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Re: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMU


I took a look at the bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table and noticed that all entries related to the user capabilities were ‘a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}’. This is rather odd since user id 1 is the admin and that should be listed as KEY MASTER. SO, looking at a old data base backup of my last working version showed the entry as ‘a:2:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;s:8:”throttle”;b:1;}’. So I changed it to that value for id ‘1’.

The result, everything seems to work, user integration, creation of NEW groups and forums, entering topics and replies on BOTH sites. The ONLY thing that is not working is the reactivation of my existing group discussions by toggling the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option in the group admin pane. I will stop here for today. Maybe you have a suggestion tomorrow.

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