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Search Results for '"wordpress'

Viewing 25 results - 951 through 975 (of 26,673 total)
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  • stuartataltitude

    My website uses forums, e.g. to log information about rock climbing meets. The Meets forum says it has 113 subscribers, but if you list the subscribers and count them you find there are 93. If you list the notification emails sent out you see (scattered throughout the list of emails in the email log) 20 mails that have been sent to an empty (missing) email address. I’m guessing, but maybe when deleting some old club members the email notification list has not been updated correctly? It looks as if the list of email addresses used to send out notifications is not synchronised with the list of subscribed members. Is there a way to fix this?

    I’m currently using WordPress 6.0. bbpress version 2.6.9. bbP private groups 3.9.1. bbp style pack 5.0.5. bbPress Toolkit 1.0.12.

    Robin W

    thanks for posting. The site needs access to replicate so cannot be reproduced without.

    bbpress does not have a WYSIWYG editor by default, so what code/plugin are you using to get this? I’d suspect your theme may be doing this, and therefore may be creating the problem.

    You also have an error in your theme (Use of undefined constant bbp_reply_id ), which is either code you have added to what looks like a parent theme, or an error in the theme itself.

    I’d suggest that you prove this by


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then if it is theme contact the theme author as it is a paid theme

    Robin W

    this is because of the ‘notify me of follow up replies via email’, which is actually the same as ‘subscribe’

    If the user is not subscribed, then when the page is sent to the browser the page shows ‘subscribe’ as an option and has the ‘notify me’ unticked.

    when you click the subscribe, the database is changed, but the box is still left unticked. So on posting a reply, the absence of a tick ‘unsubscribes’ the user that has just subscribed 🙂

    It would be possible to create some js to correct this, but beyond free help.

    however given that someone replying probably wants to be subscribed :

    if you are using or want to use

    bbp style pack

    go to
    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>item 6 and set as default

    or use:

    Reply Subscribed


    I would like to add some non-verbal icon reactions for various posts, but looking in, I found this one:

    DW Reactions

    But it has not been updated in years.

    Can someone know whether it would still be stable enough to add, or would have any other recommendation?


    Topic: Email Notifications

    in forum Plugins

    I would like be able to send email notifications to specific people when new topics or replies are posted.

    Exactly like what this plug in does:

    bbPress Notifications

    However, it was last updated 9 years ago.

    Is this plug in still in use? Or is there a newer one?

    Milan Petrovic

    I am author of GD bbPress Attachments, and what you see is the message returned by WordPress when uploading. This was not the problem before, but it looks like the upload in WP has changed to recognize duplicated files. I will see if there is a way to handle this in some way in the future.


    Robin W

    Private groups

    and look at forum visibility


    In reply to: bbPress GD Topic Polls


    Despite attempts to talk to author I had no response. Hope he is ok.

    I ended up putting a WordPress poll on my site and did a generic post.

    I will end up uninstalling gd topic polls.


    In reply to: Translate a term

    Robin W

    or you can use

    bbp style pack

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>translations

    Robin W

    2nd issue – put this in your custom css

    .archive-description {
    display : none ;

    3rd issue

    bbp style pack

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    We also want it so the “notify me of followup replies” is checked of by default.

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>item 6

    What I’ve been asked to do is customize where it says “Topic” and “Tag” on the topic page.

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>translations



    I apologize if this answer is elsewhere but there is SO much here to search and dig through and much of what I’m finding is too technical for me to understand, especially the things in the documentation I found.

    What I’ve been asked to do is customize where it says “Topic” and “Tag” on the topic page. We actually want Topic to say what we’d like them to type there and we’d like “Tag” to actually say “Strategy” where the users can type in a specific strategy we are asking them to learn about (We are an educational PD company and we’re using BBpress in conjunction with the Lifter LMS we’ve built into WordPress). We also want it so the “notify me of followup replies” is checked of by default.

    MY own personal knowledge of WordPress is primarily GUI but I’ve done some things in the “customize” area of WordPress with the help of Lifter Support. SO, when things are telling me to deal with .php files (like I see in the documentation), I have no idea what to do.

    Is there someone who can tell me how to customize these things? Is there bbPress SUPPORT where I can put in a ticket and get hand-held help like I do with Lifter?

    Any and all help is appreciated as I have been asked to do these things that I have no idea how to do.

    Thank you!

    Dianne Krause


    In reply to: Sidebar at the bottom

    Robin W

    use this plugin to add a sidebar where you want

    Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager


    In reply to: Private Forums

    Robin W

    In reply to: Total post views

    Robin W

    In reply to: Total post views

    Robin W

    got this from a quick google

    bbPress Simple View Counts


    In reply to: How to change fonts?

    Robin W

    you need to learn about css and WordPress themes and about loading other fonts.

    Sorry, but too long to start typing explanations, google this stuff

    Robin W

    standard fault finding advice applies viz

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    Not sure if this is Divi related or BB Press related. We have a BB press search function for our Forum which has been fine until recently. However, suddenly only page 1 displays correctly in the search results (first image). The rest of the pages look like the second photo – you have to scroll down to reach the menu which has been corrupted and then the search results are after that (and are displaying correctly. All plugins, themes and WordPress are the latest versions. Hope someone can help (please) …

    Wordpress Version: 6.0
    bbPress Version: 2.6.9


    Robin W

    Hello all, I’m using a plugin called bbPress Topics for posts. Each of my wordpress posts has a forum. I want users to be forced to choose “Buy” or “sell” from a dropdown menu when they reply. I’d like their reply to be tagged so I can, for instance, filter only “buy” or “sell” tagged replies on the page.

    How can I do this? Thanks!

    Robin W

    bbpress just uses WordPress login, so any ‘member’ plugin will work for bbpress

    Robin W

    ‘Links’ will include anything that HTML considers a link, so that can include images and other stuff.

    I’d suggest you try :

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>moderation

    This will give you emails to advise, and the user notification

    I’d need an example of content to advise on why it might be held


    Hi all,

    Rather than wake up an old thread I thought I’d start a new one. The issue was reported here:

    Links in posts lead to them being hidden (and how to deal with them)

    And we have a similar problem. It seems a post with a single link is being hidden and no notification is being sent in spite of having the number of links set to ‘2’ before posts are hidden and us actively checking for the relevant notifications.

    I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this issue? I’m not that familiar with bbPress so if there’s something obvious I’m missing then I would be grateful if someone was able to point me in the right direction.

    Wordpress 5.9.3
    bbPress: 10.2.0

    Many thanks in advance!


    Topic: caching issue

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hi there,
    I think I am having a caching issue as when my users go to reply to a bbpress forum topic, it takes 2-3 times to submit their reply. (I am also having an issue sending buddypress private messages, when you click send nothing happens). I use W3Total Cache and Memberpress and I know I need to say “never cache” certain pages for Memberpress, so are their certain slugs I need to add to that list so the replies go through?
    Thank you!
    my site url:
    wordpress version 5.9.3
    theme: astra ( I also use a child theme)

Viewing 25 results - 951 through 975 (of 26,673 total)
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