no easy solution – basically wordpress lets you login with your email so users can still login using email address if their have a different username. So if you need this as a solution then your registration process should not allow users to use their email as username or warn them that if they do it will be public.
You can change any existing ones using
How to Change a Username on WordPress
1. create a page called ‘profile’, it needs no content, but make sure the permalink is ‘profile’
2. in dashboard>settings>wp members>pages>profile select the profile page
then use this code
add_action( 'template_redirect' ,'rew_profile' ) ;
function rew_profile () {
update_option ('rewurl' , $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ;
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/profile/') {
$user_id =get_current_user_id() ;
$url = bbp_get_user_profile_url( $user_id ) ;
exit( wp_redirect( $url ) );
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
Code Snippets
Thank you, Robin. I added the snipped, and it partially worked. The anchor text “time ago” now reflects the time of the latest good post. However the URL is for the latest spam post.
I started digging a bit through bbpress code. It looks like if the fix was inside bbp_topic_freshness_link() it would be much easier to test, as we would not need to wait for a new spam post to test the fix. And perhaps make decisions based on the wp_post status having the value “publish”. This way the solution would not be specific to Akismet. But I am really too new to WordPress coding and bbPress to be making this kind of changes myself.
ok, give this a try – it may or may not do the trick !!
add_action ('bbp_new_topic_post_extras', 'rew_spam_update_last_active', 10 ,1 ) ;
function rew_spam_update_last_active ($topic_id) {
//this function tests if a new topic has been marked as spam by Akismet. If so then the last active date will be wrong
//So we use topic walker to recalculate it
if (!empty (get_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_akismet_user_result' ))) {
bbp_update_topic_walker ($topic_id) ;
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
Code Snippets
is this the free plugin here
WP-Members Membership Plugin
I have a WP-Members profile that shows up when a logged-in user chooses “My Profile” from the drop down list on the Home tab on my website:
(WordPress 6.0)
I would like the user’s WP profile information to have a link that would take the user to their bbPress Forum profile. I have no idea how to do this (not a programmer).
My current solution is to include the following text at the bottom of the user’s WP-Members profile:
(Note: User Profile information that provides forum related detail is accessed by clicking the picture [avatar] that appears beside a Forum post.)
I fully understand – you have an issue where one forum is not showing. Given that showing these forums are settings within your theme or LMS, not within bbpress, then it most likely that it is a setting somewhere within this.
so you can try one last thing
dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets the permalinks and may help
then if you srea still convinced that it is not theme or plugin, you can prove this using
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
i think it is lifterLMS and theme is LifterLMS launchpad child, and we have also “Restrict – membership, site, content and user access restrictions for WordPress” plugin, but I dont think that error is in this plugins, because other categories of forum work.
The above issues I have resolved using the following plugin.
Plugin name: bbPress – Report Content
Plugin URL:
But could you please help to solve the below screenshot issues?
Issues Description : I need to add report dropdown.
Screenshot URL :
Hi! I have problem in bbpress forum, we have bbpress forum on our page on this link You can see whole forum, but in individual categories you have no access, but when you click “Biologie” or “Chemie” it announces you that you have no privilege. Every category works, but “Fyzika” doesnt. Even if you try to enter “Fyzika”, none announcement appear. I am including screenshots of it. On screenshots on “forum.png” you can see whole forum, and when i click on category “Chemie” and “Biologie” it forwards to forum depicted on screen “chemie_forum.png” and “biologie_forum.png”. But when i click on “Fyzika” category, nothing shows up, and it is interesting that icons in admin panel dont show up (in red rectangle on “fyzika_forum.png”).
I dont understand what happend, nobody changed anything.
bbpress version is updated to newest, and wordpress is 5.9.
Link to google drive for screens is here:
Can somebody help me?
ok, I’ve found time to take an initial look at this.
The function called looks at a database item which holds the sub forum count – but it looks like this is just count of public forums, so the count is zero, so none displayed.
so removing looking at this takes away the issue.
