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I have a WP-Members profile that shows up when a logged-in user chooses “My Profile” from the drop down list on the Home tab on my website:
(WordPress 6.0)
I would like the user’s WP profile information to have a link that would take the user to their bbPress Forum profile. I have no idea how to do this (not a programmer).
My current solution is to include the following text at the bottom of the user’s WP-Members profile:
(Note: User Profile information that provides forum related detail is accessed by clicking the picture [avatar] that appears beside a Forum post.)
Hi! I have problem in bbpress forum, we have bbpress forum on our page on this link You can see whole forum, but in individual categories you have no access, but when you click “Biologie” or “Chemie” it announces you that you have no privilege. Every category works, but “Fyzika” doesnt. Even if you try to enter “Fyzika”, none announcement appear. I am including screenshots of it. On screenshots on “forum.png” you can see whole forum, and when i click on category “Chemie” and “Biologie” it forwards to forum depicted on screen “chemie_forum.png” and “biologie_forum.png”. But when i click on “Fyzika” category, nothing shows up, and it is interesting that icons in admin panel dont show up (in red rectangle on “fyzika_forum.png”).
I dont understand what happend, nobody changed anything.bbpress version is updated to newest, and wordpress is 5.9.
Link to google drive for screens is here: somebody help me?
I set up a test forum and created a private category with two sub-forums inside. On forum index the category is shown with its two sub-forums listed below it, as intended.
Once I post a topic in one of the sub-forums the list disappears below the category on forum index. I can still see them if I click on the category however.
It’s similar to this bug here, but it doesn’t seem to matter if there’s a description or not bug only happen when the category is private or hidden. Should I do a bug report about it? Is there any known solutions?
WordPress: 6.0
Plugins: bbPress 2.6.9
Theme: Tried various WordPress default themes.Thank you in advance
Topic: Forums / Posts Disappeared
I’m creating this topic on the off chance that somebody else might have experienced a similar thing and can point me in the right direction as to what has caused this.
So for unknown reasons, all forums and posts suddenly disappeared completely from our WordPress instance. They are not in the trash and I also couldn’t locate them in the database anymore. No plugin updates or any other suspicious actions have been performed that I know of which could’ve been behind this.
Also, this didn’t happen to our DEV instance which is essentially in the same state in terms of active plugins etc.
Anyone ever heard of something like this happening? I’m not so much concerned about restoring the lost forums because it was only test forums and test posts so far. But I don’t want to have this happen in the future with actual forums and posts on there. I know that backups can be made, but then there’d still be the content you’d lose in-between performing them manually.
We are using bbPress in conjunction with LearnPress and it was forums tied to a LearnPress course that were lost (we didn’t have any ‘free-standing’ ones), if that provides any hints.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I’m administrating a small forum currently on open source Vanilla, but they seem to discontinue their open source version and I’m looking for other solutions. Since we’re also already on WordPress bbPress seems like a choice to look into, but I’m worried we’ll get into the same situation again with the software being discontinued or outdated.
When I installed bbPress I noticed it said untested with the current version of WordPress, but also it does seem to be updated the past year so there may be no problem.
I need to ask though if bbPress is alive and planning to be alive for the future?
Are there any security concerns with it being updated so rarely or that’s perfectly fine?Thank you in advance!
Topic: forums into learndash course
I have created a forum, I have a course, but I just cannot get the forum to show on the course.Ideally, I’d like the forum to be in a group, but can only find instructions on having a forum with a course. I have the course, I have the forum, but I just can’t get the forum to show on the course.
I’ve looked everywhere and spent all day trying to figure it out.
I use the bbpress plugin for Learndash, on
There is an issue where I can not delete any BBPress/Wordpress user as when I do the server gives internal error 500.
Either from the Buddypress frontend or from the WordPress users admin panel.
I looked at the error logs and can see
“mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 31 seconds”I tried updating this in apache to 60, but it seems to not have done anything.
Wordpress 6.0, Most recent bbPress version,
Using Twenty-SeventeenWhen a reply is posted, 2 email notifications are sent out to users: see #1 AND #2 below.
#1. email format (template): I want only this one to be sent! I created it in bbPress Notify (No spam).
Hello! A new reply has been posted by Jane Carole.
Topic title
ExcerptSource: Created by me in bbPress Notify
This one is sent out and has the correct format and contents.
It is the only one I want to send.#2. email format (template): I do not want this one to be sent.
Jane Carole posted new reply:
Full content
LinkSource: I don’t know where this one is coming from.
It is automatically sent right after #1 is sent.In summary:
I need to stop #2, but don’t know how. I think maybe it is the bbpress default email text. (I used bbPress Style pack, Subscription emails tab, and checked the box that allows me to enter different email body text, but the changes I make (in instructions 4-9 of that tab) aren’t applied and used even though I save them. The default text keeps appearing.
I thought that The bbPress Notify plugin would stop any other email notifications (I marked override subscriptions), but for some reason that isn’t happening.
Help please! (I am posting this again because for some reason when I posted it earlier today it was wrongly marked as spam!)