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Re: Latest Disscussions Plugin



I am still a stuck on this, I am not totally sure what to enter in my plugin options. With the old plugin I adjusted these options in the plugin php file:

$bbpath = ‘/content/forums’; // Adjust the path to suit your bbpress location. Example: ‘/forums’

$forum_slimit = ’20’; // Adjust the limit to show

… and I was able to get the feature working.

In the options menu for the new plugin I have adjusted the path to reflect the above path. I left the options below the “External DB” option blank: “Bbpress DB User, Bbpress DB Pass, Bbpress DB Name, Bbpress DB Host,” for I believe these are for using the external database, and I am using the local host and sharing a database with WordPress. (I also tried filling the “Bbpress DB User, Bbpress DB Pass, Bbpress DB Name, Bbpress DB Host” options, with out checking the external datatbase box, and I ran into the same issue.)

Anyhow, I will have to re-activate the old v.3 working plugin for now, and we will have to manually edit the title lengths in the meantime. I will still be pushing for a solution, and if anyone has any ideas to why I can’t get this plugin working, the help would be appreciated.



btw- i’m on WordPress 2.1 & bbPress 0.8.1

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