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Re: Cannot login, Hide forum

No problem zapata. To get rid of the register link, you need to download login-form.php from /bb-templates/ and then edit it as follows:

Change this part from:

<p><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Register</a> or log in'), bb_get_option('uri').'register.php') ?>:</p>

to get rid of the register, you could just comment out this line or change the wording:

<! -- <p><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Register</a> or log in'), bb_get_option('uri').'register.php') ?>:</p> -->

Once you have edited that file, upload it to a new folder (if it doesn’t exist already in root) /my-templates/ as bbPress will use that file first and if it doesn’t exist, go back to the one in /bb-templates/

As for the registering with WordPress, I was only referring to the abilitity to turn on or off registration in WP admin. If you turn it off, then you can add the members you want through the admin.

That should get you going!


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