Thank you.
So how easy would it be to pull the latest 10 threads onto my wordpress sidebar?
When I think of it, that makes total sense. WordPress was created before BBPress. So WordPress can’t “hold” BBPress. But BBPress has been programmed to “hold” WordPress.
I think someone was saying in another forum that WordPress is working towards “holding” BBPress.
Actually, I just tried to login to BBPress, and there appears to be a circular matter with logging into the dashboard.
So I guess I will have to re-install everything, starting with BBPress, then loadingWordPress into it, instead of what I have now.
You’re using WPmu, yes?
It’s a little different. See my response here:
You could use the $bb->wp_home stuff, but you’ll have to also:
$bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;
$bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;
Since MU cookies are structured a little differently than WP cookies.
Try this.
Look at the cookie you have from you mu site. (In firefox: preferences -> privacy -> cookies -> view cookies then find the cookie in question. I’m sure there’s a way to do this in other browsers as well.)
I bet it looks like this:
Name: wordpressuser
Domain: // or is it ?
Path: /
Send For: Any type of connection
And one for the password too:
Name: wordpresspass
Path: /
Send For: Any type of connection
If that is the case, in bbPress’ config.php set the following.
$bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;
$bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ‘’; // or if there was a . above
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
If I’m wrong in my guess about the structure of yrour cookies, please post what they are (name, domain, path, send for only. Don’t post the content of the cookie).
A question for Atsutane or anyone else for that matter in the know!
You talked about the design being easy if a person loads the WordPress into BBPress. But what if I do the opposite, load BBPress into WordPress? Which is what I have done.
Is it easier or BETTER to integrate WordPress into BBPress, or BBPress into WordPress, both from a programming perspective and from a website design perspective?
huh. Still spews erros:
“bbPress database error: [Table ‘bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]”
So it’s still looking in the bbpress db instead of the MU one.
Fiddling with “// The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.
// If you’re not, just leave the rest as it is.” doesn’t change things either.
If I comment out the define custom user table, it works without errors, but still doesn’t share user info. Weird.
Any hints or where I’ve overlooked thing? Something else to edit?
Also, I should mention I’m doing this on a local server.
I got this from the documentation,
“If you’ve installed bbPress into a subdirectory of your WordPress installation, define $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl as your WordPress blog address and WordPress address, respectively. Both sites will now share the same cookies so that when you’re logged into one, you’re logged into the other.”
so why would’nt this work for me? probably something simple that i’m overlooking. But i do have those two variables set (in my case, they are both,, and nothing!, i have to login to both systems.
They do share the same usertable, just not the session cookies.
Looks very good. I like the sports theme and especially the way you executed it in a simple but memorable manner. This approach perfectly matches the “simple but elegant” slogan of bbPress.
I am not as good as you are at coming up with a nice looking theme (plus mine is a business site, so slightly more serious topic), so I just modified the standard header and colors a bit. But I still like my new bbPress forum much better than my former YABB forum system. YABB was somewhat slow for me, but the biggest problem was that it was nearly ignored by every search engine. On the other hand, my WordPress blog is very well indexed by the main search engines and I am hoping that bbPress will have the same results.
thomas at innovatize dot com slash forum
Awesome, that worked! Thanks for the assist.
Try require_once('/path/to/wp-blog-header.php');
instead of wp-config.php.
What you’re trying to do should be done in bbPress’ config.php file, but you’re really close 
Put your index.php back the way it was. In bbPress’ config.php file, put the following two lines right after the <?php
define('WP_BB', true);
It seems you’ve found the correct path to use in you system: /home/myusername/public_html/blog/wp-blog-header.php
So it should now look like:
define('WP_BB', true);
Then, copy your bb-templates/
directory to my-templates/
this is so you can modify the template files without editing the original ones; bbPress will use the files in that directory automatically instead of the original ones.
In my-templates/front-page.php
(and any of your other template iles), you can now call any WordPress template function, even get_header()
You should be able to use any bbPress functions you like in WordPress as long as you
When u load wordpress function inside bbpress. U already integrate both design point and database point. You only need to add WP template tags inside bbpress template.
Nope. Here is my index.php file from the bbpress directory. What am I doing wrong?
//the next two lines are my attempts to load it myself
$bb_db_override = false;
do_action( ‘bb_index.php_pre_db’, ” );
if ( isset($_GET) && ‘1’ == $_GET ) :
$forums = false;
elseif ( !$bb_db_override ) :
$forums = get_forums(); // Comment to hide forums
$topics = get_latest_topics();
$super_stickies = get_sticky_topics();
do_action( ‘bb_index.php’, ” );
if (file_exists( BBPATH . ‘my-templates/front-page.php’ ))
require( BBPATH . ‘my-templates/front-page.php’ );
else require( BBPATH . ‘bb-templates/front-page.php’ );
//then i tried the include header call to no avail so i tried this
<?php include (/home/myusername/public_html/blog . ‘/wp-blog-header.php’); ?>
I am going to try this, thanks to the page you referenced above.
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/header2.php’); ?>
Ok, now I am beginning to understand. I assume from looking around that I need to add that code (such as ‘<?php get_header(); ?>’) into the bbpress/index.php file.
Naturally bbpress won’t know to look in the /blog/ folder (bbpress is in the /blog/bbpress/ folder) so how do I set the path?
Would that be another require( etc code?
Thanks for all the help, I am learning so much!
The only way available right now is to load wordpress into bbpress. I like to load some bbpress function into wordpress.
Anyone know how to do it?
I’ve modified my Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress and it appears to be working in BBPress (albeit without the UI for configuring the “uastring”).
Testers welcome; get it here…
Found my solution here….
Thanks astereo:
Solved my problem. It was coming from
$bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix.
$bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash
$bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash
I had set the urls only to, when I added the http and www it worked fine.
Quick Version:
Is it feasible internally, to have a user post a comment to the forum and register at the same time?
Something that’s been mentioned already by a regular reader of my blog is that he’d be far less inclined to leave a comment anywhere that he had to register first.
The BBPress registration process is mind-numbingly simple, but users first have to get over the two-step-hurdle of registering and then leaving their comment.
So it strikes me that, since the registration details are the same as you have to provide when blog-commenting some middle ground might be beneficial.
I imagine it working such that when the user submits their comment (topic) their confirmation message is along the lines of:
From here it becomes a small step to replace the wordpress comment mechanism with bbpress, which is somehting I’d like to do.