ok i got my header/footer running smoothly, was anyone aware that bbpress get header is written as get_head is this the same ?
oh yea and I was curious, now that the bb pulls in the header/footer of wp it knocks out the style for the forums, whats the recommended next step ?
is wordpress.org and bbpress.org login intergrated?
it is possible. Include the file wp-blog-header.php in the first line (after <?php) of your config.php. So, in every template file that calls bb_get_header() and bb_get_footer() you can replace them with get_header() and get_footer().
In this way you’re loading the WP header and footer … and if you want to include some CSS specifically for bbpress you’ll have to do it by means of a WP plugin or editing wordpress’ header files.
I was wondering if there is a way to have bbPress uses the style-sheet etc. from the template
I am using for WordPress, in order to have the same look and feel through the entire site.
That would be a real integration
bbpress registration did not indicate there was a set minumu for how many characters in username, might be a good idea if there was a note in the register form
i kept getting a username not valid and did not know why, how come with wordpress the username was ok but not on bbpress ?
I am hoping you put the bbPress installation instructions up there on your site as the WordPress/Invasion instructions don’t help here.
You can use WordPress Pages inside bbPress. I’m testing an integration between bb and wp and it works flawlessly. Look for some posts about including wp-config.php or wp-blog-header.php in your config.php.
It’s not off topic at all to talk about WordPress. I’m saying that the development of the two products is very much done in parallel, so if a decision is made about how tags should be inputed in WordPress (which is likely at this stage as tags are in development in WP), then that will likely affect the bbPress implementation. Perhaps you will get a better answer asking on the developers mailing list or by submitting a bug report on the Trac site.
Is there a way to do standalone pages in bbPress, like the undated “pages” in WordPress?
I’m starting a new project which must consist of a discussion board plus a small set of freestanding pages. The forums and pages need to have the same look and appear as tabs in a coherent navigation structure. I don’t need the freestanding pages to be in a user-friendly CMS, although it would be nice. I’m trying to decide whether to use bbPress alone, bbPress+WordPress, or something completely different.
I was attracted to bbPress in the first place because I thought I could use WordPress’s undated “pages” feature to supplement the forums. But now I gather from other posts that bbPress+WordPress integration is far from straightforward.
So, is there any easy way to present freestanding pages which are uniform in style with bbPress? Or should I give up and go with the competition? (I’m also looking at Drupal, ugh.)
WordPress doesn’t have tags…
Tag formatting should be consistent with whatever WordPress does.
YAY!!! I figured it out!
<?php global $user_identity;
if ($user_identity == ”) {
echo(‘Welcome Guest’);
} else {
echo(‘<img src=”/forum/avatars/’ . strtolower($user_identity) . ‘.jpg” alt=”avatar” />’);
i believe another problem (and this might be an integration issue) is that the users who have either logged in to bbpress using their wordpress logins (myself, Trent and one other user) or have attempted editing their profiles have had their emails within wordpress changed to “1”. that’s it, just the number 1 which would explain why I did not receive an email when both Trent and mdawaffe signed up for the site.
@davidbaldwin, the titles and rss are on a toggle, basically, when the page loads up, I check to see if bbpress is running:
global $bb;
if it is I switch the title to bbpress using bb_get_title()
, and switch the feed to bb_feed_head()
I’ve seen so many articles about integrating bbPress with WP I’m getting a headache, and I still haven’t got it to work.
Has anyone got a definitive guide to integrating bbPress with WP when BB is installed in a sub-directory of wordpress, perhaps an example “live” config.php?
OK – will look later when I am at home, but from memory I don’t recall a bb_usermeta table. Again, from recollection , the term Keymaster doesn’t feature in any of the WordPress installations I have (I am running about 4 on my server), but I’ll check in a couple of hours or so. My wp databases are separate from the bb databases (ie I run multiple databases under MySSQL – and none of my WP databases use the WP_ prefix, which is why I didn’t bother when I installed bbPres!)
Thank you for your help so far!
Unfortunately things did not work out. After adding those lines, I lost all privileges to post or even log out on wp and on bb registered users on wp are still experiencing failed log ins.
And on bb, after the new config.php was reloaded, it went into re-install.
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ‘.website.com’;
and this in wp-config.php for wordpress:
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘.website.com’);
define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);
going to http://www.mydomain/pcbb/bb-admin/themes.php just puts me straight back to the home page (my bbpress installation is actually in a directory called pcbb)
Just to make sure I have done everything correctly
I have created my-templates in pcbb
This is not integrated with any wordpress tables – they are all standalone – the bbpress database has the 8 bb_ tables in it and nothing else.
Copied the theme in its own directory to my-templates
I never have seen a presentation menu even on the new install which was 0.8.1. The new install didn’t have bb_ as table prefixes, although I have since corrected that (after upgrading to 0.8.2
Reinstall won’t help you!
When you log into bb, you also log into WordPress, but not the other way around, right? Trouble logging in is usually a cookie problem.
Add this to your config.php:
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
$bb->cookiedomain = '.example.com';
and this in your wp-config.php for wordpress:
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.example.com');
define('COOKIEPATH', '/');
I think that those are all the things you need to set. Give it a go.
To get www.community.example.com
you need to set up a subdomain. This is usually done in your control panel. Bear in mind that some hosts have restrictions on numbers etc.
“The black, green and white really works.”
-> I agree!
I’m thinking that literally translating “tags” is not a a good idea because in spanish it doesn’t sound very meaningful. Same with wordpress “categories”, it sounds strange.
I’d like to suggest anyother word but I still haven’t found a good one
Hey, fel 64!
Then this is a bad new because it is not smart at all changing core files.
However I have a half working “B plan”
You can get rid of that streams.php error by pointing the ‘BBLANG’ to the wordpress .mo file.
You have to change bbpress config.php like this;
define('BBLANGDIR', '/wp-includes/languages/es_ES.mo');
The problem is that when you copy the bbpress .mo to the wordpress .mo it doesn’t translate anything but the wp itself.
Translation files come in two files; a .mo file and a .po file that I think is the source code.
Perhaps you need to add anything to this .po file but I didn’t find out yet.
Some permalinks are showing up fine and some are not for me. What do you have in your .htaccess file in the /forum/ folder? Is it just:
+ Options Multiview
That seems to work for me. Without having a seperate .htaccess file for your bbPress folder, it will get messed up and try and use the wordpress .htaccess.
As for speed, nothing changed for me with and without permalinks on.
To get bbpress login integrated with WPMU I had to add the following lines to config.php, after $bb->wp_xxx settings:
if ( isset( $bb->wp_table_prefix ) ){
$bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;
$bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;
Because WPMU does not use HASH in its COOKIES.
Does editing your .htaccess to just having the following and nothing else work?:
Options +MultiViews
Does that work? Having it of course in your /bbpress/ folder only so that it is not screwing up your wordpress .htaccess file. Does that work for your installation?
Thanks for your explanations, i hope bbPress will be as clever as WordPress.