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  • #235489

    Hi there

    I’m still having this issue unfortunately.

    I contacted ThemeMyLogin support and they sent me to this link:

    Adding the code snippet above isn’t resolving the issue.

    Can you please advise.



    Robin W

    I just tried adding a user with a space in the name ie ‘test user’

    then in dashboard>forums>edit forum>moderators I typed in ‘test user’

    it did not pick up the name as I typed it so I had to type the full name, but it did accept it, and added it correctly to the forum database.

    per forum moderators are relatively new, and the 15 yr old and 8 year old threads would have been for bbpress version 1.

    so on my test site bbpress does allow moderators with spaces in the names.

    my next suggestion would be it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    I have a memberpress/bbPress/Wordpress site with about 100 members. I was trying to make a user a moderator of a particular forum. I was able to change her role to a moderator by editing her user profile OK. But when I add her username to the moderator field within the edit forum screen it spins on update but never registers the username as moderator.

    I then notice the username in question is of the format ‘firstname dot space secondname’

    I didn’t think WP allowed usernames with spaces or dots (periods) but apparently, it does and the username is created when they register via a Memberpress form. By default, they are made forum participants upon registering. I want to upgrade this user to be a moderator of a specific forum.

    The user HAS managed to post a topic in a forum already as a participant.

    So i’m assuming that the problem lies in bbPress NOT allowing spaces in usernames when you try to assign them to be a moderator of a specific forum?

    I was reading a 15 year old thread here where @howtogeek provides some plugin code. I tried saving this to a zipped .php file and adding it as a plugin but Wordfence said that wasn’t a good idea, so I’m not confident using 15-year old code is such a good workaround.

    There was another old thread from 8yrs here ago where @joop.stringer suggests tweaking permalinks but I can’t seem to figure that out either.

    I’ve come across this which will maybe help me prevent this from happening again.

    But can anyone confirm that the space in the username IS the reason I can’t assign a moderator
    role user to be the moderator of a specific forum, and if there is any more recent knowledge on this issue? i.e. does bbPress actually allow spaces in usernames now?

    Robin W
    Robin W

    ok, for input, try

    bbp profile information

    which lets users add profile information.


    I need to create a “name registry” in WordPress (either Gutenberg or Elementor Pro) that will allow users to input their own information and create a new “name registry” listing. Trying bbpress.



    listing of names should be presented and when a name is clicked, the supporting information is displayed.


    There will be lots of duplicate names, but usually, the date, country, or some other info is different.

    Supporting information example (when “Andrew” is clicked) is Date of entry, email, info:

    Andrew Loftus – 1818

    Do you have any knowledge of Andrew Loftus (Coachman) who was transported to Australia in 1818 after a trial in Co Mayo. He lived in Ballina but his wife Elizabeth Murphy, later lived in Crossmalina.

    Peter Kenny
    Sydney, Australia

    I have looked at forum plugins, directories, posts and cannot find a way to do this in WP. Most times the entry field descriptive text cannot be modified. Currently using the bbpress plugin but don’t see how I can modify the field text to ask users specific questions. I initially did it in html using a doku. But I want to covert this to WP and add the self-entered capability.

    Any suggestions or pointers? Is bbPress a viable route for this?


    I’m experiencing similar issues at, a Divi site. But even when I use one of the WordPress default themes (2023), I get similarly poorly formatted results at best. I agree with those suggesting this is primarily a bbPress issue, not a theme issue.


    After sucess import (wordpress tool) of forums, topics and replies and import to other page, topics are missing on forum pages.
    Here is a main forum page
    If open any of them, got message “Oh bother! No topics were found here!” (¡Vaya, no hay debates aquí!)
    In wp backend all forums, topics and replies are listed.
    I found here in bbpress forum similar problem from 2015 where installing some plugin that was developed by user on this forum Robin W. was solving the problem but that plugin not exist anymore.
    Anyone can help me?
    Thank you

    Robin W

    I’m just a guy sat in his kitchen who was helped several years ago when I was setting bbpress up, so I try to help others – I’m not a bbpress author.

    Updates from the bbpress authors are few and far between, I think they are on other projects now, and maybe consider bbpress as a mature product. The philosophy was always to keep bbpress small, and let other plugins add stuff that was needed.

    I do ask them to update the ‘tested to’ but it rarely happens. I test bbpress with new versions.

    That is and will always be the issue with open source software – it relies on people doing stuff for free, and people’s focus changes and people move on. That is annoying, but the reality of life.

    If you have things that need core updates, you can raise them on trac

    That way at least stuff that is wrong or could be done better gets logged.

