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Re: removing ‘unresolved’



Three types of forums:

Kind of Active

Very Active

Way too Active

View posts since last visit is how users in most “Very Active” forums keep track of what’s going on, as well as the moderators, so it should be available.

(Compare this to kind of active forums where you can immediately tell what’s changed, and way too active forums where users usually search out/discover and ‘subscribe’ to their favorite threads in the sea of threads.

This will also help people in the transition from an older forum solution like phpBB.

The links you mentioned also still be useful for moderators, especially “posts with no tags.” if they want to go in and clean up after the users. Perhaps resolved/unresolved/not a support question should just be made extensible so users can pick whatever they want to put there, or choose not to use it at all.

PS- If you comment those links out of your front-page.php that should solve a lot of your immediate problems.

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