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  • kimis

    Hello, I would like to prevent the creation of a forum with an existing name on BBpress, I do use it on my wordpress project. The forum is create on the admin panel.

    Thanks for your help


    We had a PHPBB many years ago, which we migrated to bbPress around four years ago, but it seems some flags remained in the database for the whole time, flags like (_bbp_class, _bbp_old_user_id, _bbp_password, _bbp_phpbb_user_avatar, _bbp_phpbb_user_sig). They might be needed; I have no idea.

    But after the last update of WP and all the plugins, all the migrated users started to get an error message instead of being able to log in:
    {“success”:false,”data”:[{“code”:”bbp_converter_db_connection_failed”,”message”:”Database connection failed”}]}
    After some debugging and searching, I found and tried to remove _bbp_class, which helped 🙂

    I just needed to wipe the SQLite Object Cache because it kept the old data. It might happen to someone else in the future, I don’t know. I don’t know if you can somehow influence that this metadata is not stored there or something else. But at least you have the information that it might happen.


    I have the plugin BBpress that allow me to create a forum on the admin panel on wordpress, the form is basic I just have to tape a name and pusblished it. Forum > Add new > tape the name > published and my forum is create. I also have a taxonomy forum that is linked to the user for that I do use the plugin User Taxonomy & Directory.

    Robin W

    there are options for ‘submitting’ and a spinner in

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>option 5

    Robin W

    Astra needs a fix for bbpress to work


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>theme support


    Hi there, here is my site:

    Note that the individual forum link goes to a blank page:

    And the individual topics links also go to a blank page:

    BBPress Version 2.6.11
    WordPress 6.6.2
    Running a custom child theme of Astra.

    Robin W

    bbPress has been translated into many languages. See

    Is there a cookie I can set to make bbPress dynamically switch from say the English language to the French language?

    I have a website in several different languages.

    Robin W

    ok, all I can suggest is the standard fault finding…

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Robin W


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>theme support

    and you can enable support for that theme.


    But here we are not talking about adding new functions to bbpress …. simply that bbpress inherits the style of the theme used as all other plugins do. Now I do not know how to program but I do not think it is a complicated modification / update to do. How is it possible that a component that has more than 100,000 active installations and that is the component used to support which has millions of threads and posts, in 2024 is considered a plugin of little value and with hundreds of wordpress employees does not do this small update.

    Robin W

    I’m as frustrated as you are by a lack of development, I’m only trying to explain why it is not happening, I’m not trying to say that I agree with it.

    And as far as I can see WordPress views it only as needing development as far as it is the support tool for them.

    I’m just a guy sat in his kitchen, trying to keep this product alive


    bbpress is the official wordpress plugin and is the one used on as well as being used by thousands of sites.
    I’m talking about inheriting at least the font size of the theme in which it is used, nothing exceptional…

    Robin W

    not quite, WordPress exists because Automatic who own WordPress run which as a hoster generates income which helps pay for WordPress development. Other contributors to WordPress include wordfence who make money from selling protection to companies.

    bbpress has no sponsors at the moment


    According to this reasoning wordpress should not exist then.
    Here I am not asking for customizations to bbpress. simply that bbpress inherits the theme style, that is, inherits the font size. Buddypress does this so it is absurd that bbpress does not do it.

    Robin W

    basic economics –

    You using bbpress generates no income for anyone.

    bbpress is a wordpress product, so someone has to sponsor a coder to code stuff, ie someone has to pay for this, and unless there is a reason for this, it doesn’t happen.


    Take a look at the below link as this works for a logged in user. The three shortcodes should help achieve what you are looking for.

    bbp topic count


    On when you leave a topic, gutemberg blocks appear, how can I activate them?

    Robin W

    Learndash I think hides some stuff, maybe try disabling and see if that is the issue, you can then look at what you need to do there.

    If not, then it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back



    I am using bbpress with learndash. I’m having a problem, and it’s that when I create a new topic, the message appears in the forum, but all the replies to that message don’t show up in the forum. The notification that there’s a new reply appears, and the reply count is shown, but I can’t see any of the replies. However, in on the WordPress side, they do appear. I’ve tried uninstalling plugins and even changing the theme, but it’s still not working. I don’t now but else to do

    1.Screenshot: there is no visible replies.

    2.Screenshot: Replies created and shown in the wordpress panel

    BBpress Version: 2.6.11
    Wordpress version: 6.6.2
    Website link:
    Theme: Kadence

    Robin W

    I’m not trying to argue with you, just stating my opinion.

    If you fancy sponsoring someone to update the plugin, contract WordPress who own it. Otherwise you are just relying on someone writing this for free in their spare time – sorry that’s how it works

    Robin W

    I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.

    The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.

    My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.

    bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. In essence it is a WordPress product, written by the founder of Wordress, and taken into a plugin by sponsorship from WordPress.
    There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.

    I currently have my test site running WordPress 6.6.x and php 8.2 with no issues.

    The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.

    However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this

    bbp style pack

    as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.

    All plugins are subject to the authors commitment, and bbpress is no different.

    The main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.

    But with open software you make your choices….

    Robin W


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation

    Robin W

    ok, that’s like sending your auto mechanic a picture of your Ford and asking him to say what is wrong 🙂

    The best I can say is it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    ok, since I cannot see the site, troubleshooting is near impossible.

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

Viewing 25 results - 76 through 100 (of 26,702 total)
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