I suspect you are feeling some frustration as am I !. I have been supporting bbpress for 14 years, and I wrote the first version of bbp-style-pack over 10 years ago and have developed and supported it since then.
Every website is a combination of WordPress and its settings, your theme and its settings, any adjustments to that theme, and all the plugins and each of their settings. That’s before we look at things like php versions, apache stuff, ht-acess, hoster settings and limitations and a bunch more stuff.
That makes most sites pretty unique, so site A will never replicate site B in it’s problems and issues, so what works on my test site is not guaranteed to work on your site.
So what I ask you to do is based on my best view of what might be the issue, but I am using past skill and knowledge to make informed guesses.
so can you send me a screenshot of the following page
dashboard>settings>bbp-style-pack>Dashboard Admin
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Breadcrumbs
and you can disable all breadcrumbs, or tailor to what you want
Hi, is there a way to remove the path above the forums please? WordPress version 6.7.2, bbpress version 2.6.12, Learndash version site: https://dataciseopenlearning.org/
Apologies, I have been on holiday.
I am not a bbpress author, but I have added this feature into one of my plugins.
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Dashboard Admin>item 6 and tick to enable
Can you provide any insight into the status of 2.7.0 Alpha? I’m assuming that, if I knew how, I could at least query Trac to find out which bugs are attached (if that’s the right term) to that release, and so on
There are a few ways, but I usually use the Roadmap.
See: https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/roadmap
You’ll see the various releases as headings there, and you can click around to get the various ticket reports.
It’s all pretty fluid though. For example, the 2.6.12 release wasn’t really planned, so the minor issues got bumped to 2.6.13, and if a new security release needs to happen quickly, they’ll get bumped again, etc…
I appreciate the kind words. I love bbPress, and I do hope to be able to put a lot more time towards it again!
👋 Hi there!
It’s mostly still me working on bbPress, with bug reports & help here and there from the community which are always helpful and appreciated!
I simply forgot to update the Codex page, so thank you for asking here 😅
The build & release process is still pretty manual, because it includes updates to multiple WordPress pages & such (as you’ve all noticed here).
(I do read the forums almost every day, and think they work best when I stay out of them and the community helps itself & each other – and moderators like @robin-w are obviously especially helpful.)
Possible Explanation for bbPress replies import issue
It seems we may have found an explanation for the issue with importing replies in BBPress.
From what we now understand, bbPress has changed the way replies are linked to topics. Previously, topics and forums were connected using the post parent meta field, making it easy to import and structure data. However, it appears that replies now reference a different column that contains the topic ID.
The issue arises because the old database contains topic IDs that are unique WordPress-generated values. When importing into the new site, these IDs don’t match because the new site generates different IDs for topics. As a result, replies are unable to connect to their corresponding topics since they are searching for IDs that do not exist in the new database.
- In the old database, the topic IDs are unique WordPress-generated values.
- When importing these into the new site, the IDs don’t match because the new site generates different IDs for the topics.
- As a result, the replies don’t know where to connect since they are searching for IDs that do not exist in the new database.
This change in how replies are structured seems to be the root cause of the problem. If anyone has encountered this before or has suggestions for handling ID mapping efficiently, feel free to share your insights.
thanks for all that – I’ll take a good look when I get back
as a by the by, they might ask you to change the title – they made me change one I inherited which started with ‘bbpress’ they said made it look like it was owned and written by bbpress whose name is owned by WordPress. There as plenty of plugins that do this already and haven’t been asked so you may get away with it, but I had to change it from ‘bbPress Topics for Posts’ to ‘Post Comments as bbPress Topics’
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution, I’ve just released a plugin fixing the bbPress display in block themes.
The plugin needs to undergo a WordPress plugins repository review, which queue times are long currently, before being available at WordPress plugin repository. So, meanwhile you can download bbPress for Block Themes plugin at GitHub.
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution, I’ve just released a plugin fixing the bbPress display in block themes.
The plugin needs to undergo a WordPress plugins repository review, which queue times are long currently, before being available at WordPress plugin repository. So, meanwhile you can download bbPress for Block Themes plugin at GitHub.
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution, I’ve just released a plugin fixing the bbPress display in block themes.
