Re: How to send forum posts to email
Gautam that is the source.i adopted it from Thomas Klaiber post notification plugin.Klaiber plugin sends one email notification on topics in their favourites only without the i need to figure out how to reply to a post through email.
function notification_new_post()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix, $topic_id,$bb_current_user,$post_id;
$all_users = notification_select_all_users();
foreach ($all_users as $userdata) :
$topic = get_topic($topic_id);
$posts = get_thread($topic_id, 1, 1);
$posts = array_reverse($posts);
$last = array_pop($posts);
$last_text = strip_tags($last->post_text);
$message = __(“There is a new post on the forumnnTopic title: %1$s nPosted by: %2$snn Url:%3$s nn Contents nn %4$s”);
mail( $userdata->user_email, bb_get_option(‘name’) . ‘:’ . __(‘Notification’),
sprintf( $message, $topic->topic_title,get_user_name($bb_current_user->ID),get_topic_link($topic_id),$last_text),
‘From: ‘ . bb_get_option(‘admin_email’) );
add_action(‘bb_new_post’, ‘notification_new_post’);
function notification_select_all_users()
global $bbdb;
$all_users = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT ID, user_email FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_status=0”);
return $all_users;