Re: bbcode lite : display others bbcodes in code, into a code balise
If you want to also use [pre]
then you have to also edit the bbcode plugin to translate that tag too.
Hmm, this is strange, I have ‘pre’ in the allow extra tags list but it’s not being added.
Update: argh, bbPress unsets “pre” and “br”
Alright, if you want bbcode processed in code/backtick sections, simply comment out this line in the plugin:
// if (preg_match_all("|<code>(.*?)</code>|sim", $text, $backticks)) {foreach ($backticks[0] as $backtick) {++$counter; $text=str_replace($backtick,"_bbcode_lite_".$counter."_",$text);}}
It’s right under