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Re: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.



fel64: I’ve done that. I have the fix-bbpress plugin in and the “1” are no longer apearing. I then went through each account and put a 0 in the field and saved it. When I reload that page, it’s blank. (No 0)

Still having this problem.

SamBauers: I’ve completely deleted the bb-plugins directory and I still get the error. Could simple-onlinelist have put something int he database and corrupted it? I’ve had this plugin installed for a week. Don’t know why all of a sudden it would do this.

I looked in the database and all of the offending topics/posts were bozoed. But the authors are not. I don’t understand why whenever I try to delete ANY post (even ones from 2 weeks ago) I get “You do not have permission to do that.”

From wp_metadata:

User              table                   value
1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}

From bb_topicmeta:

Edit    Delete        meta_id 	topic_id 	meta_key 	meta_value
Edit Delete 19 15 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 20 15 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}
Edit Delete 18 14 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}
Edit Delete 17 14 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 15 13 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 16 13 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}

Can someone decypher this? (The bozo parts)

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