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Re: bbPress v1’s eventual release



I can’t really add to the argument except to say that I never tried any older versions, so downloaded RC1 last week & love it. I only have one issue mentioned in another thread, I can’t get the function bb_new_topic_link();

to work but have worked around that for the moment using hardcoded links. The function is only used in 3 places so it’s not much of an issue.

I am using it on a live site for less than a week now – – its quiet at the moment but will get busy & fully tested in the next few months

As WordPress 2.8 is due out the door any day with it’s new widget classes, a lot of themes will have to be upgraded to take advantage of the changes so I can see a lot of people leaving WordPress 2.5, 2.72 and so on behind and making the switch to 2.8.

The sooner bbPress can be fully integrated with WP 2.8 the better in my opinion.

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