Re: Theme template files to change for 1.0?
in topic.php in your theme folder use
<?php bb_topic_admin(); ?>
instead of the ‘<?php topic_delete_link(); ?> <?php topic_close_link(); ?> <?php topic_sticky_link(); ?>
<?php topic_move_dropdown(); ?>’ (line 55)
Come to think of it I may have updated a core file.
and topic-tags.php becomes
<div id="topic-tags">
<p><?php _e('Tags:'); ?></p>
<?php if ( bb_get_topic_tags() ) : ?>
<?php bb_list_tags(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<p><?php printf(__('No <a href="%s">tags</a> yet.'), bb_get_tag_page_link() ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php tag_form(); ?>
(just replace the entire page)
This does break the improvements I suggested in though. Although I have edited the core files (which is not encouraged) to bring back the functionality of showing who posted a tag to moderators.