Re: Redirect Loop after installation
in my case I can successfully go through step 2, and the system tells me:
“Your WordPress integration cookie and database settings have been successfully validated. They will be saved after the next step.
After that I name the forum, choose my normal WP-Admin-User,etc.
When I want to complete the next step it prompts me with: Installation Errors:
“Forum could not be created!” and tells in the complete log:
“Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
>>> Setting up custom user table constants
Step 1 – Creating database tables
>>> Modifying database: <my_db> (<my_host>)
>>>>>> Table: bb_forums
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_meta
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_posts
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_tagged
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_tags
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_terms
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_topics
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: bb_topicmeta
>>>>>>>>> Creating table
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: wp_users
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: ID
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_login
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_pass
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_nicename
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_email
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_url
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_registered
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_status
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: display_name
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>> Table: wp_usermeta
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: umeta_id
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_id
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done
Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)
>>> WordPress address (URL):
>>> Blog address (URL):
>>> WordPress cookie keys set.
>>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.
>>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.
>>> Fetching missing WordPress cookie salts.
>>>>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt not set.
>>> User database table prefix: wp_
Step 3 – Site settings
>>> Site name: fl3x Forum
>>> Site address (URL):
>>> From email address: <my_email>
>>> Key master role assigned to existing user
>>>>>> Benutzername: <admin_user>
>>>>>> E-Mail-Adresse: <my_email>
>>>>>> Passwort: Your existing password
>>> Beschreibung: Just another bbPress community
>>> Forum could not be created!
>>> Key master email sent
There were some errors encountered during installation!”
Thats all, and afterwards I won’t see a forum, I only get error messages on Firefox regarding a redirection loop.