Re: Cannot Integrate users with WP
i think i may need those functions to intergrate teh forum “theme” with the rest of the site so it doesnt look like two seperate thigns.
ill be back after i try this : require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’); one more time.
Do you know if this has to be the first line in the config file or something. and does php use 2 dots ie “../” to mean back a directory, getting confusing.
And btw i changed it from bb-config-sample.php to bb-config.php before installing it becuase it didnt work.
the structure is like this : –
and in bb-config.php i put this line, in the first line after the <?php :-
after copying that line in bb-config.php would this mean that i cant login as different users in the forum and the blog AT THE SAME TIME.
for example i just put the line in but this time not at the beginning of bb-config.php and it worked but its not letting me for example login as the admin of the blog and as a different user in the forum AT THE SAME TIME. or is that meant to happen.