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Re: WordPress/BBPress Single Sign On

I have done all the above directions but still can’t seem to get anything to work. It is not detecting the cookie and having be already logged in to bbpress after wordpress login. I have been working on this for some time.

I have the exact same scenario that schmitt has at the beginning of this thread.

Please help me out here, I have posted several thread but no one has helped me or taken a look at my config files.

Here they are:



// ** MySQL settings ** //
removed for security

define('BBDB_CHARSET', ''); // If you are *upgrading*, and your old bb-config.php does
define('BBDB_COLLATE', ''); // not have these two contstants in them, DO NOT define them
// If you are installing for the first time, leave them here

// Change BB_SECRET_KEY to a unique phrase. You won't have to remember it later,
// so make it long and complicated. You can visit
// to get a phrase generated for you, or just make something up.
// If you are integrating logins with WordPress, you will need to match the value
// of the "SECRET_KEY" in the WordPress file wp-config.php
define('BB_AUTH_KEY', '7k67k67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '67k67k76k67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', '67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('BB_SECRET_KEY', 'thisisone{crazy}sectret9084biugfhKey'); // Change this to a unique phrase.

// If you are running multiple bbPress installations in a single database,
// you will probably want to change this.
$bb_table_prefix = 'bb_'; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

// Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
// For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define('BB_LANG', '');

/* Stop editing */

if ( !defined('BB_PATH') )
define('BB_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/' );
require_once( BB_PATH . 'bb-settings.php' );

// The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.
// If you're not, just leave the rest as it is.

$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_econome'; // WordPress table prefix. Example: 'wp_';
$bb->wp_home = ''; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ''
$bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ''

$bb->usercookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_my has here';
$bb->passcookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_my has here';
$bb->cookiedomain = '';
$bb->cookiepath = '/';



// ** MySQL settings ** //
removed for security

// Change each KEY to a different unique phrase. You won't have to remember the phrases later,
// so make them long and complicated. You can visit
// to get keys generated for you, or just make something up. Each key should have a different phrase.
define('AUTH_KEY', '7k67k67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '67k67k76k67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', '67k76'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('SECRET_KEY', 'thisisone{crazy}sectret9084biugfhKey');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

$wp->cookiepath = '/';
$wp->sitecookiepath = '/';
define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');

// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix
$table_prefix = 'wp_econome_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages.
// For example, install to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');

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