seamlessly but the migration is not importing useful passwords.

    I can give you access to my cpanel for a closer look the tables you requested. How do I contact you.


    Topic: phpBB import

    in forum Installation

    I have been trying to import phpbb for several days now. I have 87000 members and the script is so slow. It would seem to be easier to just do it directly in the db. I am having no luck with the import script. First it takes a day to import users. Second the restart script seems to have problems “Deleting previously converted data (6694000 – 6694999)”. I have no clue what it is deleting but there are not 6 million records. No where near.

    So is there a guide to doing a manual import directly through db scripts?


    Stephen Edgar

    I’d suggest looking up how phpBB deals with imported vBulletin user passwords, some importers convert the password after the fact, so until userxyz logs into phpBB the password isn’t converted to the phpBB forums format.


    Stephen, I was able to convert from phpbb to bbpress and that was really smooth sailing, but now all my migrated usernames’ passwords don’t work. Ironically, for the earlier vbulletin conversion, the passwords were working fine but the threads and usernames were out of sync.

    Now, the thread/posts/username relationship is fine, but all my passwords don’t work. I am not sure what the issue is. Hopefully you can direct me in the right direction to get this minor issue resolved.


    I am trying to import my phpbb forum into bbPress. I put all the correct values in for the database but it comes back and says:

    Conversion Complete
    No reply_to parents to convert
    No replies to convert
    No tags to convert
    No topics to convert
    No forum parents to convert
    No forums to convert
    Starting Conversion

    The tables are loaded with forum data. Any suggestions?

    Stephen Edgar

    Apologies, snow & under are a couple of terms that come to mind.

    I just imported your data into a clean MySQL database and everything imported correctly.

    (The one side note is a couple of BBCodes, [align & [flash weren’t converted to WordPress ‘safe’ HTML, but that is another issue.)

    Where to from here I am not sure as ‘your’ content appears fine at my end and isn’t causing the importer to miss/fail etc.

    I think the next step would be for you to try this on a local install:
    MAMP if you use Mac
    XAMPP if you use PC

    Setup and install WordPress & bbPress in this install.

    Export your entire phpBB database and import it into your local setup and give that a go.

    My theory here is there could be ‘something’ going on with your web hosts configuration and if the local import works we can then export this data from WordPress on your local host and then import this into your remote host.

    Halo Diehard

    @netweb I’m not sure if you’ve missed the post or if you’re understandably busy, but thought I’d give this a “bump”.

    Stephen Edgar

    Thanks for the feedback and as time goes on more and more bits keep getting added 🙂

    If you do decide to give bbPress another shot the phpBB importer is pretty awesome so it shouldn’t be too hard to have a play in a dev site now and then either 😉


    I had a custom php site running phpbb, and I’m designing a WP site to replace it. I was planning on using forum software that would integrate with WP and settled on bbpress as the only free (or inexpensive) option.

    But now I’m planning on sticking with phpbb, even though it won’t integrate with WP like I want it to. I was willing to install a handful of plugins, but it looks like I’m going to need 20 or 30 plugins just to get some basic functionality for users and the admin. That’s even considering that my user base is not technically oriented and many phpbb features are unnecessary. My site has a single column layout with a header navigation, so the login and other widgets aren’t very useful for me. It looks like it’s possible to get bbpress set up the way I want with enough coding, but I guess I was just hoping for more of a plug and play solution to get my new site up and running with.

    I hope you will keep developing bbpress to be a more complete solution.

    Halo Diehard

    Thanks for your continued effort at trying to help problem solve! I don’t understand “There are two export labels” or see a “Query results operations’ section” so apologies if I’m missing something. Here are the steps I’m doing, let me know if I need to do something different and I’ll redo (using second query as example)

    Run SQL query:
    SQL query 1and1

    I choose “Export” on bottom right:
    All options for next step showing here

    I leave Export option “SQL” button selected in upper left, I’ve left all other options as 1and1 default, and saved as “zipped”
    1and1 Export save page

    Stephen Edgar

    OK, turns out the CSV won’t cut the mustard in this case, so these two queries match the results of the last dataset you send me.

    SELECT * FROM phpbb_topics WHERE phpbb_topics.topic_id > 330 AND phpbb_topics.topic_id < 338

    SELECT * FROM phpbb_posts WHERE post_id IN (3810,3819,3840,3851,3862,3863)

    Can you run both of those queries and this time when you click export (There are two export labels, click the one in the ‘Query results operations’ section)

    This time you only need to select ‘quick’ and format ‘SQL’ and zip both thos files and attach a link here.

