Re: Show User Registration Date
Hi chris and thank you for your suggestion.
I looked into the function you mentioned in template_functions.php which would be around here:
function bb_profile_data( $id = 0 ) {
if ( !$user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $id ) ) )
$reg_time = bb_gmtstrtotime( $user->user_registered );
$profile_info_keys = get_profile_info_keys();
echo "<dl id='userinfo'>n";
echo "t<dt>" . __('Member Since') . "</dt>n";
echo "t<dd>" . bb_datetime_format_i18n($reg_time, 'date') . ' (' . bb_since($reg_time) . ")</dd>n";
The problem is that this functions gets the data from the currently logged in user, or so I would assume, given that it’s the data for that specific profile.
But in order to display the registration date for each user in a topic I’d need to call the data for each user individually.