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Re: URGENT WPMU Intergration — BBPress Changing user roles in WPMU



So… I’m thinking the secret lies somewhere here:

bb-includes/ Lines 171+:

if ( count( $wordpress_roles_new ) ) {
bb_update_usermeta( $user, $wordpress_table_prefix . 'capabilities', $wordpress_roles_new );
bb_update_usermeta( $user, $wordpress_table_prefix . 'user_level', max( $wordpress_userlevels_new ) );

Can I just change the 3rd argument to keep it null?

Of course, there is also the next few lines dealing with: function bb_apply_wp_role_map_to_orphans()

In short — how can I prevent bbpress from messing with my WPMU settings ever!? And I mean – never ever! If I want to change the MU settings, I’ll do it in MU.

Bad bbpress! No! Bad program. Go to your room. ;)

Even when a new user registers in BBpress – let em be orphaned in MU… whats the harm?

(Stop… think… how will the affect cookies… if a user goes to MU, and there is no setting for them, but they have a shared cookie saying they are logged in, MU will FREAK OUT!… So, something needs to change on MU’s end to say: if this happens, (cookie says logged in, but no role for you!) no biggie, stay cool, just pretend the user is not logged in…. Oooooh…. am I on to something?)

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