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Re: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 released



Also, when I register a new user through WordPress as per normal, that user is still not assigned a role in bbPress. Not when they login, not when they hit the forum for the first time. Not ever.

My Steps:

  1. I used a Chrome browser window to register a new user through WordPress
  2. Logged in via WordPress
  3. Hit the forum
  4. User could not post, looks like has no role
  5. Logged out via WordPress
  6. Used FireFox to login as admin to check new user role
  7. No Role Assigned
  8. Used Chrome to login through bbPress
  9. Hit the forum
  10. User could not post, looks like has no role
  11. Used Firefox admin to edit Test user
  12. Received typical error message (noted below)

Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /forums/bb-includes/ on line 2009

Basically it looks like the exact same error message as before, with the same circumstances.

Round two using alpha 5 trunk from the SVN went exactly the same way, only this time when I logged in via bbPress, the above Warning went away, but that user is still marked as Inactive by default when they should be a Member according to the role map.

When registering through bbPress, the new user still is not assigned a Role on the WordPress side either.

Sam, can you explain to me what was supposed to be different in alpha5? Maybe I misunderstood…

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