Re: New bbPress BUGGY!!!
Let me premise this by stating that I installed an “integrated” version of the upgrade (BTW, the instructions could be a LOT clearer on this process – not everyone is experienced with php).
I was planning on spending some time on this later, but on this subject (links), my original links were set to “Numeric …/forums/1”. After upgrading, links from my web sites to the bbPress section no longer worked and generated a 404 error. I looked at the links within the bbPress site and they looked fine. For instance, a “sticky” topic I link to from all my web sites is “” (I copied the shortcut with a right click on the link). It looks correct, but it does not work. Not even within the bbPress section and certainly not from the outside coming in.
So I switched the setting on my “Pretty permalink type” to “None …/forums.php?id=1”. With this setting, everything once again worked. I left it this way, but these are definitely not “pretty” links. The link to the same topic is now “”. BTW, “Name based …” links do not work either.
OK, that is the first issue. There are more and I will detail those tomorrow, each one in its own separate topic as suggested above.
Let me, however, compliment everyone who has been involved in this project and WordPress. Both efforts are truly beyond belief in terms of what you get by simply downloading some code from the internet. ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT! So good, in fact, you spoil us to the point where we expect everything to be close to perfect at all times. That is a bit irrational and the experience with both programs should be graciously appreciated. Thank you for your work!
L. Carhartt