It would take a deal of work to see why and how to make a permanent fix to this, and I think this filter will do what you want
add_filter('bbp_forum_get_subforums', 'rew_forum_get_subforums', 10, 3);
function rew_forum_get_subforums( $sub_forums, $r, $args ) {
// Default return value
$retval = array();
// Use passed integer as post_parent
if ( is_numeric( $args ) && ! empty( $args ) ) {
$args = array( 'post_parent' => bbp_get_forum_id( $args ) );
// Parse arguments against default values
$r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
'post_parent' => 0,
'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(),
'posts_per_page' => get_option( '_bbp_forums_per_page', 50 ),
'orderby' => 'menu_order title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'no_found_rows' => true
), 'forum_get_subforums' );
// Ensure post_parent is properly set
$r['post_parent'] = bbp_get_forum_id( $r['post_parent'] );
// Query if post_parent has subforums
if ( ! empty( $r['post_parent'] ) ) {
$get_posts = new WP_Query();
$retval = $get_posts->query( $r );
// Filter & return
return (array) apply_filters( 'rew_forum_get_subforums', $retval, $r, $args );
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
Code Snippets
Local WordPress installation.
so are you trying to install this on a local WordPress installation, or an online website?
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
not directly a bbpress plugin issue – might be better to post this into that plugins support forum
I set up a test forum and created a private category with two sub-forums inside. On forum index the category is shown with its two sub-forums listed below it, as intended.
Once I post a topic in one of the sub-forums the list disappears below the category on forum index. I can still see them if I click on the category however.
It’s similar to this bug here, but it doesn’t seem to matter if there’s a description or not
The bug only happen when the category is private or hidden. Should I do a bug report about it? Is there any known solutions?
WordPress: 6.0
Plugins: bbPress 2.6.9
Theme: Tried various WordPress default themes.
Thank you in advance
ok, so presuming this is in any topic, then if you fancy sharing the shortcode you are using and the php code, I might take a look at that
Outside of your php code, I’d suggest it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
I’m creating this topic on the off chance that somebody else might have experienced a similar thing and can point me in the right direction as to what has caused this.
So for unknown reasons, all forums and posts suddenly disappeared completely from our WordPress instance. They are not in the trash and I also couldn’t locate them in the database anymore. No plugin updates or any other suspicious actions have been performed that I know of which could’ve been behind this.
Also, this didn’t happen to our DEV instance which is essentially in the same state in terms of active plugins etc.
Anyone ever heard of something like this happening? I’m not so much concerned about restoring the lost forums because it was only test forums and test posts so far. But I don’t want to have this happen in the future with actual forums and posts on there. I know that backups can be made, but then there’d still be the content you’d lose in-between performing them manually.
We are using bbPress in conjunction with LearnPress and it was forums tied to a LearnPress course that were lost (we didn’t have any ‘free-standing’ ones), if that provides any hints.
Thanks in advance for your help!
great – have a look at this as an additional plugin it adds many features – it also lists other bbpress plugins
bbp style pack
I am not a bbpress author, but had been a moderator here for 7 or more years.
bbpress continues to be maintained, but releases are generally not frequent.
bbpress works with wordpress 6.x.
bbpress is stable, indeed it is used by WordPress as the main support tool for plugins, themes and WordPress itself, and is written by some of the main WordPress contributors so complies with WordPress standards.
There are many additional plugins for it which add functionality and design features – indeed several are written by me 🙂
This is a WordPress error, usually associated with a failed nonce (short for ‘number once’).
These nonce keys are generated for your website to verify that, for example, a script is run by you, and not an external source. This prevents intruders from altering or abusing your forms, URLs, AJAX calls, etc.
amongst many times, a nonce will be generated when you land on a bbpress page with a form on it – eg a new topic or new reply form.
This article explains possible causes
fixing error
In your case I’d suspect that this is not caused by a plugin or theme, but rather through expiration of the nonce through either other actions eg possibly you moving away from the page creating the nonce and then going back to it, or possibly a memory limit.
I look at 2, 3 & 5 first
I’m administrating a small forum currently on open source Vanilla, but they seem to discontinue their open source version and I’m looking for other solutions. Since we’re also already on WordPress bbPress seems like a choice to look into, but I’m worried we’ll get into the same situation again with the software being discontinued or outdated.
When I installed bbPress I noticed it said untested with the current version of WordPress, but also it does seem to be updated the past year so there may be no problem.
I need to ask though if bbPress is alive and planning to be alive for the future?
Are there any security concerns with it being updated so rarely or that’s perfectly fine?
Thank you in advance!