    Halo Diehard

    Topic 333 was the last Topic to be posted that will import over, but several Posts made after that make it from the next day, from that topic and others.

    Yeah, once you directed me into my phpadmin, I looked at the tables of those posts (had never done that before) and they all look exactly the same. It must be another table that’s throwing the bbPress importer off.

    Edit: I just noticed they’re in a weird order:


    The two above the line will import over, nothing after will. Notice how “332” is under the line, even though it would fall in between Topics 331 and 333. Not sure if it’s a clue or if this is totally normal.

    Stephen Edgar

    I have the file (and removed the link in your post above).

    Which of those topics are and are not getting imported as all 6 (331-337) look fine to me and ‘should’ import without issue.

    Halo Diehard

    Alrighty, thanks so much for your help! I was thinking “no way someone’s going to want to help with this mess” and didn’t rush to check back (think I needed a small break too.)

    Thanks too for the detailed “how to”! I followed your instructions as well as I could, some discrepancies in options available, so hopefully I’ve got the info you need to take a peek at what’s going on. If gzip doesn’t work for you let me know and I’ll zip or not, upload another version.

    Stephen Edgar

    With some luck after we work out what is going on in that other thread you won’t need to do this, that said it does need doing a simple UPDATE query is all that will be needed.

    This is a good query to have a look around and see the data matches based on what the IP was of the post and the users last known IP address, this no doubt is not going to be accuate if the users IP changed from their first post to their last post and maybe every post in between.

    phpbb_posts.post_id, phpbb_posts.poster_ip, phpbb_posts.post_text, 
    phpbb_users.user_id, phpbb_users.username, phpbb_users.user_ip 
    FROM phpbb_posts 
    LEFT JOIN phpbb_users 
    ON phpbb_users.user_ip = phpbb_posts.poster_ip

    It would be much better to do an update query using phpbb_posts.poster_id if your database tables are not in a mess but that won’t be known until the other thread is resolved.

    Stephen Edgar

    The best idea I have at the moment would be for you to post on or an excerpt of your phpBB table with a couple of entries either site of this mysterious ‘5 month mark’

    Fire up phpMyAdmin and open your phpBB database:

    Run the following query substituting > 5 & < 15 values with appropriate values from a couple of rows that shows what data IS being imported and also what is NOT.

    SELECT * 
    FROM  phpbb_topics 
    LEFT JOIN  phpbb_posts ON phpbb_topics.topic_first_post_id = phpbb_posts.post_id 
    WHERE phpbb_topics.topic_id > 5
    AND phpbb_topics.topic_id < 15

    Now at the results of that query at the bottom of the page is export click that and select Custom - display all possible options select the format as CSV and check the Put columns names in the first row check box.

    Upload that file somewhere and post the link here (or send me a DM on Twitter) and I can have a look at exactly what is going on.

    Edit: fixed mysql code formatting

    Halo Diehard

    Anybody know of a way I can assign posts to authors by their ip? All my imported posts are being assigned to the admin 🙁 but they have the correct ip’s attached to them. I did opt to import users with the posts.

    WP Version: 3.6.0
    bbPress Version: 1.8.1

    I’m importing from phpBB3 and yes I synced everything in phpbb3 first and then in bbPress after 😉 I am also having other issues that I’m trying to get support for in another thread (posts only import up to five months ago)

    Halo Diehard

    Now I have disabled Kiss Portal, purged the cache in phpBB3, resyncronized in phpBB3, imported to bbPress, and resynced there and still upon import only get posts up to five months ago.

    Anybody have a clue what the issue might be or know of a resource that might show me how I can retrieve my posts from phpBB3 into bbPress by hand?

    Halo Diehard

    I have followed WP-United author’s instructions for removal by disabling in WP, removing the code (by hand to be sure) from all phpBB3 files and deleting WP-United files from phpBB3, deleting the plugin in WP. I then purged the cache in phpBB3, resyncronized in phpBB3, imported to bbPress, and resynched there – – Still only get posts up to five months ago 🙁

    Maybe it’s the Kiss Portal that’s causing the issue? Maybe it puts a difference in the database that the importer doesn’t recognize?

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