    Rough Pixels

    Thanks, Robin for the plugin suggestion, but it’s more of the core of bbPress which seems quite outdated and a little messy with code. Plus, doing template overrides, there are things which hoped would be there that I can override. Some styles are using!important, some styles are reused in ways they shouldn’t be, so I had to get creative with overrides…I had to use javascript to remove/change/add classes to select elements: ie buttons.

    Then, on the bbpress plugin page at .org, this shows up as a notice:

    This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

    Time to revamp this plugin and bring the coding and features up-to-date–plus capabilities. Even here in this forum, the font size is just 12 px. Time to move it up a bit, especially for accessibility 🙂


    Hi Milan

    Thanks for the quick reply 🙂

    I-ve just made it a habit always checking up on the compability of every plugin i use against the new wordpress major releases before i update the wordpress on my website.

    Sure it takes a little longer time be fore i update wordpress but it’s way easier than update and then have to troubleshoot which plugin that’s the sinner when the whole site crashes 🙂

    Tanks again


    Milan Petrovic

    bbPress 2.6.9 is compatible with WordPress 6.2. As for PHP, it works fine with all the new versions, but it does generate various warnings with PHP 8.1 and newer (nothing critical, mostly about deprecated PHP functionalities).



    Wordpress has issued a warning on the plugins page at saying that this plugin hasen’t been tested with the current version of wordpress

    So Just out of curiosity is bbPress 2.6.9 campatible with the latest version of wordpress 6.2 ??
    And has it also been tested with the newest version of PHP 7.4/8.0/8.1/8.2 ??

    The information tab on the plugins page in says:
    Version: 2.6.9
    Author The bbPress Contributors
    Last update: 1 year ago
    Demands WordPress version: 5.0 or newer
    compatible up to: 5.9.5
    Demands PHP version: 5.6.20 or newer

    Please check and inform me and the rest of the plugins users about the status.
    Oh yeah and remember to update the plugins inforation tab at


    Robin W

    this plugin adds many features which you might feel are lacking

    bbp style pack

    Robin W

    add this plugin

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Freshness Display

    and you can set what shows in this column

    Robin W

    I am currently working on adding the block widgets to my bbp-style-pack plugin

    bbp style pack

    and then getting FSE themes to work aa well.


    In reply to: No pages available

    Robin W

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    In reply to: Close topic label

    Robin W

    ok, so that approach will not work, I was hooking to a wordpress filter, but it is used in too many places.

    I’ll re-think


    In reply to: Close topic label

    Robin W

    I’ll add this functionality to style pack in a few days, but in the meantime

    add_filter ('the_title' , 'rew_add_close_to_topics') ;
    function rew_add_close_to_topics ($title) {
    	if ( bbp_is_topic_closed()) {
    		$closed = '[Closed]' ;
    		$sep = ' ' ;
    		$position = 'after' ;
    		if (($position == 'before') && !str_contains($title, $closed)) $title = $closed.$sep.$title ;
    		if (($position =='after') && !str_contains($title, $closed)) $title = $title.$sep.$closed ;
    return $title ;	

    and amend words/position etc. as you wish.

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    and change the background of the closed block to match your theme


    Yes, similar to what happens in


    Thanks, I will review it.

    Topics that are created in the plugin forums can also be created in:

    And they can be viewed in both forums.

    I was looking to have a similar structure.


    It seems that there are no restrictions, in bbpress, on the number of topics or replies, but there are restrictions on the number of forums (I read 50).

    However, using the structure “” I see that there are thousands of forums. How can I replicate this structure?

    For example, let’s imagine I have 200 courses and I want to put a forum for each one. Then, the structure would be “”. But, in practice, how to do it?

    It seems to me that in the plugin support cases, is not using multisites or custom post type, because all the topics of all the plugins have this structure: There are about 1 million topics.

    My question is: to avoid the limit of 50 forums, how can I reproduce the structure “” and have a forum for each course?


    Hi, I’ve not used this plugin so I don’t know how it works.

    Maybe the plugin is using the WordPress excerpt, you can try this:

    add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'filter_the_excerpt', 10, 2 );
        function filter_the_excerpt( ) {
        return ' ';
    Robin W

    to atop forums being viewable to non logged in, the set them as ‘private’

    dashboard>forums>all forms>edit forum and set visibility as ‘private’

    if you want different users to see different forums, then

    Private groups


    In reply to: Formatted text


    Hi, mostly formatting comes with copy-paste of html text. If you want to strip html from the text you can make use of some WordPress functions: wp_strip_all_tags(), convert_chars() etc …


    function aa_stripped_content($content) {
        $content = wp_strip_all_tags($content);
        return $content;
    add_filter ('bbp_get_topic_content', 'aa_stripped_content'); 
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