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Re: MediaWiki, bbPress, and WordPress integration..



UPDATE: I just wanted to fill everyone in on what I have just done..

1) I downloaded and installed the Themed Login and Registration plugin for WordPress.

2) Upload it, then activate it as normal.

OR, If you are running WordPress version 2.1-alpha3.. Before uploading and installing this plugin, open the themed-logreg.php file..

Find this line:

require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration-functions.php’);

Change it to this:

require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’);

This is because in the 2.1-apha3 version, they just renamed some of the files in the wp-includes/ directory..

3) I made a page called: Where To

Since I have pretty permalinks on, the page’s location is here for example:

In the Where To page’s Write Window, I added the following text/urls for example:

“If you are seeing this page, you now have the ability to access the following places with your username and password.

The <a href="">Codex</a>.

The <a href="">Forums</a>.

The <a href="">Site Admin</a>. “

4) Under Plugins => Login Register Options =>

A) Under the: Uninstallation Options => I put check in box for: Toggle Complete Uninstall:

B) Under the: Redirect After Login: => I changed wp-admin/ to where-to/

If you have the normal setup for the permalinks, (for me on localhost this worked): /?page_id=11

Of course, change the actual number to your own..

C) Under the: Redirect After Logout: => I left this one at: wp-login.php

D) If you are using any other theme, then the “Gathering” theme, you might want to skip this section. And follow the directions for it, according to your theme’s layout!

Unless your sidebar call is like this.. in the index.php file:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

Still in the Login Register Options, I left everything alone from there down TILL the part for the “Template Header Files: section..

D-1) Since I’m using the “Gathering” theme, the call for the sidebar, in the theme files is right after the header call.

<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

D-2) In the Template Header Files: window, I made it like this:



D-3) In the Template After Header HTML: window, I made it like this:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<div id="maincontent">

D-4) In the Template Before Footer HTML: window, I made it like this:

<?php endif; ?>


<!--index.php end-->

<!--include footer-->

<?php get_footer(); ?>

D-5) In the Template Footer Files: window, I made it like this: footer.php

E) Scroll down to the User Email Template: window. Since he uses variables for his stuff.. here is what I used for mine, and it works because I got the email after doing a test sign up. :D

Username: ##username##

Password: ##password##

You now have the ability to access any of the following locations with your username and password.

The Site Admin


The Forums


The Codex

Please note: Of course… change the The Codex and Forums urls to whatever your’s is.. example: ##siteurl##/my-forums-folder-name/

And for Codex/Wiki: or whatever..

Then I click the Update Options button.. :D ;)

F) In my Theme’s CSS File, I added the following CSS Style references:

#login {margin:0 auto 0 auto;width:250px;}

#login ul {margin:0;padding:0;}

#login ul li {display:inline;margin-left:10px;}

Everything seems to be working just fine! I hope this helps others..

After logging in, you should be taken to this page then:

Which of course.. can still be seen by everyone, either way. (But it’s not really made public either, because I don’t have the page itself, listed in the header nav bar, and sidebar nav section.)

However.. it’s not going to do much good to them, because if they aren’t registered and stuff.. they can’t access my blog’s wp-admin, forums or codex.. lmao!

Anyway, I just did TWO test signups.. and was able to login to my Codex, Forums, and the Blog’s wp-admin control panel.. whee!!


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