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Re: bbPress 1.0 released

Ok, yeah… The thing is that I am running a regular WP 2.7.1 and I wanted to upgrade to 2.8.

Now, snce I know that in a couple of monthe I’ll need BuddyPress integration to my site, my question is: should I upgrade to regular 2.8 and than switch to WP MU 2.7.1 to integrate BuddyPress.

Actually, I am confused by the fact that WP is now 2.8 while WP MU is 2.7.1, and don’t know if it’s a good idea to go from WP2.8 to WP MU 2.7.1.

Otherwise, I post this here, because I got a bbPress forum up (alpha 6) with the current site, and wanted to upgrade to WP 2.8 and bbPress 1.0…

I hope sometime soon WP, WP MU, bbPress, BuddyPress will install and work one in another in an easier way.

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