Re: “Demo site” – wordpress integrations problem
ok, i found it in the theme file login-form.php
any ideas? here is the file… I am having trouble figuring out why it wont let me login when i have the require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’); in my bb-config
<form class=”login” method=”post” action=”<?php bb_option(‘uri’); ?>bb-login.php”>
<p>Regisration disabled. This is a demo site.</p>
<label><?php _e(‘Username:’); ?>
<input name=”user_login” type=”text” id=”user_login” size=”13″ maxlength=”40″ value=”<?php echo attribute_escape( $_COOKIE[ bb_get_option( ‘usercookie’ ) ] ); ?>” />
<label><?php _e(‘Password:’); ?>
<input name=”password” type=”password” id=”password” size=”13″ maxlength=”40″ />
<input name=”re” type=”hidden” value=”<?php global $re; echo $re; ?>” />
<input type=”submit” name=”Submit” id=”submit” value=”<?php echo attribute_escape( __(‘Log in »’) ); ?>” />