The plugin needs to undergo a WordPress plugins repository review, which queue times are long currently, before being available at WordPress plugin repository. So, meanwhile you can download bbPress for Block Themes plugin at GitHub.
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution, I’ve just released a plugin fixing the bbPress display in block themes.
The plugin needs to undergo a WordPress plugins repository review, which queue times are long currently, before being available at WordPress plugin repository. So, meanwhile you can download bbPress for Block Themes plugin at GitHub.
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Emails>item 2 and follow the instructions
use :
Private groups
and use topic permissions – see the help section for how to set up
I am working on https://www.dallasgemandmineral.org/
wordpress version 6.7.1
bbpress 2.6.11
I do have Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection v 5.3.5
I am a newbe and lost
I have some forums, and Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection is correctly marking things as spam.
I am getting spammed, and anti spam is catching them.
I want to set u the forum so only registered users can post but anyone can reply.
I found one setting that limits posts and replies to registered users,
the situation is this:
Anouther rock club donated equipent, on the condition that if we sell it their members are able to bid. I set up a forum to sell things, by posting a reply to an item for sale.
I had to remove the setting that only registered users can post and reply, because to register you have to be a member of our club.
So is there a way to limit new topics to registered users (to cut out the spam) but allow anyone to reply?
I am working on https://www.dallasgemandmineral.org/
wordpress version 6.7.1
bbpress 2.6.11
I do have Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection v 5.3.5
I am a newbe and lost
I have some forums, and Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection is correctly marking things as spam.
But I cannot find a way to select them and delete them in bulk.
I can select each one, edit it, mark it as trash, then delete it…. but I have over 1000
In this post I want to find the way to select topics in a forum and bulk delete them
How to subscribe existing wp users to a newly created forum? Currently new users are auto-subscribed to existing forums, but there does not seem to be a way to subscribe existing wp users to a new forum. Forums on our site are viewable via log-in only. https://weightinclusivemedicine.org/forums/
Is there an easy way to do it through wp database?
Using 2.6.11 bbpress WordPress 6.7.1
Looks like it was fixed way back when codebase was not modularized to this extent. Here is the ticket that was closed some 13 years back with commit that fixes it.
If you observe these check doesn’t exist anymore before updating last reply id and all.
// Update if reply is published
if ( bbp_is_reply_published( $reply_id ) )
update_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_last_reply_id', (int) $reply_id );
Here are a few options:
bbPress Messages: This plugin offers a simple yet powerful private messaging system tailored specifically for bbPress. It includes features like message caching for faster performance, background processing for tasks such as email notifications, and support for shortcodes and widgets.
Better Messages: A comprehensive real-time private messaging system compatible with bbPress, BuddyPress, and other WordPress platforms. It provides features like live chat, file uploads, emoji support, message editing and deleting, and even audio and video calls.
bbPress – Private Replies: This plugin allows forum participants to mark their replies as private, meaning only the original poster and forum moderators can view the content. It’s particularly useful for support forums where users may need to share confidential information.
This is just a warning that WordPress 6.7 introduced.
bbpress in itself does not issue that warning, so I’d suspect that another plugin is affecting this.
so you need to test to see which other plugin or your theme is doing this.
I’d start with loco translate and LearnPress – bbPress Integration as likely candidates.
If not you’ll need to work out which
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
Hi Robin
Thank you for your response.
We have already tried several troubleshooting steps, including:
Changing the theme.
Deactivating all plugins.
Contacting Divi (theme) support.
Contacting bbPress support.
Creating a new .htaccess file.
Uploading fresh WordPress core files.
Following the recommendations in this video: YouTube link.
Testing with the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
After extensive testing and investigation, our web hosting provider has concluded that bbPress is attempting to use an abnormally high amount of PHP memory. They have also provided us with an error log file that might help clarify the issue further. Please let me know how we can upload this.
We would appreciate any insights or suggestions you may have to resolve this problem.
Looking forward to your response.
I’d start by deactivating all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
We are experiencing an issue with reply creation. While users can successfully create new replies on the frontend, we encounter an “HTTP ERROR 500” when attempting to create a reply from the admin panel.
Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve it? Let us know if you need any additional information or logs.
Dev site: https://zmartkund.se/tilrf/
WordPress 6.7.1
Theme: Divi 4.27.4 (but also when Twenty Twenty-Five)
bbPress: 2.6.11